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Brainerd has provided a complicated and sometimes confusing home for several newspapers over the course of its history. They are the: Arena, Centennial Third Termer, Daily Greeley Wave, Daily Journal, (a short-lived daily offshoot of the Weekly Journal), Daily News (2), Dispatch (weekly and daily), Journal Press [originally the Arena], Posten (weekly) Tribune and Weekly Journal. This is an attempt to provide some clarity as well as a brief and incomplete history of some of them.

Ann M. Nelson



The Brainerd Arena, the new popo-cratic paper will make its first appearance next Wednesday, March 1st. The office of the Arena has been established in the Columbian block, and Editor Beard is now busily engaged in getting out the first issue. The DISPATCH heartily wishes Mr. Beard and the Arena unqualified success. (Brainerd Dispatch, 24 February 1899, p. 8, c. 1)

SEE: Columbian Block in the Buildings & Parks of Brainerd page.

The Brainerd Arena made its first appearance on Wednesday, as announced in the last issue of the DISPATCH. It is a six column quarto, bright and newsy, and contains a very liberal advertising patronage. The editor, Mr. E. E. Beard, seems to be a hustler, and we bespeak for the Arena a fair share of the newspaper patronage of the city. (Brainerd Dispatch, 03 March 1899, p. 4, c. 1)

The Arena has been sold to Mr. J [sic]. J. O’Toole, who takes possession at once. Mr. O’Toole is a hustling young newspaper man recently connected with the St. Paul Dispatch and is thoroughly familiar with all branches of the business. He will conduct a “red hot democratic paper” to use his own language, which will fill a long felt want. That he may succeed is the earnest wish of the DISPATCH. (Brainerd Dispatch, 10 November 1899, p. 4, c. 1)

The DISPATCH was a little premature in stating that the Arena had been sold to M [sic]. J. O’Toole, but we had no doubt of the truth of the statement, as Mr. O’Toole informed the DISPATCH that the terms had been agreed upon, and the deal would be closed the next day, and it is well known that Mr. Beard is very anxious to sell to accept a bank position in the west. The DISPATCH is indifferent as to who conducts the Arena hence could have no object in making the statement except as a matter of news. (Brainerd Dispatch, 17 November 1899, p. 8, c. 3)

The Brainerd Arena has been sold this is an absolute fact and is vouched for by Bro. Beard himself, and this week’s issue of the paper comes to our desk with the names of W. S. Cox and Robert Clouston, as publishers. The announcement is made that under the new management the paper will be democratic in politics. There certainly should be a field for one live paper of that persuasion in a city of 10,000 people and we bespeak for the gentlemen a share of the prosperity that the entire northwest, and the whole country for that matter, is being blessed with—even if it is republican prosperity. Our best wishes are extended the publishers of the Arena for success in their venture. (Brainerd Dispatch, 22 December 1899, p. 4, c. 2)

Change in the Arena Office.

W. S. Cox has purchased Robert Clouston’s interest in the Arena, and will be the sole proprietor hereafter. Mr. Clouston has not yet decided on his plans for the future, but will probably return to Minneapolis, where he and his family resided before coming here. If they decide to leave their departure will be sincerely regretted by numerous friends made during their short residence in this city. The change will make no difference in the Arena, as Mr. Cox has occupied the editorial chair during the recent management, hence the Arena will be as bright and newsy as heretofore. (Brainerd Dispatch, 14 December 1900, p. 8, c. 3)

The Arena office will be removed into the second story of the Dressen building on 6th street next week, and the Tribune press will be used in printing the Arena edition. (Brainerd Dispatch, 29 March 1901, p. 8, c. 1)

The Arena began last week to print all at home, and certainly presents a greatly improved appearance. Editor Cox seems to be enjoying the general prosperity of these good republican times. (Brainerd Dispatch, 03 May 1901, p. 4, c. 1)



Editor Cox, of the Arena, Forci-

bly Carried into Country

Wednesday Night.




After Applying the Tar He is Al-

lowed to Walk Home Un-


One of the most daring incidents for sometime was perpetrated Wednesday night when three men, with false beards, painted faces, and armed to the teeth, made a rather hasty call at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. McCullough on Eighth street and kidnapped W. S. Cox, editor of the Arena, of this city. It took a strong nerve to carry out the plans made but the men seemed to be composed of the fabric that knows no limit.

Cox with a friend by the name of F. E. Stout, of the auditing department of the Minnesota & International had gone to the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. McCullough to call on Miss Onolee McCullough and Miss Mary Nye, who had come in from the lake yesterday morning. Mr. McCullough had left for the lake a few minutes before and no one was in the house at the time. The young ladies were going to be driven out to the lake and were about ready to start. The two gentlemen, Mr. Cox and Mr. Stout, with the two young ladies were seated on the porch within the screen enclosure at the McCullough residence. Two men came up the walk toward the house and when they stepped inside the screen and drew their revolvers it was considered a joke by the quartette, but when the men were seen to wear false beards and when their revolvers were thrust into the faces of the two young ladies as well as the young men, it was realized that it was no joking matter. One large man grabbed Cox around the waist and carried him out toward the road where there was a wagon in readiness to carry him away.

Mr. Stout stepped in to interfere and as he did so he was dealt a severe blow on the head with a revolver which stunned him for a few minutes. By the time he recovered from the shock the team with Editor Cox aboard was speeding away down the street at a terrific gait. Mr. Stout went down town at once and gave the alarm and got his wound dressed.

Everyone seemed to be in a quandary as to the direction that the men pursued with the team. Some thought that they had gone west and others thought that they had gone down past the cemetery and turned east.

There were many suppositions as to what the men would do with the editor, but all these were quieted when the gentleman calmly showed up at his room about 11:30 o’clock. The occurrence happened about 10 o’clock and the time passed so rapidly that it seemed almost like a miracle that the thing occurred at all.

When the men were reconnoitering about the house they were all separated for a time, but when they walked up to the door of the residence to get the editor one man jumped from the rig and the other one seemed to approach from another direction. One was a very tall man and the other two were small men. Mr. Cox states that when they came on the porch not a word was spoken, and in fact during the whole proceedings the only words spoken was when the men were on their way out one man said, “Don’t hurt him.”

They tied a large bandana handkerchief about his eyes and he could not tell what streets they took in going out, but it is thought that they went out the way of the cemetery. The spot where they took Mr. Cox was in a dense strip of forest to the east of the Brainerd Lumber Company mill. Here they had several cans of tar and they at once proceeded to business. The big man held Cox’s arms back of him while the other two men poured the tar over his head. There were some feathers in the tar, and for a time the editor states that he did not know but that he might get a real good tar and feathering. They left him alone after the work was done and never uttered a word. They rode back to town and Cox was obliged to walk all the way.

Upon arriving at his room Mr. Cox got a preparation and started to wash his hair and then went over to see his friend, F. E. Stout. Mr. Stout was surprised to see him back so soon, but he looked a great deal worse hurt that did the real captive of the episode. (Brainerd Dispatch, 30 August 1901, p. 1, c.’s 3 & 4)

$200 Reward Offered.

Pursuant to a resolution passed by the City Council of the city of Brainerd, Minn., Sept. 3, 1901, authorizing and directing the mayor of said city to offer as a reward the sum of $200 to any party or parties who will furnish evidence that will lead to the arrest and conviction of the parties who on Wednesday evening, Aug. 28, 1901, went to the home of E. B. McCullough in said city and with force and arms abducted one W. S. Cox, and then and there conveyed him to the outskirts of said city and there abused, assaulted and otherwise maltreated him; now, therefore, in accordance with said order, I, A. J. Halsted, mayor of said city do hereby offer the sum of $200 to be paid out of the city treasury, upon the approval of said council, to any party or parties who will furnish evidence that will lead to the arrest and conviction of the guilty parties.



(Brainerd Dispatch, 06 September 1901, p. 7, c. 4)

SEE: Dressen Block in the Buildings & Parks of Brainerd page.

NOTE: The Dressen Block at 213 South Sixth Street, which eventually housed Garvey’s Cafe in the 1920’s and 30’s and the Land O’ Lakes Cafe and Bar in the 1940’s, 50’s and later, also held at various times, both the Arena and the Tribune.



E. K. Woodin and Others Take a

Plunge into the Newspaper





The Paper Will be Independent in

Politics and Name Will Not

be Changed.

The Brainerd Arena, W. S. Cox editor and proprietor, was sold last night, the bill of sale running to E. K. Woodin, a well-known resident of this city.

When the news was first circulated there were all kinds of surprises regarding the significance of the change, but none seemed able to talk authoritatively.

While the bill of sale of the plant and the paper runs to E. K. Woodin it is understood from Mr. Woodin himself that F. L. Barnes and J. W. Pinckney are also interested, and the three will compose what is to be known as the Arena Publishing company. E. K. Woodin will be general manager, F. L. Barnes, editor and J. W. Pinckney is to have charge of the mechanical end of the paper. It is understood that the consideration was $2,000.

All three gentlemen are well and favorably known in the city.

The paper is to be independent in politics.

W. S. Cox, who during his residence in the city has made many friends, is undecided as to his future. He will leave tomorrow night for the east for a short visit after which he will return to Brainerd for a short time. He intends ultimately to go west to locate. (Brainerd Daily Dispatch, 18 May 1904, p. 2, c. 4)

NOTE: By 1907 the Arena was being published in the Bane Block at 218 1/2 South Seventh Street.

On December 9, 1910 [This may be the date the first Journal Press was published.] the Arena was sold to Ralph M. Sheets; by [December 1910] he had renamed it the Journal Press and was publishing it from 512 Front Street. (Brainerd 1871-1946, Carl Zapffe, Colwell Press, Incorporated, Minneapolis, Minnesota: 1946; p. 154)

25 November 1910. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Sheets, recently of Long Prairie, have arrived in this city, where Mr. Sheets has purchased the old Arena printing plant from Congressman C. A. Lindbergh. Within a week he will start publication of a new weekly paper, the Brainerd Journal. (This Was Brainerd, Brainerd Dispatch, Thursday, 25 November 2010)

NOTE: Congressman C. A. Lindbergh was the father of the famous aviator Charles A. Lindbergh.

SEE: Journal Press


Chauncey B. Sleeper editor and publisher, ca. 1888.
Source: Northwest Illustrated Monthly Magazine, Volume VI, Number 7, July 1888, E. V. Smalley, Editor and Publisher, p. 14

NEW Paper.—Brainerd is to have a new paper, the character of which is indicated by its name given in the prospectus now in course of circulation—The Centennial Third Termer. Capt. C. B. Sleeper is to be its editor and proprietor, and states in his card that “it means U. S. Grant for President, from which it is to be presumed that we are to have another and unlimited term of Grantism.” “Render under Caesar the things that be Caesar’s.” would make a good motto, Bro. Sleeper. (Brainerd Tribune, 15 November 1876, p. 1, c. 7)

Sleeper’s Third Term Mania.

We recently met a gentleman—a government official, who would be prejudiced in favor of “three ter-rums” if any one would, probably,—and he told us that during the past six months he had traveled from Maine to California, and from St. Paul to New Orleans; and in all his peregrinations he had not met a single person who was either absolutely or conditionally a third term man—and he didn’t believe there was a political monstrosity of that sort on the continent; and he thereupon assured us that his opinion of Americans as a self-governing, intelligent people, was a most exalted one. Taking this pretty reliable authority as evidence in the matter, the supporters of Mr. Grant, as well as the patrons of Sleeper’s Third Termer, bids fair to be like chicken’s teeth, or diamonds in a grindstone quarry—few and far between. Nevertheless, what is likely to be lost to Bro. Sleeper is likely to be gained to Brainerd. Our city has in many ways gained widespread notoriety, since it was founded, but her chief glory has been held in reserve till the last; which is to say, that Brainerd possesses, as chief star in her galaxy of all former wonders—not even excepting her soap mine, or Burk-an’-’is-bear—the only solitary third term Grant man among all the forty million people who bless the American name. Push in another peg, big as a hitching post, for Brainerd. Sleeper must have a most terribly lonesome time of it, slopping around all alone among forty million people; he must feel very like a recluse; or a fresh water icicle bobbing around in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, or something.

Serious comment, on Sleeper’s third term madness, isn’t particularly called for. (Brainerd Tribune, 22 January 1876, p. 1, c. 5)

THE present is one of the most remarkable winters that have occurred in Minnesota since its settlement by the white man. Seventeen years ago was a similar one, when scarcely any snow fell, and when, in the spring, a large area of wheat was sown early in March, even so far north as St. Cloud. This winter thus far has proven to be almost as much of a monstrosity among the bouquet of Minnesota seasons as the Third Termer is in the ranks of Newspaperdom; and while, the character of the one is very uncommon, the character of the other is very ridiculous. The weather is very pleasant, indeed. (Brainerd Tribune, 22 January 1876, p. 4, c. 2)

RESPECTFULLY dedicated to the “poetry” grinder of the Third Termer:

A “mule” wrote poetry,(?)

And said it was he

Who could sling his tail highly,

So the world could see

How near to an ass

A mule could be.

With a wind-broken, “wah-hee!”

In vain imitation,

He bawled without sense,

Or any limitation—

And finally wound up,

Beat all to flinder-ation.

While a cat may gaze saucily

Up at the King,

It don’t go to prove

That a mule can sing—

Or, e’er bray like an ass,

Poor, half-an’-’alf thing.

Marked only by a small rude cross”—’tween

a jackass an’ a hoss. ROBERT.

(Brainerd Tribune, Morris C. Russell, 29 January 1876, p. 1, c. 7)

BRO. SLEEPER, in his Third Termer, reminds us of the ostrich, which covers its head, and thinks its whole body is hidden. He only deceives himself. (Brainerd Tribune, 29 January 1876, p. 1, c. 7)

HARTLEY undertook to sit down on the Third Termer last week, and squash the breath out of it. But we still breathe, and bid fair to be a lively corpse on his hands. Sit on us some more, Bro. H.—Third T.

We deny the allegation and defy the allegator—we have more regard for our breeches. (Brainerd Tribune, 29 January 1876, p. 4, c. 1)

“A little dirty, dyspeptic newspaper has been started at Brainerd, Minn., under the name of The Centennial Third Termer.New York Tribune.

One verse—short meter: Will brother Sleeper please arise and sing? (Brainerd Tribune, 29 January 1876, p. 4, c. 1)

From the Third Termer Feb. 3rd.

TWENTY-FIVE thousand dollars for Centennial exhibition. Good, but not enough. Add Sen. McDonald’s $10,000 for just the figure.

ACCIDENT.—Mr. Wadham was severely injured at the Shops on Monday by the falling of a stick of wood on his head. Not dangerously injured.

COL. McLELLAN and his estimable family are about to remove to St. Paul. During their residence here they have made many friends, and their removal is regretted by all. (Brainerd Tribune, 05 February 1876, p. 4, c. 2)



It has been told us that a second newspaper enterprise is to be entered upon in our gem city; it is to be a Greeley paper from now till the November election [Daily Greeley Wave], after that an agricultural journal. If we have a weakness, outside of printing it is agriculture. Not having the time nor the proper talent, however, to conduct an agricultural journal ourself, we hail with pleasure the inception of a periodical in our midst that will give this great subject—agriculture—a prop and impetus, in this our new, rich, but yet undeveloped agricultural District. It will have, as a regular contributor, Mr. Greeley himself, from his farm at Chappaqua, and will doubtless meet with a liberal support from our farmer friends. This is the talk, now for the substance. A Greeley paper in Brainerd, would, no doubt, be a financial success. (Brainerd Tribune, 03 August 1872, p. 1, c. 6)

Mark H. Kellogg, former resident of Brainerd, died at the Battle of the Little Big Horn, special correspondent for the Bismarck Tribune, ca. Unknown.
Source: Unknown

MARK H. KELLOGG, the newspaper correspondent killed with Custer’s expedition on the 25th ult., was once a resident of Brainerd. For a time he was employed by the Northern Pacific as train dispatcher and operator, and was afterwards associate editor with ourself of the Daily [sic] Greeley [sic] Wave, a presidential campaign paper, published at this place in 1872, at which election he was the Liberal candidate for member of the State Legislature, and defeated by T. F. Knappen by a small majority. (Brainerd Tribune, Wilder W. Hartley, editor and publisher, 15 July 1876, p. 1, c. 5)

NOTE: Mark H. Kellogg was a close friend of Thomas L. Rosser, having been a member of his staff as a telegrapher from mid-1870 to 1873. During this time, Kellogg also chronicled the building of the N. P. from Duluth to Brainerd as a correspondent named “Frontier” for the St. Paul Daily Pioneer. Later, Kellogg was associate editor of one of the first newspapers in Brainerd, the Greeley [sic] Daily [sic] Wave. In all these positions he promoted the advancement of the railroad and the city of Brainerd. (Minnesota History Magazine, Summer 2006, Minnesota Historical Society, p. 82)


The Daily Journal made its appearance on our streets bright and early Tuesday morning. It is a sprightly looking infant and we wish Brother Stivers unbounded success as it advances in age. (Brainerd Dispatch, 07 May 1886, p. 4, c. 3)

The last issue of the Daily Journal was put before the public this morning. Bro. Stivers has fully convinced himself and the public that “the long felt want” when filled was not appreciated in a financial sense. The paper was bright, spicy and gave great promise, but the people who called loudest for a daily and howled about the newspapers in this city not having life enough to start such an enterprise were not at all forward in stepping to the front and putting their shoulder to the wheel. It takes cash to run a daily newspaper, and without a liberal advertising a man must have a large bank account if he keeps the enterprise moving in respectable shape. The daily field is now open to some other man who wants to make a fortune. (Brainerd Dispatch, 02 July 1886, p. 4, c. 4)

SEE: Weekly Journal


In December 1881 Henry C. Stivers and a man from Little Falls by the name of Pierson began publishing this first version of the Daily News from the Hartley Block. After only a few issues, Pierson sold his interest to Stivers. On May 6, 1882, the city council designated the evening Daily News as the city’s official newspaper and about two weeks later a fire destroyed the paper. In June of 1882 Joe Riggs sold his interest in the Dispatch to Fred Puhler and teamed up with Stivers to publish the Daily News from the Sleeper Block. By early 1883 this Daily News had disappeared and Stivers began publishing his Weekly Journal. (Brainerd 1871-1946, Carl Zapffe, Colwell Press, Incorporated, Minneapolis, Minnesota: 1946; pp. 151-155 and Brainerd, Minnesota 1871-1971, Centennial Edition, Brainerd Dispatch, p. 37, 1971)

SEE: Weekly Journal


A. Dewey, of the Graceville Transcript, thinks of starting a daily paper in Brainerd. Mr. Dewey, however, forgot to call on any of the newspapers while here the first of the week making his arrangements. It is whispered that C. F. Kindred and other gentlemen are behind the scheme. (Brainerd Dispatch, 29 April 1887, p. 4, c. 3)

The New Daily.

As previously announced in these columns, a new daily will soon be started in this city, and its editor and proprietor, Mr. A. Dewey, arrived in the city the first of the week with three or four men, and is now fully engaged in getting things in shape to begin its publication. It is understood that the rooms on 7th street formerly occupied by Losey & Dean have been engaged for the new plant, and it is reported that the first number will be issued next Monday. It is to be a 6 column folio, and will contain western associated press dispatches, it being claimed that Mr. Dewey has purchased the associated press franchise for the city for $2,500. Unlike others who have started similar projects in this city, Mr. Dewey has sufficient capital, it is claimed, to keep the paper on its feet until the enterprise shall be self-supporting. This is a great advantage, and if true, Mr. Dewey will undoubtedly make a success of the enterprise. He is an old and experienced newspaper man, having been editor and publisher of Fisher’s Bulletin for some years, but more recently has been connected with the Graceville Transcript in the same capacity. He was engrossing clerk of the state senate during the last session of the legislature, and is therefore well-known among the politicians of the state. With ample capital and his ability as a newspaper-man we know of no reason why Mr. Dewey should not make a success of the enterprise. (Brainerd Dispatch, 13 May 1887, p. 4, c. 5)

Perversity Ought to Succeed

Mr. Dewey, late of the Graceville Transcript, will be the publisher of the new Brainerd daily that is to appear soon, Mr. Dewey is a veteran republican editor who has been trying to run a weekly paper in Graceville which is an intensely democratic town. He will now try to run a daily paper in a town that has never supported a first class weekly paper. Such is the perversity of the veteran newspaper intellect.—Todd Co. Argus. (Brainerd Dispatch, 20 May 1887, p. 1, c. 5)

The new daily is billed to appear on Laurel street next Tuesday morning early. (Brainerd Dispatch, 20 May 1887, p. 4, c. 4)

Brainerd’s new daily will not appear until the first of the following week. (Brainerd Dispatch, 27 May 1887, p. 1, c. 2)

The Daily News made its appearance Monday morning, and a trim little sheet it is, fully representing the bustling city in which its proprietor has seen fit to cast his lot. The enterprise surely deserves success. (Brainerd Dispatch, 10 June 1887, p. 4, c. 3)

The sign that busted Bro. Stivers up in business five years ago, when he was running the Daily News, has been transferred to the recently established paper of that name. Bro. Halsted will watch the result of this upon “Mr. Kindred’s paper” with a good deal of interest. (Brainerd Dispatch, 17 June 1887, p. 4, c. 4)

The News appears to be very much excited at the mention of Mr. Kindred’s name in any other newspaper—too much so, possibly, for its own good. (Brainerd Dispatch, 24 June 1887, p. 1, c. 4)


The Daily News was started in this city some four months ago by A. Dewey, and a bright little sheet it was, its employees working vigilantly to give the people their money’s worth, while the gentleman whose name was printed in modest letters at the head of the editorial column enjoyed much glory. But great changes came about in a short space of time. At first the paper supported a full telegraphic news service which has since been cut off, and in the place of fresh news is plate telegraph dated a day ahead and sold by the yard at a stereotype plate house in St. Paul. Its force of eighteen or twenty men has been reduced half. It has been changed from a morning to an evening paper, which arrangement gives the dailies of St. Paul and Minneapolis a chance to get the news to Brainerd readers four hours ahead of the News. And last, but not least, Mr. S. G. Wightman, the financial backer of the institution, has stepped down and out, having severed his connection with it on Sunday last, although that paper made no mention of the fact.

We do not publish these facts with any feeling of gratification or because of any ill will toward the gentlemen connected with the enterprise. When the News was started the DISPATCH gave it a hearty welcome, as it would any business enterprise intended to build up the city and advance her interests. The News management in return gave it out cold that they intended to start a blanket sheet, to be issued weekly, in which they would place advertisements at such a price that would crowd out the other papers of the city. In fact the paper was started with the express purpose of monopolizing the field in this city, and what success they have attained in this direction they are entirely welcome to. (Brainerd Dispatch, 21 October 1887, p. 1, c. 5)


Some months ago Mr. Kindred brought his Daily News to Brainerd to dictate public opinion, get his little matters before the city, manage city elections and do diverse and sundry other dirty jobs. As the management of the paper is under his immediate control, of course, they cannot be blamed, but the recent success of the sheet in moulding public opinion must be anything but gratifying to him. East Brainerd was flooded with the News boomerang Monday night and the candidates it supported were defeated. All that is necessary hereafter is to buy the influence (?) of this great family psychic for the opposition and you have him dead to rights. It is understood also that if the paper is in existence next fall that a purse will be made up by aspiring candidates and the entire edition (by the way it takes fourteen paper mills to furnish paper enough to supply the demand) will be suppressed a month before election. Too bad, indeed, that such a gigantic institution should fall a prey to vultures in its infancy. Ta-ta, Newsy, we will be here when you are laid upon the shelf despite your prediction that the spring election would finish us. (Brainerd Dispatch, 09 March 1888, p. 4, c. 4)

After a hard struggle of a year and one month, the Daily News has been obliged to suspend, the type-foundry taking the entire outfit on a mortgage which they held. The recent fire which badly demoralized the office probably hastened the suspension somewhat, but the outcome would have been the same in the near future had no fire occurred. Mr. Dewey has the sympathy of the community in his misfortune, as he has invested and lost nearly all his worldly possessions in the venture. We understand from a gentleman who has talked with him that he will go to Duluth where the democrats will buy him an outfit and start him in business. (Brainerd Dispatch, 06 July 1888, p. 1, c. 3)

The Daily News outfit has been taken by the Marder, Luse & Co. type foundry, for debt and shipped to Minneapolis. Mr. Webster, of that firm, has been superintending the loading of it today. The insurance company allowed them $300 damage by the late fire. (Brainerd Dispatch, 06 July 1888, p. 4, c. 4)

Fire animation On June 30, 1888, a fire broke out in Lyman P. White’s planing mill on South Fifth Street between Front and Laurel Streets; owing to a lack of water it spread from building to building and before it was over the fire had burned about a block and a half in the business district.

SEE: 1888 Garden Theater Fire in the Brainerd: City of Fire page.

Lost $8,000.

The following item from the Duluth Tribune may be of interest to some of our readers:

About two years ago a very bright and enterprising newspaper appeared at Brainerd, published and edited by A. Dewey. The expense of publishing a daily newspaper of the size and spirit of the News was much too large for that community, but Mr. Dewey with his well known courage and industry kept at the front and it became the most influential among the state newspapers in its support of the renomination of Governor McGill. The fire that swept off two blocks of that city included the building in which the News was located and Marder, Luse & Co., who held a claim against the plant, asked for immediate payment. To relieve himself of this Mr. Dewey sold one-half of the plant to a syndicate of democrats in Duluth, and it was removed to this city and established with A. M. Miller, Jr., in the editorial chair, with Mr. Dewey at the head of the mechanical department. The adventure proved a losing concern and the daily closed its brief career in November, and yesterday the interest controlled by Dewey was turned over to the mortgagee. Mr. Dewey was induced to go into the Brainerd experiment by C. F. Kindred, and loses about $8,000 in the entire deal. (Brainerd Dispatch, 18 January 1889, p. 1, c. 3)

A. Dewey, of Brainerd newspaper fame, is now hustling for a life insurance company. (Brainerd Dispatch, 14 June 1889, p. 4, c. 4)

Starved to Death.

GRACEVILLE, April 17.—A. Dewey, formerly extensively engaged in the newspaper business, notably at Brainerd and Duluth, died from dyspepsia. With the exception of the skin he was a skeleton, having starved to death. (Brainerd Dispatch, 18 April 1890, p. 1, c. 4)

Alvah Dewey, formerly proprietor of the Daily News in this city, and who has bee connected with the newspaper fraternity of this state for many years, died at Graceville on Tuesday. Mr. Dewey was a member of Wildey Lodge of Odd Fellows of this city. (Brainerd Dispatch, 18 April 1890, p. 4, c. 4)

Died a Poor Man.

The Graceville Transcript contains the following account of the death of A. Dewey, well known in Brainerd:

Alvah Dewey breathed his last on Wednesday evening, at 11:30 o’clock after an illness of about two months, from dyspepsia, with which he has suffered more or less for a number of years. In spite of the skillful treatment of his physician and the painstaking care of his wife and friends, his stomach refused to digest any kind of food, and it may be said that he starved to death. Col. Dewey was well known throughout the state, having founded several great newspapers, including the Graceville Transcript, in the spring of 1883. In 1887 he was clerk in the state senate, and has filled other positions of trust, having always been prominent in politics. During his life he has been alternately rich and poor many times, the latter being the case at the time of of death, but had fortunately a $2,000 insurance policy in the Bankers’ Life Association. He leaves a wife and child to mourn his death. The Odd Fellows of this place and Brown’s Valley took charge of the remains yesterday morning and conveyed them to Wheaton where they were put in their last resting place. (Brainerd Dispatch, 02 May 1890, p. 1, c. 6)


This paper was actually to have been established by Frank J. Meyst, publisher of the Osakis Observer, who had decided to move his plant to Brainerd. The other owner was A. E. Pennell who, as he was establishing the plant in the Sleeper Block, sold Meyst’s interest to A. P. Riggs, a real estate man, who bought Meyst’s interest for his son, Joe. Plans had called for naming the paper the Brainerd Observer. However, in December of 1881, this announcement was distributed in Brainerd: “The undersigned having perfected arrangements and entered into a co-partnership under the firm name of Riggs and Pennell, have decided to change the name of the Brainerd Observer to the Brainerd Dispatch and respectfully ask the patronage of the people of Brainerd and vicinity. We hope to be able to issue our first number next Thursday, December 22, 1881, and all matters to insure publication in No. 1 should reach us not later than Wednesday noon.” It was signed by Riggs and Pennell. They made good on their promise and the first Dispatch, a weekly, was published on December 22.

Early in 1882 Chauncey B. Sleeper, a lawyer, began writing editorials for the paper lauding the merits of Charles F. Kindred in his bid for the Fifth Congressional seat in Congress and attacking those who supported his opponent, Knute Nelson; Joe Riggs did not like this and in June of 1882, he sold his interest to Sleeper, in whose building the paper was housed. Riggs went across the hall and formed a partnership with Henry C. Stivers who was starting the first Daily News. The Sleeper-Pennell partnership was short-lived and in September or October 1882, Sleeper had a falling out with Kindred and sold his interest to Fred Puhler of Ada. Puhler, at the time, was managing the political campaign for Kindred. When Kindred’s campaign ended in defeat, so did Puhler’s interest in owning the Dispatch and he offered his share for sale. On June 6, 1883, N. H. Ingersoll and F. W. Wieland purchased the interests of both Puhler and Pennell. It was in 1883 that the paper became a daily instead of a weekly. NO! On June 3, 1901 Ingersoll and Wieland began publishing the Daily Dispatch. In 1907 they bought a building on South 6th and remained there until 1990.

Brainerd Dispatch located at 215 South Sixth Street and occupied by the Dispatch from 1907-1990 was demolished in 1993 and is now a parking lot, ca. 1910.
Source: Special Publication, 02 September 1910, p. 15, A. J. Halsted, Editor and Publisher, Brainerd Tribune

In 1931, the paper was sold to the W. D. Junkin and H. F. McCollough families and the W. J. McGiffin Newspaper company which owned a group of newspapers. The Dispatch published a weekly as well as a daily edition, the weekly was discontinued in 1934. Junkin was publisher until his death in 1941 when he was succeeded by his son-in-law, H. F. McCollough. W. J. McCollough, son of H. F. McCollough joined the firm in 1945. The connection with the McGiffin firm was severed in 1953 when the McCollough’s purchased that stock. At some point the Dispatch was sold to Stauffer Communications and in 1994 Stauffer Communications was sold to Morris Communications. In January 2014 Morris Communications finalized the deal to sell the Dispatch to Forum Communications. (Minneapolis Tribune, 30 September 1882, p. 4 and 31 October 1882, p. 4; Brainerd 1871-1946, Carl Zapffe, Colwell Press, Incorporated, Minneapolis, Minnesota: 1946; pp. 151-155; and Brainerd, Minnesota 1871-1971, Centennial Edition, Brainerd Dispatch, p. 37, 1971; Wikipedia)

NOTE: Zapffe, on p. 152 of his book, made it sound like the Dispatch became a daily in 1883 after it was purchased by Ingersoll and Wieland. This bit of misinformation was picked up in the Centennial Edition of the Dispatch in 1971 and has appeared repeatedly in the Dispatch to this day; however, this was not the case. The Dispatch DID NOT become a daily until June 3, 1901, see the ‘ANNOUNCEMENT’ in 1901 by Ingersoll and Wieland and the Wieland obit below.

The Brainerd Observer, a new weekly paper that was to be published in this town has changed partners, and is to come out under a new heading called the Brainerd Dispatch. The firm is now Riggs & Pennel, and intend issuing their first number sometime next week. (Brainerd Tribune, 17 December 1881, p. 4, c. 1)

The Editor of the Dispatch Resigns.

Things have not run as amicably at the Dispatch office as was desirable, and a slight unpleasantness has culminated in the resignation of the editorship by Mr. J. W. Riggs as well be seen by the following card:

To the Editor of the Tribune.

Please announce my resignation from the editorship of the Brainerd Dispatch.


Mr. Riggs is a bright young newspaper man, and his loss will be a severe one to the Dispatch. He contemplates remaining in Brainerd for some time at least. (Brainerd Tribune, 25 February 1882, p. 1, c. 5)

The assertion of the TRIBUNE representative who recently visited Brainerd, that public indignation at the brutal methods of Kindred and his man Sleeper was making itself felt there, receives confirmation in the following paragraph from the Brainerd Journal of Wednesday:

There is a rumor afloat that the Brainerd Dispatch Publishing Company, consisting of C. B. Sleeper and E [sic]. [A.] E. Pennell, is about to be dissolved. It is stated that Mr. Pennell is very much opposed to the unjustifiable attacks made upon prominent citizens by Mr. Sleeper in the columns of the Dispatch, and that the disagreement growing out of the matter is likely to lead to a dissolution of co-partnership. We have no means of knowing whether the rumor is true or not, but if true, it is certainly much to the credit of Mr. Pennell. (Minneapolis Tribune, 30 September 1882, p. 4)


The facts about the trouble between Kindred and Capt. Sleeper are stated by good authority to be as follows: After the contemptible assault upon the character of Col. Newport, followed by the mobbing of Judge Follett’s residence and the endorsement by Sleeper’s paper of that most brutal affair, a pressure was brought to bear upon Kindred by lovers of decency in all parties which he could not withstand, and he accordingly informed Sleeper that his services in the campaign would not be longer required. There was a stormy scene, during which Sleeper declared that if he was bounced for following the policy outlined by Kindred himself, other hearts would be made to ache. In a word he threatened that if he was disgraced he would expose the true inwardness of the whole campaign from its inception to date and thus raise such a storm about Kindred’s ears as would force his immediate withdrawal. Kindred knew that Sleeper had the power to carry out his threat, and a compromise was finally effected, Sleeper agreeing to sell his proprietorship in the Brainerd Dispatch to Pennell [or Fred Puhler?], his business partner, but to be permitted to make a stipulated number of speeches, for which he was to be paid a round sum. Kindred accordingly furnished Pennell [Fred Puhler?] the money with which to buy Sleeper’s Dispatch stock at a high figure, and so the threatened outburst of injured innocence was averted. These facts were at first known only to a select few, but as Sleeper’s friends questioned him closely regarding his reasons for selling his paper, he in confidence informed a number of the real facts, and so they gradually leaked out. (Minneapolis Tribune, 31 October 1882, p. 4)

SEE:1882 Charles F. Kindred vs. Knute Nelson in the Fifth Congressional District Election in the Early Accounts of Brainerd page.

To the Public.

With this issue the DISPATCH starts out under a new management. We shall offer no apologies or attempt to make any promises, or measure our abilities in any degree. We simply assume to meet, and feel confident that we shall be able to do so, the growing demand manifest in our midst for a newspaper in all that the name implies, publishing the news, items of interest and matters belonging to the improvement and advancement of our thriving city and the surrounding country. We propose to blow our horn for Brainerd and always aim to work for her interests.

We are here to stay—to live and let live, and ask that the support that has been heretofore so cordially accorded the DISPATCH, will be continued. The paper has been placed on a solid financial basis, and the embarrassments that have heretofore beset the institution will be entirely done away with. Hoping that our actions will merit the confidence of our patrons, we remain the public’s obedient servants,



(Brainerd Dispatch, 02 August 1883, p. 2, c. 1)

NOTE: It appears as though Ingersoll and Wieland deliberately destroyed all the issues of the Dispatch that were printed previous to their purchase of the paper, many of which carried articles related to the hotly contested 1882 Fifth Congressional District race between Knute Nelson and Charles Kindred.

Bad on Fred.

The St. Paul Dispatch says:

Fred Puhler, the chronic dead beat, who has inflicted several northern Minnesota towns in turn, with newspaper “ventures” laying off ad interim in St. Paul, is now at Duluth. The Herald thus speaks of his present speculation:

The Duluth Journal now declares that its financial condition is not as healthy as it might be. It says that out of its fifty subscribers only about ten have paid up. This is bad.

The sooner such holy terrors as Fred are given the g. b.—grand bounce—the better for reputable newspaper men. (Brainerd Dispatch, 19 September 1884, p. 3, c. 4)

The Universal Verdict.

November 30th the Brainerd DISPATCH entered upon its eighth year. In our humble opinion the DISPATCH is the best paper in Brainerd.—Todd County Argus. (Brainerd Dispatch, 21 December 1888, p. 1, c. 3)

We Can Please You.

The DISPATCH is now as thoroughly equipped to do fine commercial and poster work as any office in the northwest. This week fifty fonts of the latest faces of job type were added to our office besides other material which goes to make up a first-class outfit. In order to make a place for this, additional room had to be secured and the DISPATCH sanctum is now located in room 9, Sleeper block. The mechanical department occupying rooms 5 and 7. The proprietors of this paper are aware that much job work is sent out of the city to be done, and by businessmen who should get their work done at home. This is a state of affairs which should not exist when the work can be executed here at a rate which compares favorably with that of foreign institutions. These outside parties do not help to build up the town, do not pay any taxes in the city, and yet they are given hundreds of dollars annually that should be given to the home institutions. We only mention these matters that those of our people who imagine their work cannot be done here may be disabused at the idea. The DISPATCH is equipped to do any and all kinds of printing and will be pleased to make prices and give estimates at any time. Call up and see us. (Brainerd Dispatch, 05 May 1893, p. 4, c. 4)

The papers state that Fred Puhler, at one time proprietor of the DISPATCH and who gained notoriety in the Kindred campaign, has struck a fat job at Washington. (Brainerd Dispatch, 09 March 1894, p. 4, c. 3)

To Our Patrons.

Henry C. Stivers announces the sale of his Weekly Journal newspaper to the Brainerd Dispatch on 07 December 1898, 09 December 1898.
Source: Brainerd Dispatch

The DISPATCH and the Weekly Journal have been consolidated, the proprietors of this paper having bought the Journal newspaper plant including the subscription list and accounts and good will of that paper. The subscription list of the Journal has been added to that of the DISPATCH, thus giving us the largest list of any weekly paper published north of the Twin Cities, a fact which advertisers will appreciate as well as the publishers. The Journal has been published in this city for seventeen years, and the names of many of the subscribers to that paper who started in with the first issue are still to be found on the books, and the Journal to them, had become a household necessity, but in assuming proprietorship of the list the DISPATCH hopes and expects to give each and everyone of its new patrons value received, and if we are not greatly mistaken before the year is over it will have been proven to them that the change has been beneficial to all concerned. The DISPATCH is the official paper of the county and has been for fifteen years, and as such the official proceedings of the county’s doings have monthly appeared in its columns, and there is not a citizen or tax payer in the county who is not interested in the county government, and in addition to the local and general news our new subscribers will find that they are fully informed as to the doings of the gentlemen whom they have elected to legislate for them in their capacity as county commissioners.

In place of the Journal this week the subscribers to that paper will receive the DISPATCH which will be continued, those having paid in advance for that paper being given credit on our books, and those in arrears will receive a statement of their account in due time, and the publishers hope to be able to give entire satisfaction to all, so much so that not one of the old subscribers will desire his name dropped from the list.

The consolidation of the two papers gives us a wider field for operation and reaching now as we do every nook and corner of the county and almost every home in the city it will be our aim to give our patrons a newspaper in every sense of the word. (Brainerd Dispatch, 09 December 1898, p. 4, c. 1)

When the announcement was made last week that the proprietors of the DISPATCH had bought the Journal newspaper plant and consolidated the two subscription lists, discontinuing the Journal, the prediction was made by some that the falling off of subscribers would be great and that it would be impossible for the DISPATCH to hold the large number of patrons of the former paper. Just to show that this paper thoroughly covers the field and is acceptable to all we desire to state that of the thousand or more new names added to our list from the Journal books only three discontinued the paper. (Brainerd Dispatch, 16 December 1898, p. 1, c. 2)

SEE: Weekly Journal



Is Installed in the Dispatch Printing Establishment

During the Present Week.




Is Also Added to the Dispatch Equipment, Making

It Strictly Up to Date.


The Sleeper block where the Dispatch was published until 1907, ca. 1882.
Source: Crow Wing County Historical Society

This number of the DISPATCH is issued from new, handsome and commodious quarters in the Sleeper block, is printed on a brand new Reliance Babcock cylinder power press, which is propelled by a new two-horse power Pierce gasoline engine, all of the above new machinery, aggregating in cost over $1,500, having been added during the past week to the already complete equipment of the DISPATCH office.

It is the aim and intention of the DISPATCH at all times to keep in the front rank of progress, and provide new facilities as fast as the printing business in this city warrants, and it was with this end in view that the extensive addition to the DISPATCH office equipment was made.

The old quarters in the Sleeper block were not large enough to accommodate the new equipment, hence larger and better rooms, the entire west half of the second floor of the Sleeper block were secured. The room formerly occupied by the Journal office will be used as an office, the next two rooms will be used for typesetting, and the last two rooms were made into one large room for a press room, into which the new press and engine have been installed.

Ever since the DISPATCH bought the Journal plant and subscription list, a year and a half ago, the old facilities of the DISPATCH have hardly been adequate to print and issue as promptly as desired the enlarged edition produced by the consolidation of the two lists, and it has been the intention of the DISPATCH to increase its equipment as soon as possible, which we have been able to do this week.

The newly installed Babcock Reliance Press, 29 June 1900.
Source: Brainerd Dispatch

The new press is what is known as the Babcock Reliance Cylinder Power Press, than which there is no better press made. It occupies a floor space 10x14 feet and is about seven feet high and weighs about four tons or eight thousand pounds. It is capable of a speed of 2,000 impressions an hour, and easily reels off 1,500 sheets of of four pages each in that time. It is one of the very best printing presses on the market, and is capable of doing any class of work from a ladies’ calling card to a full sheet circus poster, hence the DISPATCH office is now equipped to do all kinds of printing promptly and in the best style.

A new Pierce Gasoline engine of two horse capacity, has been added to furnish motive power for the new press, and all our job presses have also been supplied with power fixtures and they will be propelled in the future by power from the gasoline engine instead of foot power, which will put the DISPATCH into a position to turn out job work more promptly and for less money than any institution in the northern central part of the state, hence if you need anything in the way of printing it will pay you to call and get our figures.

These extensive improvements have caused a large expenditure of money, but the DISPATCH feels sure that its efforts to supply the city with a strictly up to date printing establishment will be appreciated by a large addition to the extensive and constantly increasing patronage which is now enjoyed.

Don’t forget, the DISPATCH is now located in the Sleeper block just across the hall from its old quarters, the office being in the room just at the head of the stairs. (Brainerd Dispatch, 29 June 1900, p. 1, c.’s 2 & 3)



The BRAINERD DAILY DISPATCH makes its initial bow to the public today and in the future will be a daily visitor to the homes, business places and workshops of this city and county. The enterprise has not been undertaken without due deliberation on the part of the publishers who believe that the time has arrived when a city of the size and importance of Brainerd should have a daily newspaper, and that the present and future prospects fully warrant the undertaking from a financial standpoint. It will be the aim of the publishers to give the people of this city a good, clean, live local paper six days in the week, the news of the outside world being fully covered by the American Press Association service.

Two thousand copies of the issue of today are circulated and it is the intention to fully cover the entire city during the present week in order that the people of Brainerd may have a chance to judge for themselves what they may expect before they are solicited to subscribe for the paper. Solicitors will then be sent out and it is hoped that the names of a majority of the English reading people of this city will be enrolled on the DAILY DISPATCH subscription list. The price of the paper will be 40 cents per month or 10 cents per week delivered at your door every evening excepting Sunday before six o’clock. If by any chance the solicitor misses you, the latch string of our office in the Sleeper block is always out and you can find us “at home” at any time of the day or evening, or if it is more convenient send in your name by telephone, either method will bring the paper promptly to your home.

It has been impossible owing to the limited time, and large amount of work in getting out the first issue to make a thorough canvass for advertising. It is hoped that before the next issue of the DAILY DISPATCH is published that all may be seen and be given a chance to take advantage of the large circulation that the paper will have. It is the first time in the history of the city that advertisers have had the opportunity to reach every home in the city through a newspaper. Application for space by telephone will receive prompt attention.

Mr. E. C. Griffith, of St. Cloud, a newspaper man of experience and ability, has been engaged and will represent the DAILY DISPATCH as its local news gatherer and he is authorized to transact business for the paper in any of its branches and anything in the line of news, advertising or job work entrusted to him will receive careful and accurate attention.

The city circulation will be in charge of A. H. Bennet, who is authorized to take subscriptions and receipt for the same and who will have full charge of the delivery of the paper and of the collection of subscription accounts for the DAILY DISPATCH. (Brainerd Daily Dispatch, 03 June 1901, p. 2, c. 1)

Come in and See Us.

Business has increased to such an extent since the DAILY DISPATCH was launched the first of June that it has become necessary to secure more room, and today the business office and editorial department has been installed in room 4, Sleeper block, which has been nicely fitted up for its new tenants. The room is in connection with the mechanical department and faces Front street, the entire half of the second floor now being used by the DISPATCH in connection with the publication of the daily and weekly editions, and the job printing department. We can now boast of as finely an equipped printing establishment as there is in the northwest, and with modern machinery, skilled workmen and every facility necessary to an up-to-date print shop. Our patrons are invited to call and see us, the latch string of the office is always out. The entrance to the editorial rooms is next to J. R. Smith’s office, room 4, Sleeper Block. (Brainerd Dispatch, 13 December 1901, p. 4, c. 3)

SEE: Sleeper Block in the Buildings & Parks of Brainerd page.

Fire animation On June 25, 1907, a fire destroyed the Sleeper Block which contained the Brainerd Dispatch, the Frank Drosky clothing store and the John Carlson clothing store. Damages amounted to about $60,000, the origin of the fire was a mystery.

SEE: 1907 Sleeper Block Fire in the Brainerd: City of Fire page.

Death of Fred Puhler

Fred Puhler, at one time proprietor of the DISPATCH, died at his home in Milwaukee, Wis., on Feb. 16. The deceased came to Brainerd in the spring of 1883 [sic] [1882?] after [sic] [?] the famous Kindred-Nelson campaign during which he took an active part and was C. F. Kindred’s advisor and financial agent in the Red River valley, and purchased the DISPATCH from A. E. Pennell continuing the management of the same until July of that year [1883] when the paper became the property of the present owners. After leaving Brainerd Mr. Puhler held positions on various papers from Washington to the Pacific coast finally returning to Wisconsin where he resided for many years, being connected at different times with the leading papers in the city where he died. (Brainerd Dispatch, 16 March 1906, p. 3, c. 3)



Brainerd Daily Dispatch Has Fine

Equipment of Machinery for

Job Printing




Entire Plant Put in New Since

Destruction of Plant by Fire

in June, 1907

Brainerd Dispatch printers, ca. 1910s. A 1486x1044 version of this photo is also available for viewing online.
Source: Crow Wing County Historical Society

The Brainerd Dispatch is able to point with pride to its equipment. On the 26th day of June, 1907, the entire mechanical end was destroyed in the fire which gutted the Sleeper block at that time, only the daily forms, the files, the mailing list and the contents of the business office being saved, and they only by the strenuous efforts on the part of the force. This compelled the purchase of an entire new plant and no expense was spared to get the best. Both daily and weekly editions are issued.

The newspaper press, a seven column, two revolution Whitlock, is one of the best machines in the state outside of the Twin Cities and Duluth. A folder prepares the papers for mailing. There are two Chandler & Price job presses, one 8x12 and the other 12x18. The news and job departments are well equipped, the efficiency of the plant being shown by the fact that several advertisements in the Dispatch have been awarded cash prizes in the Ladies Home Journal Pattern Advertising contests.

Competent printers are employed and the output of the Dispatch job department is first-class in every respect, anything from a visiting card to a thousand page book being within the power and scope of the office. (Brainerd Daily Dispatch, 26 May 1908, p. 3, c. 4)



Power Shut Off at 12:30 P. M. and

Electric Light Plant Disabled

Over 4 Hours




Unable to Generate Air to Start the

Gas Engines Working—Much

Trouble Caused

The Dispatch is late today because the Toltz Engineering Co. has not furnished any power from 12:30 P. M. today and for over four hours or more the presses and linotype have been idle and news piled up with no method of printing it. This loss of power is therefore felt by every reader of the paper and is an inconvenience resulting in a financial loss not only to the paper but to every other power user in the city.

At the power house at three o’clock it was said that a gasoline engine in the basement was the cause of all the trouble. This engine bucked and without it there was no way of generating enough air to start the big engines working.

A small gasoline engine was obtained from W. E. Lively and it was hoped to speedily get power by using it, but an hour has elapsed and nothing in the way of power has been shown.

On several other occasions this week linemen have cut wires leading to the business section and their repairs generally have been made just at the time the paper was going to press.

A number of these exasperating delays can be forgiven, but a three hour shut down exhausts patience.

To tide over matters the Dispatch attached a motor cycle to the linotype. (Brainerd Daily Dispatch, 27 January 1912, p. 3, c. 3)



Instrument Advertised to Intensify

Telephone Sound, Indispensable

in Office Work




Guaranteed to Give Good Service

Even When Presses are Grind-

ing Away Near Phone

The Dispatch will soon have a Baryphone in the office. This is an attachment for a telephone which acts as a sound intensifier.

It is not claimed to be a luxury but a necessity to every telephone user and indispensable in every office, especially a newspaper office, where numerous news items, inquiries, address changes, etc., are daily received by telephone, and where the utmost correctness is necessary.

Testimonials indicate that the machine works all right on a rural line and you will hear your party regardless of the fact that all 20 subscribers on the line may sit in to hear what’s happening.

Its inventor says the reporter will clearly get your news item regardless of the fact that the Goss press may be grinding out an edition just ten feet from the phone.

The Dispatch is waiting for the machine and will be satisfied if it does but half it is advertised to do. (Brainerd Daily Dispatch, 23 August 1917, p. 5, c. 2)



Member of Firm, Ingersoll & Wieland

of Brainerd Dispatch, Called

Monday Evening




Was Postmaster of Brainerd Fourteen

Years, Factor in Development

of Brainerd

Newton H. Ingersoll, postmaster and publisher of the Brainerd Dispatch, ca. 1910.
Source: Special Publication, 02 September 1910, p. 8, Brainerd Tribune, A. J. Halsted, Editor and Publisher

Newton H. Ingersoll, age 58, member of the firm of Ingersoll & Wieland, publishers and editors of the Brainerd Dispatch, died Monday evening of heart trouble at his home, 224 North Fifth street, following a short illness of three days. On last Friday evening, while at work in his garden, he was suddenly taken sick. Doctors and nurses labored in vain. He rallied Monday morning, but failed steadily in the afternoon. The end came about 10 o'clock Monday evening. He was conscious, recognized the family and relatives about him, and was resigned to his call beyond.

He was born in Plover, Wis., October 28, 1859 [sic], near Stevens Point, residing there during his childhood and learned the printers trade in his father's office, and later worked on the Stevens Point Journal. One of his most treasured exchanges was this same paper which continued to come to him uninterruptedly from the time he left the first paper he had worked for.

Later he conducted a paper at Columbus, Wis. He was married at Plover to Miss Harriet H. Hall on June 13, 1881. They had two children, one a daughter that died in infancy and the other a son, Dr. H. G. Ingersoll, practicing in Brainerd.

From Columbus Mr. Ingersoll went to Ada and was employed on a paper there with Fred Puhler who later was engaged in the Kindred campaign. The congressional district then comprised the whole northern part of the state. Mr. Ingersoll and Mr. Puhler came to Brainerd and the latter bought the Brainerd Dispatch, then established by Frank Meyst.

Later Mr. Ingersoll and Mr. Wieland bought the Dispatch and conducted the same over 35 years. They were among the oldest firms of the city. A daily was added and has been published seventeen years.

Mr. Ingersoll was postmaster of Brainerd fourteen years, serving during republican administrations and well into a succeeding democratic one. He was a member of the State Editorial association and one of its executive committee. He was a member of the Zurah Temple of Shriners, the local Ascalon Commandery, Blue Lodge and Chapter, the Woodmen, Elks and other orders.

He was a committee clerk in the legislature at three different periods and gained a wide acquaintance of men and measures.

Mr. Ingersoll took great interest in all agencies for the advancement of Crow Wing county and Brainerd. He was active in the Northern Minnesota Development association, and was a member of the advisory board of the Brainerd Chamber of Commerce. The last meeting he attended at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon, five hours before he was taken sick, was a committee meeting at the Chamber of Commerce.

He was a member of the First Congregational church for years, being a trustee of the church.

He was a charter member of the Brainerd Typographical union. He gave much time to Red Cross work and was an active member of the surgical dressing class.

In addition to the wife and son surviving him, there are two sisters, Mrs. Peter Schumacher of McGregor, Iowa, and Mrs. Walter J. Smith of Brainerd. His mother died two years ago and his father, a Civil War Veteran [illegible] died several years ago. His parents lie buried here and he will be laid near them.

In his relations with employees at the postoffice and in the newspaper office he was always kindly and courteous and no honest appeal ever went unnoticed. He had faculty of gauging men and their capabilities which was remarkable, discovering much latent ability and giving it a chance to "make good." He was ever working for the good of the community and striving to uplift men by giving them a chance "to stand on their feet."

The funeral will be held on Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the First Congregational church and he will be buried under the auspices of the church and Knights Templar of Ascalon Commandery. Rev. G. P. Sheridan is both pastor of the church and commander of the commandery.

The Knights will assemble in full uniform and meet at the hall at 1:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon to attend the funeral.

The active pallbearers named are Knights Templar John Carlson, F. A. Farrar, George W. Grewcox, A. J. Halstead, George D. LaBar and Judge W. S. McClenahan.

The honorary pallbearers are H. McGinn, C. H. Paine, C. A. Allbright, Wm. A. Spencer, R. W. Seelye and F. W. Stout. (Brainerd Daily Dispatch, 21 May 1918, p. 5, c. 1)



Brainerd Dispatch advertisers are invited to make use of the Dispatch’s illustrated advertising service in their ads, and the appearance of any ad can be greatly improved by having one or more illustrations in it.

Additional illustrations are received at the Dispatch office each week, and we now have a fine line of designs of men’s wear, ladies’ wear, millinery, men’s, women’s and children’s shoes, all the latest fall styles, designs for fall announcements, blanket sales, school supplies, furniture, harvest sales, and many other miscellaneous articles.

We will be pleased to show you proofs of these designs at any time at the Dispatch office and will furnish you with any of the illustrations you wish to use in your advertisements without any charge.

Call and look these over, tell us which ones you can use, and we will make them up for you immediately. (Brainerd Daily Dispatch, 01 September 1921, p. 5, c. 1)



Brainerd Daily Dispatch, ca. 1920s. A 1223x853 version of this photo is also available for viewing online.
Source: Brainerd, Minnesota 1871-1971, Centennial Edition, Brainerd Dispatch

THE BRAINERD DISPATCH is undergoing repairs and alterations and in consequence the whole force feels as though it were a case of spring house cleaning carried on at home. Outside the office workmen under contractor C. B. Rowley are busy taking down brick walls. Mortar and dust are prevalent, as it cannot be helped.

Out of it all will come a new building about double the size of the old one, with a front stretching from Garvey’s restaurant to the new Elks building. It will match up nicely with all the wonderful improvement on either side of the Dispatch front.

The expansion of the newspaper in its material housing will also foreshadow an expansion in the paper. The Dispatch constantly gaining in patronage, advertising and subscription lists, as well as job work and a large building became a pressing necessity. (Brainerd Daily Dispatch, 13 August 1926, p. 4, c. 1)



Foundation Soon Laid For an Addi-

ion to the Present





Floor Space of New Building to Be

Double the Size of

the Old

First steps on excavation work of the foundation of the addition to the Brainerd Dispatch building, which will be built up to the new Elks Home, started this morning.

Two teams and scoops, besides man labor are being employed in the excavation work for the foundation and preparatory work of laying the basement.

The Brainerd Daily Dispatch building besides receiving a new addition, will have a general renovation to the old building. The floor space of the new building will be double the size of the old. (Brainerd Daily Dispatch, 21 August 1926, p. 2, c. 4)



ON Friday, 4 p. m., without any ceremony whatever, the corner stone of the Brainerd Dispatch new building was laid. The shop whistle blew, accentuating the simple proceedings. That was because the shop whistle always blows at 4 p. m. week days.

Charles B. Rowley, the contractor, uttered a silent prayer that the flood of rain deluging building operations cease for a time. The stone was placed in position, a few onlookers watching the proceedings. The stone was trued in its bed of cement as it nestled close to the northwest corner of the huge Elks structure. (Brainerd Daily Dispatch, 13 September 1926, p. 4, c. 1)

Dispatch 29 Years Old


THE BRAINERD DAILY DISPATCH had a quiet observance of its 29th year of publication today. The presses printed Vol. 30, No. 1 this afternoon.

Twenty-nine years ago the Daily was founded by Ingersoll & Wieland, with F. W. Wieland as manager while N. H. Ingersoll was then postmaster. The office was located on the second floor of the Sleeper block on Front street. In the fire of 1907 everything was lost in the way of mechanical equipment and the Babcock drum cylinder press fell into the basement ruins.

The next morning the Dispatch removed to 215 South Sixth street, occupying the second floor of the building and not a single issue of the paper was missed. A two-revolution Whitlock press was installed. Business increased and the whole building was occupied a few years later and a Goss Comet press installed and the single linotype had increased to a battery of three. Complete United Press leased wire service was added.

Two years ago the building was remodeled and enlarged to over twice its size. (Brainerd Daily Dispatch, 03 June 1930, p. 4, c. 1)

Paper Company Gets Contract of Dispatch

to Supply 8 Papers

Left, Pete Swanson, right, Virgil Skarloken, head pressman at the Brainerd Daily Dispatch, ca. Unknown. A 840x652 version of this photo is also available for viewing online.
Source: Cathy Skarloken-Domeier

Supplementing his conviction that Brainerd industries will experience a period of growth and expansion in 1932, and, displaying orders and contracts to substantiate his belief, John McKenna, superintendent of the Northwest Paper Company, today announced the signing of a contract through which the Brainerd mill will furnish the newsprint requirements for each of the eight newspapers controlled by the stockholders of the Daily Dispatch.

Effective January 1, the contract will be in force throughout 1932. Extent of the requirements is undetermined but the combined needs of the eight newspapers will aggregate well over a million pounds of newsprint, sufficient paper to make up almost a solid trainload.

Arrangements have also been made, according to McKenna’s announcement, to handle the shipments of newsprint to the newspapers located in different sections of the country over the Northern Pacific and allied railroads.

In this respect, McKenna explained, benefits of the contract will not only be reflected in increased production at the paper mill but also will tend to increase freight traffic over the Northern Pacific, thereby insuring more employment to Brainerd men.

Newspapers controlled by the stockholders of the Daily Dispatch and which will be published on newsprint made at Brainerd by Brainerd people during 1932 include the Daily Dispatch, Brainerd; the Brainerd Weekly Dispatch; the Evening Democrat, Fort Madison, Ia.; the Daily Journal-Capital, Pawhuska, Okla.; the Osage Journal, Pawhuska, Okla.; the Daily Standard, Excelsior Springs, Mo.; the Daily News, Booneville, Mo., and the Weekly Advertiser, Booneville, Mo.

The following telegram was received late today following announcement of the contract:

St. Paul, Minn., 2:46 P. M., Dec. 31, 1931

Editor Brainerd Dispatch:

Brainerd, Minn.

I have just learned of the contract between the Northwest Paper Company and the newspapers associated with the Brainerd Dispatch, and we on the Northern Pacific are very much pleased because it will mean an increased activity in your territory which will react to the full benefit of the people of Brainerd and to the Northern Pacific.

Northern Pacific Railway Co.,

By R. W. Clark

(Brainerd Daily Dispatch, 31 December 1931, p. 1, c. 3)



Arthur Edward James Pennell, founder of the Brainerd Dispatch, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Harold Hanson, in Volin, S. D., last Friday, according to word received here from West Concord, Minn.

Mr. Pennell, who came to Brainerd when this city was but a struggling village of several hundred inhabitants, and founded the weekly Dispatch, was 74 years old. He had been retired from active newspaper work since 1926 when ill health forced him to give up his work. Since that time, he had spent his winter months visiting his children and the summer at his cottage on Lake Sylvia near South Haven.

The deceased operated the Dispatch for a number of years, selling to [Newton H. Ingersoll and] Fred W. Wieland, who operated it until a year ago, when it passed into the present ownership.

Born in London, England, December 8, 1857, Mr. Pennell, with his parents, came to this country, settling in Canada. For four years he was a printer’s apprentice at Hamilton, Ont., and then went to St. Paul where he was employed at a printing concern for a number of years.

Mr. Pennell moved to Brainerd from St. Paul and in company with Frank Myst [sic] launched the weekly Dispatch. Myst [sic] shortly disposed of his interests and Pennell operated the newspaper until its disposition to [Newton H. Ingersoll and] Mr. Wieland. Later he operated papers at LeRoy and West Concord, Minn.

Funeral services were held Monday at West Concord and interment was in the cemetery at Old Concord. (Brainerd Dispatch, 27 November 1932, p. 5, c. 1)

Fred W. Wieland, Veteran Retired

Publisher of the Dispatch, Taken

by Death in St. Petersburg, Fla.





Fred W. Wieland, ca. Unknown.
Source: Oldtimers . . . Stories of Our Pioneers, Carl A. Zapffe, Jr., Echo Publishing Company, Pequot Lakes, Minnesota: 1987

Back to the city which 52 years ago in the hectic, bustling but traditionally temporary era of the lumberjack he envisioned as the stable and progressive community that was destined for eventual fulfillment in the present development moulded around his efforts in an unbroken tenure of a half century of newspaper activity today sped the body of Fred W. Wieland, 72, pioneer retired publisher of the Daily Dispatch.

Body to Arrive Thursday

Friday, the city who benefited by his half century of effort in the direction of first, the Weekly Dispatch, and later the Daily Dispatch, until his retirement three years ago will pay its last respects when funeral services will be held from the home, 407 North Fourth street. The Rev. N. P. Olmsted, pastor of the Congregational church of which the deceased was a patron, will officiate. Interment will be in Evergreen cemetery.

Other funeral arrangements, which had not been completed pending arrival of the body, will be announced later.

The body will arrive early Thursday from St. Petersburg, Fla., where Mr. Wieland died late Saturday. En route home also are his widow, Mrs. Lucy Wieland, who was with him when death came, his son, Walter F. Wieland, Brainerd, a daughter, Mrs. M. A. Shillington, and Dr. Shillington, of St. Paul, who were en route to St. Petersburg but failed to reach there before he succumbed.

Left Here Nov. 10

The rigors of a half century of hard and fruitful labor had begun to exact their toll of Mr. Wieland in recent years. However, when he left Brainerd about November 10, as was his custom since retirement from active work three years ago, to spend the winter in Florida he appeared in excellent health. He had suffered a siege of pneumonia some years ago but seemed to have regained his usual frail but vigorous health.

Arriving in Florida after a leisurely trip about November 20, Mr. Wieland was stricken last Thursday, with another attack of pneumonia. Late Friday his condition became so serious that relatives here and in St. Paul were notified. Walter Wieland was then en route to Madison for the Wisconsin-Minnesota game but on hearing of his father’s grave condition he, together with Dr. and Mrs. Shillington, immediately left for St. Petersburg. They arrived early Sunday only a few hours after Mr. Wieland succumbed.

Besides his widow and son and daughter, Mr. Wieland is survived by a brother, George, of Mt. Gilead, Ohio, and four sisters, Mrs. F. W. Cole, Albion, Ind.; Mrs. Mary Wolfley, Marion, Ohio; Mrs. George Ashworth, Lansing, Mich., and Mrs. John Humphreys, of Radnor, Ohio, and two grandchildren James Wieland, a student at the University of Minnesota, and Betty Shillington, of St. Paul.

An Active Record

Identified in an extremely active capacity with the development of Brainerd through his aggressive but conservatively conscientious newspaper efforts, Mr. Wieland was formerly a member of the Minnesota State Editorial association, the Brainerd Rotary club and served many years as secretary of the Crow Wing County Historical society in which latter organization he took a great interest for perpetuation of the vivid and interesting history of the community which he saw rise from the bustling lumber camp to its present stage of development.

His interest in Brainerd and Crow Wing county is emphasized further in that on November 6th he told friends that in casting his ballot in the election that day it was the 52nd year that he voted and his ballot had never been cast outside of Brainerd. Mr. Wieland was a staunch Republican but his party affiliation never curbed his sincere and honest desire to serve all with an impartial and unbiased view, which firm and integral lives in the spirit of the work that was his life’s effort.

Born in Ohio

From youth to his death, Mr. Wieland’s sole thought was in Brainerd. Coming here January 13, 1882, from Mt. Gilead, Ohio, where he was born August 24, 1862, and where he served his apprenticeship as a printer. Mr. Wieland found a fertile field in which to follow his occupation.

He took a position on his arrival here on the old Tribune, a daily which later went out of existence. He was but 20 years old but his already mature judgement dictated that the Brainerd field held excellent possibilities. He foresaw the city that is today and, consequently, on April 1, 1882, he started work on the Brainerd Weekly Dispatch under A. E. Pennell. On August 2, 1883, he purchased the newspaper from Mr. Pennell and took for his partner, the late N. H. Ingersoll.

Daily Started in 1901

As the years passed, Mr. Wieland, in spite of the failure of three other daily newspapers, saw the need in Brainerd. His faith and confidence in this community dictated such a step and consequently, on June 3, 1901 he with Mr. Ingersoll launched the Daily Dispatch.

It was a prodigious effort to publish a daily newspaper in those days. Modern machinery as linotypes, web presses, etc. were as yet little known but Mr. Wieland was undaunted and the trials and hardships because of mechanical inability forced him to set all the type by hand and print the paper on a hand fed press.

But it was not long before Mr. Wieland demonstrated to the people of the community the worth of a daily newspaper. He gradually acquired machinery and constantly developed the newspaper until his retirement three years ago when he had kept faith with Brainerd erecting a fine edifice for the newspaper and developed the plant into a modern and efficient organization and the newspaper to a dominance that commanded the confidence and respect it now enjoys in the entire community.

Mr. Wieland disposed of his newspaper holding in September 1931, but maintained his close association of his life’s work through his genial and sincere cooperation that was typical of his fine character and sincerity to the community.

An Irreparable Loss—

More than a half century of conscientious and meritorious service to this community came to an end with the death of Fred W. Wieland, veteran retired publisher of the Daily Dispatch. The city that was his life’s work, his undying and first thought, and, to which his every effort was bent, has been deprived of one of its foremost citizens. Truly, it is an irreparable loss.

Quiet and conservative but, extremely active in his reticent but nevertheless fruitful execution, Mr. Wieland was responsible to a great degree for the development and, in a measure, the very existence of Brainerd. His name has been synonymous with this community’s enterprise and development for more than 50 years.

To Mr. Wieland, this community owes its present high plane of development. His vision and courage of more than 50 years ago was emphasized in the courageous step he took in founding the Daily Dispatch. Its present place in the community stands in monumental reverence to the man who gave this city not only 50 years of continuous service as a publisher who won state-wide renown by his community interest, his civic service and his undying faith in the future of this city. His aggressive steps, traced down through the last half century and dominated by his confidence and faith in the community as far back as 1901 when he launched the Daily Dispatch, are chronicled in almost every progressive and forward movement. Not in works are his deeds and accomplishments told but, in the background as he persisted in his quiet way, his deeds are emblazoned in civic and community achievement.

Mr. Wieland disliked the spotlight; he actually shunned it but his hand was felt as a guiding genius in the development of Brainerd through his forward and progressive steps that gave this city a metropolitan air, a broad viewpoint and an expansive and exhaustive record of world happenings in his development of the newspaper that was, until three years ago, and still continued in counsel and advice, and in his very spirit, his life’s work to the end that his death now comes as an irreparable loss. Truly, a great loss to the community but his farsighted, courageous and enterprising sprit, evidenced in the more than a half century of civic service, will continue to serve in the memory of his accomplishments of life and in reverence in his death. (Brainerd Dispatch, 26 November 1934, p. 1, c.’s 1-3 and p. 2, c.’s 2 & 3)




Heart Attack is

Cause of Death

Last Evening


Head of Staff, Veteran Newspaper Executive Succumbs After Fishing Excursion on Gull Lake Yes-

terday; Funeral Rites for Pioneer Journalist to Be

Held in Brainerd Tomorrow


William D. Junkin, publisher of the Brainerd Dispatch, ca. Unknown.
Source: Brainerd Daily Dispatch, October 23, 1941, p. 1

William David Junkin, 77-year-old publisher of the Brainerd Daily Dispatch, died suddenly after a heart attack suffered at 6:30 last night.

Death wrote a speedy and merciful ‘30’ to the career of a veteran newspaperman who for over half a century held executive positions on publications in Minnesota, Iowa and Colorado.

Mr. Junkin died immediately after engaging in his favorite sport, fishing. He had returned to the car of a fishing companion, Roy Zierke, after a four-hour expedition on Gull lake near Island View lodge where he spent many a happy hour.

Apparently in good health and the best of spirits. Mr. Junkin seated himself in the car as his bosom companion prepared to drive back to Brainerd. Then he slumped over, gasping for breath as the heart attack occurred. Twenty seconds later he was dead.

Was in Good Health

Though seemingly in excellent health the past several weeks, Mr. Junkin had suffered severe heart ailments two years ago when it was necessary for him to remain at his home for some time. Then his vigor and strength which an unusually clean and active life had built up asserted itself and he recovered, returning to his desk at the Dispatch. Though forced to curtail his activities, he remained active in management of the newspaper and other business affairs until the day of his death.

Yesterday’s fishing trip began shortly after 1:30 p. m. Mr. Zierke, a constant fishing companion of the Dispatch publisher, and Mr. Junkin fished at various points on Gull lake near Island View lodge and returned with 10 pike on their string. Throughout the afternoon Mr. Junkin had been in good spirits and had never complained of any illness.

Dr. R. A. Beise, who was called to the resort immediately after the death, said Mr. Junkin died of coronary thrombosis.

Born in Iowa

Publisher of the Daily Dispatch since September, 1931, Mr. Junkin came to Brainerd from Iowa where he had been a prominent newspaperman and business executive since he had reached maturity.

Mr. Junkin was born April 13, 1864, in Fairfield, Iowa, one of eight children. His father, the late W. W. Junkin, had established the Fairfield Ledger in 1853 and it was with this newspaper that William David Junkin learned his trade. All four sons of W. W. Junkin became prominent newspapermen in Iowa after learning their trade with the Ledger.

In addition to holding various positions on the Ledger, Mr. Junkin was a mail clerk on a line from St. Louis to Burlington, Iowa.

Later he became publisher and owner of the Rock Rapids Reporter. In 1906 he moved to Ft. Collins, Colo., where he operated the Ft. Collins Express.

Came to Brainerd in 1931

Returning to his native state, Mr. Junkin published the Albia Republican and Chariton Herald Patriot. With his brother and two nephews, he formed a partnership which owned the Fort Madison Democrat for several years.

During his 20 years residence in Chariton, he constructed a $75,000 hotel which he and a son-in-law, H. F. McCollough, managed for several years. The hotel is one of the best in any city of comparable size in the midwest.

In September, 1931, Mr. Junkin and his son-in-law, Mr. McCollough, came to Brainerd to take over management of the Daily Dispatch which had been purchased by the McGiffin Publishing company. Mr. Junkin assumed the role of publisher and was active in that capacity until the day of his death.

Mr. Junkin married Miss Vermont Petty at Fairfield, Iowa, Feb. 22, 1893. Two daughters were born to this union—Louise, now Mrs. Henry F. McCollough of Brainerd, and Kathryn, who died in her eighth year. Mr. and Mrs. Junkin had been living in an apartment in the Beckley building for the past year.

In addition to the widow and daughter, survivors include two grandchildren, William and Katherine McCollough of Brainerd; one brother, P. S. Junkin, of Fairfield, Iowa; and one sister Mrs. Amy Hinkhouse, of Iowa City, Iowa.

Few publishers have had longer and more active careers than that of Mr. Junkin. He started in the newspaper business as a carrier boy, delivering the Fairfield Ledger with his brother, Paul, when they were both in grade school. His brother remained in his home city to become mayor of Fairfield and one of its most prominent citizens while Mr. Junkin sought his successes in other cities.

Before his marriage, he spent nearly a year in France where he supervised the shipment of Percheron horses to the United States. He also lived in Montana for a short time.

A man of courage and conviction, Mr. Junkin was also noted for his kindness and consideration of the rights of others. In innumerable instances he extended a helping hand to those less fortunate than he.

Temperate in his habits throughout his life, Mr. Junkin had few days of illness until he suffered his heart ailment two years ago. Until the last his mind was keen and alert and his sense of humor amazing for a man his age.

His sudden passing came as a distinct shock to a family to which he was passionately devoted. (Brainerd Daily Dispatch, 23 October 1941, p. 1, c.’s 7 & 8 and p. 12, c. 3)

Funeral Friday; Office to Close


Funeral services for W. D. Junkin, late publisher of the Dispatch, will be held Friday morning at 10 o’clock in Whitney’s chapel with Rev. Edgar A. Valiant officiating.

Following the service, the body will be sent to Fairfield, Iowa, where funeral rites and burial are planned Saturday afternoon.

In respect to the memory of Mr. Junkin, the Dispatch office will be closed from 9:30 to 11 a. m. Friday, allowing all employees to attend funeral rites. (Brainerd Daily Dispatch, 23 October 1941, p. 1, c. 7)

Pioneer Local


Dies in West

J. W. Riggs, 85, pioneer Brainerd newspaper publisher, died today in the Union Printer’s Home in Colorado Springs, Colo., it was announced here today.

Mr. Riggs, son of a prominent early Brainerd real estate man, started his newspaper career in Perham, Minn., as co-publisher of the Perham Bulletin in 1882. Later he came to Brainerd and became publisher of the first daily [sic] newspaper published here.

In later years Mr. Riggs worked for the Minneapolis Tribune and Journal. He left Brainerd about a year ago to make his home in Colorado.

Surviving are his widow and two daughters.

Funeral services were to be held at the Welander-Quest funeral home, 2301 Dupont avenue, Minneapolis, Saturday afternoon. (Brainerd Dispatch, 04 September 1947, p. 1, c. 3)

13 December 1993. (Edit.) Rubble and memories will likely be all that’s left of the old Dispatch building in downtown by the time this paper hits your doorstep. From 1907 to 1990 the building was our home, but is now being torn down to make way for a parking lot. (This Was Brainerd, Brainerd Dispatch, 13 December 2013)


On December 9, 1910 [This may be the date the first Journal Press was published.] the Arena was sold to Ralph M. Sheets. He renamed it the Journal Press and moved it to 512 Front Street where it remained through at least 1956. Sheets published the Journal Press for over twenty-five years before he died unexpectedly and on January 1, 1937 the Journal Press was sold to Ralph R. Cole and Ralph Lindberg. (Brainerd 1871-1946, Carl Zapffe, Colwell Press, Incorporated, Minneapolis, Minnesota: 1946; p. 154)

SEE: Arena

Fire animation On December 16, 1914 a fire believed to have started from a defective furnace completely destroyed the E. C. Bane block and damaged the C. M. Patek building and the Citizens’ State Bank buildings. The Journal Press newspaper lost everything.

SEE: 1914 Bane Block Fire in the Brainerd: City of Fire page.

Fire animation On October 28, 1917, a fire started in the Stallman Brothers’ Barbershop and poolroom in the basement of the Ransford Hotel causing about $4,500 in damages.

SEE: 1917 Basement Fire in Ransford Block in the Brainerd: City of Fire page.

Fire animation On 21 October 1929 a spectacular fire, which started in an unused closed up stairway in the Ransford pool hall, swept through the ceiling to what was formerly known as the Ransford Annex and through the walls and ceiling into the Journal Press print shop, caused a damage last night estimated upwards of $20,000.

SEE: 1929 Ransford Hotel Fire in the Brainerd: City of Fire page.

R. Sheets,

Editor Here

25 Yrs. Dies


Ralph M. Sheets, editor and publisher of the Journal Press, ca. Unknown.
Source: Brainerd Dispatch, November 3, 1936

Ralph M. Sheets, 52, publisher and editor of the Brainerd Journal Press for the last 25 years, died suddenly today.

His career of 25 years of community activity in the publication of the weekly newspaper came to an end as he was seated at his desk in his office on Front street shortly before 11 a. m.

A heart ailment, which his physicians said he had been suffering with for some time was given as the cause of his death.

Coming down to the office this morning, Mr. Sheets complained of feeling ill. He took a short walk around town later in the morning and returned to his office shortly before 10 a. m. He left the office then in charge of Mrs. Elma Lewis, an employee there, while he lay down to rest for a while in the back room.

Gripped By Pain

He roused himself shortly before 11 a. m. and went out to the front office where he sat behind his desk until Mrs. Lewis noticed increasing pain symptoms on his face just before he toppled over on the desk. He died immediately.

Mr. Sheets had been in ill health, doctors stated, for some time before his death. He had had previous heart attacks and they had become more serious in the past two months. His death, however, came suddenly and with scarcely any warning.

Mrs. Lewis, the only other occupant of the office at the time of his death, immediately called his physician. She then started futile efforts to revive Mr. Sheets. Two doctors, on their arrival a few moments later, pronounced him dead.

A well known figure in Brainerd community life, Mr. Sheets came to Brainerd 26 years ago. He acquired the paper known as the Brainerd Arena, later changing it to its present name.

President Townsend Club

Mr. Sheets also for several years published a daily newspaper in Brainerd as a partner of Charles E. Hansing.

Prior to coming to Brainerd, Mr. Sheets had been employed on the St. Paul Pioneer Press and other papers in Tower, Minn., and elsewhere.

President of the Townsend club, a member of the Yeoman lodge and the chamber of commerce, the deceased was for four years deputy automobile license registrar here, giving up those duties about three years ago.

Born in Long Prairie, Minn., in December 1884, the deceased began the newspaper profession there, learning the trade of a printer.

Surviving are his widow and five children Helen, Mrs. Robert Hobart, Martha, Marilyn and John. His mother, Mrs. Dawson, living in Florida and three brothers, Mariam [sic], of Long Prairie, Sylvan of Clearbrook and John, of Washington, also survive.

Funeral arrangements had not been completed late today. (Brainerd Dispatch, 03 November 1936, p. 1, c. 6 and p. 3, c. 5)

06 February 1937. This week’s issue of the Brainerd Journal Press announced that it had been sold to Ralph Cole and Ralph Lindberg, both former newspapermen. The paper was purchased from Ada Sheets, whose husband R. M. Sheets published the paper for many years until his recent death. (This Was Brainerd, Brainerd Dispatch, 06 February 2017)


Cuyuna Man Expects to Go to Brain-

erd to Start a Print


Carl Bergstrom expects to start a print shop in Brainerd. (Brainerd Daily Dispatch, 26 October 1916, p. 2, c. 7)

Carl Bergstrom is at Minneapolis superintending the shipping of his printing plant to Brainerd, where he will soon publish his Swedish weekly. (Brainerd Daily Dispatch, 10 November 1916, p. 5, c. 4)

Carl Bergstrom Assembling His Plant

at Brainerd to Soon Launch

Weekly Swedish Paper

Carl Bergstrom was at Brainerd where he is assembling his plant preparatory to starting a Swedish weekly newspaper. (Brainerd Daily Dispatch, 23 November 1916, p. 4, c. 3)



Carl Bergstrom, Editor, Says it’s to

be Independent in Politics and to

be Printed in Swedish


Offices of the Paper are in the Basement of

the Ransford Block Near Corner

Front and Sixth

Brainerd’s new Swedish weekly, the Brainerd Posten, will make its bow to the public about December 1.

Carl Bersgtrom, a young newspaper man who gained his experience in Michigan, is editor and owner. He has quarters in the basement of the Ransford block, with an entrance on South Sixth street near Front street. It is to be an all Swedish paper, independent in politics. Mr. Bergstrom has been postmaster of Cuyuna for some time and is seeking a successor.

He is well pleased with prospects in Brainerd and expects to also print the magazine published by the Swedish Lutheran churches of the district designated the Lutheranen. (Brainerd Daily Dispatch, 29 November 1916, p. 1, c. 7)

Boosts the Posten

The new Swedish paper the Posten, published in Brainerd by Carl E. Bergstrom, has reached our table. It is neat in appearance and shows that skilled workmen are on the job. As our knowledge of the Swedish language is very limited, we are unable to read it to advantage, but if it “reads” as good as it looks it’s a dandy. Carl is a hustler and a mighty good fellow, and we predict a bright future for the Posten and its worthy editor.—Cuyuna Range Miner (Brainerd Daily Dispatch, 14 December 1916, p. 6, c. 2)

Carl Bergstrom Sells His Interests in

the Brainerd Posten, Swedish


Carl Bergstrom as sold his interests in the Brainerd Posten to C. E. Barnes, of the Meddler and the plant has been removed to Pillager. Mr. Bergstrom has withdrawn his resignation as postmaster of Cuyuna and will no doubt continue in the office. (Brainerd Daily Dispatch, 22 February 1917, p. 5, c. 1)



Carl E. Bergstrom of Cuyuna Charged

With Embezzling Postoffice Funds

of $2,700




Pleads Not guilty, is Bound Over to

Federal Court and Bonds

Place at $3,000

Carl E. Bergstrom, postmaster of Cuyuna, north Cuyuna range mining town in Crow Wing county near Brainerd, was arrested on a charge of embezzlement by U. S. Marshal J. A. Wenzel of St. Paul.

The complaint recites the charge of embezzlement of $2,700 postoffice funds. Inspector F. L. Ryan examined the postoffice affairs a week ago.

Bergstrom was brought to Brainerd and was examined by U. S. Commissioner W. A. Fleming, pleaded not guilty, was bound over to the federal jury at Duluth and bonds placed at $3,000.

The case, it is expected, will be called January 7. While awaiting bondsmen, Bergstrom was remanded to the county jail at Brainerd.

Bergstrom has been postmaster but a short time and formerly conducted the Cuyuna Range Miner weekly newspaper when it was published at Cuyuna and later conducted, for some time, a Swedish weekly in Brainerd. (Brainerd Daily Dispatch, 27 December 1917, p. 5, c. 1)


The first newspaper is the Brainerd Tribune, M. C. Russell, publisher and editor. Vol. 1, No. 1, February 10, 1872, is printed at the St. Cloud Journal office, C. W. Kingsbury, foreman, and George Allin, “devil.” Its 300 copies, expressed to Brainerd by stage, are eagerly purchased at ten cents each by the crowd of men who gather at the post office at ten o’clock that memorable Sunday morning. The first issue, as well as succeeding issues, boasts the following claim: ”Our circulation is large throughout this section of country, and is continually increasing.” The Brainerd Tribune, in fact, has the great honor of being the first newspaper on the Northern Pacific, east of the Rockies.

Advertisements have the choicest space in all the newspapers for many years. Sometimes the whole front page is given over to paid advertising. Ads take the form of streamers across the top or bottom or side of a page. Catch words and phrases, like “cheap!” “Bargains!” “Reasonable Prices!” stand out boldly. Liquor ads, church notices, drygoods sales, and news accounts follow in one-two-three order, on the front page. General mercantile stores will advertise: “Groceries, Liquors, Dry Goods, Hardware, etc.” Wet goods, dry goods and hard goods with your groceries! (Brainerd’s Half Century, Ingolf Dillan, General Printing Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota: 1923; p. 16)

The first paper in Brainerd was the Brainerd Tribune and it saw the light of day shortly after the city was first established. The publisher was M. C. Russell and his first edition was published on February 10, 1872. The paper got off to a shaky start with fire destroying the plant early in its history. However, Russell promptly re-established it. Sometime in 1875, Russell sold the paper to Wilder W. Hartley [editor and publisher] and he set up his plant in the Hartley Block, [his first issue was published on May 8]. At one time or another, the paper was a weekly, a morning daily and a semi-weekly and then returned to a weekly. (Brainerd 1871-1946, Carl Zapffe, Colwell Press, Incorporated, Minneapolis, Minnesota: 1946; pp. 151-152 and Brainerd, Minnesota 1871-1971, Centennial Edition, Brainerd Dispatch, p. 37, 1971)

...The leading journal of the town is the Brainerd Tribune, weekly, with 750 circulation and an enterprising manager who came up here from Nashville, Tennessee. A campaign sheet called the Greeley Wave is also issued from the same office by an individual [W. W. Hartley] who makes his appearance in his own columns as publisher and proprietor, editor, county auditor, judge of probate, deputy clerk of district court, real estate and insurance agent, liberal candidate for judge of probate, and “will also solemnize marriages.”

The whole force of printers in town consists of two men and a boy, and they work on in contentment, ignorant of the typographical union. Brainerd at present though a city only in name, aspires soon to be one in fact and is preparing for an election under a municipal charter of the last legislature. (St. Paul Pioneer Press, 22 October 1922, H. L. Bridgman, ‘Easterners Found Brainerd Roaring Camp of Vice in Woods 50 Years Ago; Wicked Town with No Future as Rail Center, View Expressed by Visitors, Gambling Open at Dolly Varden Club and Other ‘Joints’; Hanged Suspects.’)

For the time being, the business office of the TRIBUNE, is at the American House. (Brainerd Tribune, 17 February 1872, p. 3, c. 1)

Our Location.

The TRIBUNE office may be found on Laurel street, north side, midway between Fifth and Sixth Streets. (Brainerd Tribune, 06 April 1872, p. 1, c. 4)

End of First Quarter.

This number ends the first three months existence of the Brainerd TRIBUNE—and we still live. At the outset, some folks said we had a sure thing on about two weeks or possibly a month’s existence; some were extravagant and scribed out as much as two months for the TRIBUNE to run, while a few “lunatics”—one of whom we were which—thought three months would certainly be blessed by its living presence. Well, here is the twelfth number, and yet it is not the last, you prophesy. Some said we were “premature;” others, that we lacked in judgement; and, we presume, still others whispered into the ear of his friend that we had been recently attacked by a mild form of insanity, etc., etc.; others asserted it to be a “railroad job.” Well, we started out with poor health, a light pocket, no office at all, a stranger in strange land, and not even a friend of either means or influence in this section. But among our possessions were a strong heart, full faith and an honest purpose. We have worked night and day these past three months to establish a high-toned and valuable local paper in Brainerd, and from the very outset our noble good citizens have substantially and kindly aided us, in the good work—with but a very few exceptions. We did not even have a passing acquaintance with a single officer of the N. P. Railroad, till several weeks after our paper had started. It was not a railroad job, nor had we received any inducements from the company whatever, to either start or continue the publication of the TRIBUNE outside the subscriptions, etc., of individual members thereof—all of which we have fully appreciated. We have done our best to hold up this town, this country, and the great Northern Pacific Railroad by a proper light before the world, and no one can say but that the TRIBUNE has already wielded a powerful influence, far and near, in behalf of our interest here and along the line, and our interest as citizens and a community is one and the same with that of the Northern Pacific; for either without the other would be a cypher. We have now in Brainerd a printing establishment, entirely new in all its parts, which has cost us a cash outlay of over $1,700; this we bought, however, with money outside of our earnings here, for it has taken all our receipts this quarter to pay running expenses. We have as yet for ourself, made not a cent for all our hard toil, but we have steered our ship clear of the rocks of debt, and we are happy and content to wait for our profit, until we can through our labors and influence built up—with the assistance of other enterprises—a town of size and wealth, and populate the country, we rely upon our merit in future as we have in the past, and if the citizens of Brainerd will continue their substantial encouragement, and the Northern Pacific show their appreciation of our efforts in building up this great country, and we already have many things to warmly thank them for, we promise them all something good in our line in the early future; and we have not a doubt but that they will. (Brainerd Tribune, 04 May 1872, p. 1, c. 3)

OUR FRIEND W. W. HARTLEY, who is frequently in our office, and takes pleasure to putting his shoulder to the wheel when we are “in the drag,” met with a severe accident, the result of his own cleverness. Taking hold of our Gordon jobber to see if he could print some on it, and succeeding very well, he was permitted to run along, everybody else being busy. His presence was almost forgotten until a startling outcry told us that he had caught his hand in the press. He suffered very severely, and is now going about d—nouncing that press for its pressure. (Brainerd Tribune, 06 July 1872, p. 1, c. 5)


Our old-time friend, Mr. R. Parker, late of Nashville, with his family, arrived in Brainerd a few days ago, with a view to making our young and promising city his home. Mr. Parker and ourself have labored together for many days in some of the best publishing houses in the United States; and for him we can say that, outside of being a thorough, straightforward gentleman in the strictest sense of the term he is a finished typographical artist in all its multitude of branches. We have fortunately secured the promise of his permanent assistance in carrying on our rapidly growing business, and feel sure that we can now fully satisfy the most fastidious tastes in the art of printing. (Brainerd Tribune, 13 July 1872, p. 4, c. 1)


We have seen several specimens of stereoscopic views taken by these gentlemen—of Duluth—embracing scenery along the N. P., which certainly reflects upon them the highest credit, and at once places them in the front ranks among sun picture artists. We have, from time to time, seen landscape pictures from the leading art galleries of the eastern states, and we can candidly say that, so far as we are a judge of excellence in this line of art, the productions of Messrs. Caswell & Davy, of Duluth, eclipse the best that we have seen from New York. We return thanks for half a dozen pictures of the Brainerd TRIBUNE office, which has done full justice to the “grand” structure, and our little “barefoot boys at play.” Please send us a copy of the New England House, at Detroit, gentlemen. (Brainerd Tribune, 20 July 1872, p. 1, c. 6)


DULUTH, MINN., July 12, 1872.


...I have seen since I came here, at the beautiful rooms of Messrs. Caswell & Davy, a picture in stereoscope of the TRIBUNE office and the residence of its editor. Of course I procured some, as who does not? This firm is doing an excellent business in taking views of scenery and buildings of note, and have very frequent calls for their works of art.... W. B. W.

(Brainerd Tribune, 20 July 1872, p. 4, c. 1)


Several parties, who don’t take our paper, (and probably would not pay for it if they did) but borrow it regularly, have come to us complaining about some things we have said, or some things we have not said, or some things we are going to say, or some things we must say. If such of our gratuitous readers don’t like our “shape” in editing a paper, we advise them to start one of their own, that they may show to the world what they know about running a newspaper. Most people who subscribe and pay for the TRIBUNE are satisfied, and it is first, ourself, and next, them, that we are working for. If anyone has mistaken the editor of the TRIBUNE for a dancing-jack, the sooner they disabuse their mind of that impression the more happy they will become. (Brainerd Tribune, 27 July 1872, p. 1, c. 5)


Heretofore, the TRIBUNE has been, in a financial way, running under the firm name of “M. C. Russell & Co.” That name is now defunct, and existeth not, either in name or fact. Although the TRIBUNE, together with its extensive job printing department, etc., has grown from a simple acorn into a giant oak, we, the senior partner, have taken upon our shoulders the entire business, as publisher, editor, printer and proprietor—and on this line we are fully prepared to fight it out. We thank the citizens of Brainerd and the surrounding country, with the warmest feelings we possess, for their liberal patronage and kind encouragement throughout our adventure of establishing a successful, permanent and paying newspaper, and printing establishment. We feel, too, as though our good people will accord to us merited praise for the hard and incessant work we have performed, the self denial we have undergone, both in our living and outside enjoyments, while endeavoring to establish the TRIBUNE as a creditable mirror of our town, our people, and defending our interests and good name, at home and abroad.

Everybody in this community, however, with but the fewest exceptions, have readily recognized our efforts and appreciated our labors as being in GOOD FAITH, and no wild cat speculation, and have most generously seconded us, both substantially and otherwise. The Northern Pacific Railroad Company, too, both individually and as a corporation, are entitled to our heartfelt thanks for their aid and countenance. The aid they have given us, not in gifts, bonuses, etc., but in a straightforward business patronage, has been of great value in the establishment of our enterprise. For what the Company have done, and are doing, to encourage us, we feel very grateful indeed. We hope to be able in the future as in the past, to defend in our feeble way the rights and interests, and assist in developing that rich and almost boundless country traversed by this great Road, and opening it up to the settlement of thousands of honest people who have no homes in lands elsewhere, and who, through proper inducements on our part, may be encouraged to immigrate hither and secure to themselves what is most valuable in this world—a self-sustaining and happy home in the country.

In the future we hope to succeed in doing what we have always aimed to do—mete out justice to everybody, and everything. If we ever should injure anyone, or mar anyone’s feelings, it will be entirely unintentional, for if we have one love above another, it is to be at peace with all men, and see kind feelings and actions between all members of the human family. But it is often very difficult in the conduct of a square-toed, independent journal, to miss the shoals of contention, but that we may steer clear of all injustices to our fellow men, so far as possible, is the heart-felt desire of


Editor Brainerd TRIBUNE

(Brainerd Tribune, 17 August 1872, p. 1, c. 2)


If perchance we employ a man to do our collecting, and that man happens to be a lawyer, our friends must not construe it that we have “put our accounts into the hand of a lawyer to FORCE collection.” Oh, no; this idea is the furthest from our mind; for we have no patrons, and don’t want any patrons, that would render it necessary to do such a thing. (Brainerd Tribune, 17 August, 1872, p. 1, c. 3)

REMOVING.—We are about to move our office out of where it now is, into the building adjoining our residence, west. We shall have more room and better room there, and will do better and feel better, and commence putting on a few extraordinary airs, for us. We have drudged, and bumped our elbows and head off, nearly, in the little back kitchen office where the TRIBUNE was born, but we shall make it all up when we get into our new coop. Instead of sitting on the floor and writing on a shingle as of yore, we shall have a desk with pigeonholes, and an armed chair, a cane, (with which to “raise” the printer’s “devil” now and then) a hat, more or less tall, a wastebasket, (in which to deposit contributed poems) a morning gown, a nobby lamp with a shade, a picture of Greeley, (and other mementoes of the lost arts) a box of Grant cigars, a bottle of le-on-te-don-te-ter-racti-cum, (which means camphor, of course) a cheap boy to hand us matches, a new pair of pants with pocket behind, and a spotted dog. For the convenience of callers, we shall probably publish, ere long, our reception hours, which must be strictly observed, as our time is precious. All callers, whether colored or plain, must observe all the fashionable rules of dress, and not spit on the floor. (Brainerd Tribune, 09 November 1872, p. 1, c. 4)

OUR numerous friends will please accept our warm thanks for the many kind invitations we have received during the past two weeks to be with them on various occasions. Their thoughtful kindness has been fully appreciated, but the fact is, since we first started the TRIBUNE our time has been too wholly taken up to admit of much outside pleasure; in the outset we felt inclined to eventually make the TRIBUNE the monument of our journalistic life, notwithstanding the discouraging fears of the few friends we had at the beginning; and in order to do this, we have found it absolutely necessary to devote our ENTIRE TIME, and our every energy, late and early, and all the time, to our task. For nearly a year now we have worked hard, an average of fifteen hours every working day, and have in the wilderness, so to speak, built up a business that requires three first class printers, and other cheaper help, to discharge. But we expect to work still longer, as the time has not yet come for us to give up close application to business for social pleasures to any great extent. (Brainerd Tribune, 04 January 1873, p. 1, c. 5)

If you want to get your name sent to the four quarters of the globe in the right kind of shape, just advertise in the BRAINERD TRIBUNE, as witness the following:

“In Brainerd, Minnesota, is one of the most sensible and charitable men of the age—a Mr. J. C. Walters—who has announced to the poor of that city that he will furnish them all with turkeys for Christmas day, without money and without price. Extra large families are to have two and even three turkeys, which shows the advantage of having an extra large family. The anti-Malthusian way of viewing a multitudinous progeny is creditable to Mr. Walters, and we trust he has all the children he wants and even two or three over.—N. Y. TRIBUNE. (Brainerd Tribune, 11 January 1873, p. 1, c. 6)

THE delay in this issue was occasioned by the non-arrival of our regular edition of paper from the east—which was caused by the great snow blockade. No communication has even yet been had, by express, with the east since the storm. We waited until 9 o’clock Saturday night in the hope to receive our edition but were disappointed; and here, after working all the time, night and day, we present the TRIBUNE in whole form, only about twelve hours behind time—and in that time we have changed the entire form of the paper, set up much additional matter, wet down our paper, made up two sets of forms, printed both sides of our paper—over 1,300 impressions—read all our proof and done up and delivered our mail at the postoffice. And now, after standing on our feet for nearly 48 hours we go to bed for a few minutes, feeling sure that our readers will give ourself, and Messrs. Parker and Wall, and the ”devil” our invincible and noble colleagues—the credit of accomplishing a typographical feat never before equaled in Minnesota or any other State. (Brainerd Tribune, 18 January 1873, p. 2, c. 1)

One more week will finish the first year’s existence of the BRAINERD TRIBUNE. To say that the enterprise has been a proud success—to say that it has become well established, and is one of THE institutions of this thriving young city, would only be repeating a well known fact. We have worked hard to bring the TRIBUNE and our job printing establishment to its present condition as a permanent, prosperous institution, but now that we have the pride of its success, we are amply paid for all our unceasing toil. We commence the new year fresh and full of hope for the future, and with reasonably good luck we expect during this year to enlarge and improve our paper, and double our facilities in the job printing department. With heartfelt thanks to every one of our noble patrons for past favors, we ask for a continuation of the patronage we shall strive to merit in the future. (Brainerd Tribune, 02 February 1873, p. 1, c. 6)

“BIG INJIN, ME!”—We are all puffed up now; so big that we have ordered a new suit of clothes cut to fit a two-story bay window—nothing smaller will contain our importance. We have been accused, as we learn, in certain circles, of “RUNNING THE CITY.” Well, Well! Had our first sweetheart known to what importance we were to rise at so young a day in life, how she wouldn’t have went back on us like she did. Running a city! We denounce the allegation as false, however, and the “alligator” knows it. We have common sense enough, (and it only requires the merest trifle,) to know that one man cannot “run” Brainerd, and hence we would not TRY to do so even though we wanted to, ever so bad. No, sir; we have quite enough to attend to in running our little old print-shop, without trying to run a whole city full of intelligent people, (who know beans just as quick as the bag is open). To attend to our own little affairs, say “good morning” to a neighbor, etc., requires our full calibre, and we just barely have sense enough besides, to teach us not to try to do anything that might convict us of lugging around any false wisdom But! (Brainerd Tribune, 15 March 1873, p. 1, c. 3)

HAVE PATIENCE.—We are now negotiating for a fine new power newspaper press, which will cost us in the neighborhood of fifteen hundred dollars, when set up and ready for “business” in the TRIBUNE office. And then we shall nearly double the size, and more than double the interest of our paper. It is our heartfelt desire to give Brainerd a first class paper, in size, in appearance, in general interest, and as a valuable local journal in every sense. We cannot do this without additional facilities to the tune of some two thousand dollars, although we have now what is termed a first class country establishment. It is a big undertaking for a “working Man” to attempt, added to what we have already went through to build up a valuable institution for Brainerd, but if our liberal business men and citizens will continue to stick to us we shall accomplish more than all we promise, and in return we shall do more than we ever have, to defend the best interests of Brainerd and its good people—for then we shall have the tools to do it with. (Brainerd Tribune, 26 April 1873, p. 1, c. 5)

WE ACCEPT THE APOLOGY.—A gentleman stepped into our sanctum the other day, when the following colloquy took place:

Says he, “Be you the editor?”

Says we, “You’re whistling!”

Says he, “I’ve read your TRIBUNE for some weeks, and I consider it the wickedest paper in Minnesota;” and he paused.

Our best man was not in, just at that moment, and as seemed meet for us to do, we commenced preparations for war. We deposited all our superfluous clothing, down to our undershirt, in a neighboring chair; tied our suspenders around us, brushed back our hair, and had just struck that restless waltzing gait by way of finding our best bottom, when the singular acting individual continued:

“Mr. R., I didn’t mean that kind of business; I never fight; I am a Quaker; and besides, I like the TRIBUNE and its editor very much; I came in to subscribe for two copies—one for myself and one to be sent to a friend in Philadelphia, and here is your four dollars!”

We sat down and nervously entered the name and address of both subscribers, and then advised him never to let a joke run so near to a fatal termination in the future—the chances were greater than he ought to assume, on account of his family.

After congratulating us upon publishing a fearless, wide awake paper, and wishing us godspeed, he departed; while we commenced climbing back into our clothes, preparatory to counting over our money. (Brainerd Tribune, 23 August 1873, p. 1, c. 6)

WANTED.—Those who owe us a few, to come in and hand us some. Otherwise we shall arm our “heavy man” with Walters’ bear and have him interview those who owe us a thing or two. These are “needy” times; it costs greenbacks to grind a printing office, and, in short, you know how yourself it is—don’t ut? (Brainerd Tribune, 06 December 1873, p. 1, c. 5)


We have asked several times that those knowing themselves indebted to the TRIBUNE office should come forward and settle with us the first day they could make it convenient. Knowing that the times were close for money, we have put off asking for what is due us, for weeks and months rather than to “dun” our friends for money—hoping that by so doing we could accommodate them till a day when they would have it, and would drop in and settle their accounts. Through our goodness of heart (though we make no pretensions to being any kinder-hearted than any man OUGHT to be), we have actually SUFFERED in our business a hundred times during the past four months, rather than go out and push our citizens for the money they owe us. You may say, “O, I don’t owe the TRIBUNE but a trifle, and that little amount certainly can’t help it much nor injure it any if I don’t pay it till some time when I have it convenient.” That is just where the mischief comes in. A week or so ago, we made out a whole batch of small accounts amounting to over two hundred dollars, and sent out our collector, who visited them all, and returned with just SEVEN dollars and FIFTY CENTS! Now, we state once for all, that after having been so lenient with those who owe us, this thing WILL NOT DO ANY LONGER! We cannot stand it; our expenses are large; we must live, we must pay our help, and we must pay cash for the enormous amount of stock we are working up, and pay out cash in a hundred ways we cannot mention. This “trusting till the interest eats up the principal” must stop; and if we cannot collect for our work, and our paper, the final result must be evident to all—we are not a gold mine by any means, and beside that we don’t propose to work eighteen hours a day the year through just for the “fun” of keeping up a newspaper and printing establishment for those who don’t appreciate our efforts, and will not pay nor try to pay for what they get. When it gets so that we cannot pay the debts that we are forced to contract in keeping up the concern, JUST BECAUSE WE can’t get 25 cents on the dollar of what is, and long has been, honestly due us, why, then—”up goes the donkey!” “A word to the wise is sufficient;” and when our collector gets around again, we want the money due, or an adjustment of the account in some form; and hereafter don’t order work done unless you need it, and are prepared to pay for it—THEN the TRIBUNE will get “bigger and better” instead of “smaller and worse.” (Brainerd Tribune, 24 January 1874, p. 1, c. 4)

REMOVAL.—Our next “family journal” will, in all human probability, be issued from our new quarters, in the fine suite of rooms located immediately above Wm. Schwartz—second story of the Raymond & Allen building, Front street.

As soon as we get there, we propose to spread ourselves some. New furniture and everything complete and convenient, when we shall proceed to print everything that needs printing, or that we can get our hands on, in this upper country, and excel in low prices, quality of work, and promptness—that we will, you’re whistling!

When we get fairly located, we want to receive

Business calls—any number!

Plenty of social calls—brief and to the point!

Chronic loafers, that have no business with us, and devilish little business anywhere, are requested to roost on the wood-pile outside.

Persons hunting around for some man to endorse a note for them, go their security, or become bondsman for them, are particularly requested to make themselves mighty scarce about our sanctum—during the “fiscal year just closed,” that luxury has cost us between five and six hundred dollars by “just putting our name down AS A MATTER OF FORM,” and that “lets us out,” due notice of which is hereby given. We are a good-natured sort of an idiot, but emphatically declare that, if it was the last official act of our life, we should “lampoon” our grandmother should she ask us to go on her note.

Crusaders, of all kinds, are requested to cruise in other “waters,” as our case is hopeless.

“Eminent talkers” are requested to limit their “blasts” to ten minutes.

“Last year we were visited by a body of the fair sex who proposed to shoot the “dog-ond head off us” unless we divulged something. These visits are not relished oftener than once in five years.

“Exchange thieves,” and prowlers who knock down type and read copy over the printers’ shoulders, will be introduced to the “devil” at once; when their utter annihilation will be a foregone conclusion.

Persons owing the establishment money will be cordially received, and hospitably entertained while they are emptying their “weasel” into our pocket.

Subscription, and transient job work (particularly election tickets) will be cash in advance, for the first named, and bullion on delivery for the second.

If we can think of any more important rules that the friends of the printer ought to know, we shall hasten to post them. (Brainerd Tribune, 21 March 1874, p. 1, c. 2)

NOTE: The William Schwartz mentioned above, I believe, is the William Schwartz of the Brainerd Steam Brickyard and the Schwartz Block, before he became involved in bricks.

SEE: Schwartz Block in the Buildings & Parks of Brainerd page.

WELL, here we are; all snug as a bug in a bolster, in our new office; this is the first “editorial” we have labored with, since our arrival; it seems rather odd to scratch locals, and things, in these new plastered rooms with great high ceilings, and big windows, and clean floors, and smiling assistants, and a clean faced “devil,” and the d—l knows what all! Things have so changed from the little seven by nine quarters we recently occupied, with little windows, cob-web-ceilings, sullen looking printers, and the floor—well, you’d just ought to have seen that floor, and that old “camp,” generally; it was orful! But bless the old shanty, after all; it did us good service, and many the day do we hope to live to bless the humble home of the TRIBUNE on Laurel street, and all the good people and neighbors who live on that thoroughfare. John Reynolds, Mr. Tull, Mr. Sundeen, Mr. Mahlum, Mr. Ed. Oleson, and our own TRIBUNE force, have the thanks of ye editor for their care and labor in assisting us to move our material. Mr. J. S. Campbell, the artist who fitted us up in respectable habiliments in the way of office furniture with which to make our debut on this fashionable boulevard—Front street—also has our thanks—and Mr. Ferguson, his assistant, and others. Our immediate neighbors where we are now located, are county officers, city officers, lawyers. Good Templars, (who, by the way, are already using their influence to snatch us a brand from the fire of intemperance, and get us into their lodge; they mean well, bless them, and we wish them well; but they even prohibit the use of liniment, somebody tells us, and “liniment” is a good thing for rheumatism, and we have rheumatism) boot and shoe dealers, express men, barbers, storekeepers, etc., besides pretty women, busy men and rollicking boys passing and repassing beneath our windows the livelong day. We are fixed—peculiarly well fixed—for printing things now, and anyone who does not believe it, let them come and try us by leaving an order for a hundred dollars worth of fine printing—cash on delivery—and they will no longer be skeptics on that subject. (Brainerd Tribune, 28 March 1874, p. 1, c. 4)

Tribune For Sale Ad, 25 April 1874.
Source: Brainerd Tribune

BOTH SIDES.—We hope, sometime about August 1st, to commence printing both sides of our paper at home. We feel sure that, although the expense to us will be increased, our “family journal” will give enough better satisfaction to make it even. We desire to run a paper that will be sought after as a valuable paper to all in the Northern Pacific country, and equally valuable to our numerous patrons in the eastern States, and believe we can best do it by abandoning the “patent insides,” and give less stale reading and more local matter. We have contracted with ourself to increase the circulation of the TRIBUNE to 2,000 copies before 1875, and if we don’t do it, it will be because we have not got the calibre to make it worthy, or because there is no virtue in hard work. So, let our friends put their shoulder to the wheel and give us a new boost from all quarters. (Brainerd Tribune, 04 July 1874, p. 1, c. 6)


It is with a feeling of pride that we today introduce to the numerous readers of the BRAINERD TRIBUNE our partner in the publishing and printing business—MR. P. P. WALL, late of the Audubon Journal. Mr. Wall is a practical man, and has come to be acknowledged as one of the very best newspaper men in the New Northwest, and a writer of tone and ability—just a balance-wheel that a crazy writer like ourself stands in need of, you see. We expect, with the great accession of ability and practical knowledge we have gained by securing Mr. Wall as a co-worker, to be able to make the TRIBUNE at least a respectable member of the newspaper brotherhood, or sisterhood, and all we ask or expect is, that as we sow we shall be permitted to reap. All we can add is, that during our own “lonely” career of nearly three years on the border, we have always endeavored to deserve well of everybody, think we have at least partially succeeded and assure all, that for their innumerable kindnesses, favors and good wishes, we can never thank them enough; craving a continuance of patronage and good wishes from the public toward the new TRIBUNE firm, we make our most profound and compound bow, and roll up our sleeves afresh to wade in deeper, while remaining.

Yours, forever and a day,


(Brainerd Tribune, 08 August 1874, p. 1, c. 2)


We like a partner in business. Being of a social disposition, we find it very pleasant to have the association of a person equally interested in the business, and equally concerned as to the success of the business. But no pleasure is without its pain, as will be seen by the following two notices, one written by each of the editors of the TRIBUNE, neither one knowing that the other had written up the items till the discovery of both versions of the affair in the proof sheet. They concern the application of a certain party for divorce:

[One Account.]

A SAD CASE.—The sad duty devolves itself upon us this week, as a faithful reporter of matters and things, of writing up a case of domestic trouble that makes our heart bleed, and the great drops of sweat stand out on our mansard brow like carbuncles, as we pen the account. A brute by the name of McGinnis McCracken, has maltreated his noble wife so horribly during the past year, that she has finally been driven in her desperation to seek a bill of divorce, and has employed counsel to take the matter in hand for her. She left her own hearthstone the other day—the home that should have been her earthly heaven, instead of the hell it was—with a child under each arm, and is now stopping at the house of a friend. The abuse imposed upon her by the fiend, McCracken, is enough to consign him to the contempt of the most degraded scum of the human family, and forever shut him out from the good offices of any creature above a dog—dog on him! On the other hand, Mrs. McCracken is one of the most lovable creatures in point of disposition, that ever blessed any home, and is, withal, a most pious and exemplary lady, whose whole life, so full of promise at the outstart, has been converted into a shameful misfortune by a miserable wretch in human form, but possessing no more of a heart than a lizard and no soul more lofty than the miserable sole of his foot. We sincerely pray that this estimable lady may speedily get relief from such a monster.

[The Other Account.]

DOMESTIC INFELICITY.—We have another opportunity to record woman’s inhumanity to man, in the case of Mrs. McCracken vs. McGinnis McCracken, one of our most highly respected citizens. Mrs. McCracken has applied for divorce, as a cap-sheaf to all the misery she has heaped upon her husband during the past year, and she has also taken the two youngest children and abandoned her home, and the bed and board of Mr. McCracken, without even the foundation for an excuse. We have often remarked Mr. Mc as one of the most indulgent fathers, and loving and providing husbands we ever met. But we have frequently noticed as a fact, that the very kindest and best men in the world are sure to be won in marriage by regular “she devils,” and the instance in question is one of the most aggravated cases of this kind. No longer than yesterday morning, as Mr. McCracken was in his kitchen, grinding the coffee—after starting a fire, putting over the teakettle and washing up the supper dishes of the night before—she came in, and because the poor man didn’t happen to have the drawer of the coffee-mill next to his leg, to keep it from working out, like, she let the skillet fly at his head with all her diabolical strength; and had Mr. McCracken not dodged behind the stove pipe, he would no doubt have been murdered in cold blood, by the deadly weapon. He says his life will be far more secure by a separation, but that he would stand all rather than see the family broken up. But no, this female fiend—for she does not deserve the name of woman—goes off to the lawyers, and seeks to destroy what, (were it not for her awful waywardness) might be one of the happiest homes on this continent, with such a good and noble man as Mr. McCracken at its head.

One of the editors of this paper is a married man, the other is not; and it is not to be wondered at, probably, that in matters of this character, our opinions may not exactly correspond, in matters of detail. (Brainerd Tribune, 15 August 1874, p. 1, c. 3)

FOR SALE CHEAP.—The building now occupied by Wm. Schwartz and the Tribune office. The lot is twenty-nine feet front. This property will be sold at a bargain. (Brainerd Tribune, 24 October 1874, p. 1, c. 2)


After January 1st, you see, the law will require us to pay the postage on all the papers we publish and send out, IN ADVANCE. Well, you know how it is yourself, dear reader; we are not going to pay this postage on your paper, unless you will have previously paid us two dollars a year in advance. On account of this large extra expense to us we require that every paper we send out of our office shall be paid for in advance, though we shall not increase our subscription price. We intend to pay the postage, as an inducement to our friends to stick to us; but after January 1st we shall stop every man’s paper who is in arrears to us for any portion of his subscription. But the idea of anyone supposing that we are going to furnish him our great family journal free, and pay his postage too, is simply ridiculous. You see Massachusetts has gone Democratic! (Brainerd Tribune, 07 November 1874, p. 1, c. 4)

Fire animation About 11:30 p. m. on the night of December 18, 1874 a fire destroyed three buildings on Front Street; one containing William Schwartz’s drygoods store, the Brainerd Tribune, the office of the Clerk of Court and a law office; a barbershop, a men’s clothing store and a shoe store were also destroyed.

SEE: 1874 Brainerd Tribune Fire in the Brainerd: City of Fire page.

The Tribune Roll of Honor.

We beg the pardon of our friends for the liberty we take in giving their names a prominent place in our columns, that we may have the satisfaction of showing to the world who, and how many friends the TRIBUNE and ourself can boast of in this community, and, also, chiefly because we desire to pay them the highest compliment in a printer’s power to pay. They are too numerous to admit of anyone being particularly mentioned more than another; and, indeed, we would not desire to use any distinction if we could. For the poor man who put in his dollar to assist the TRIBUNE and ourself out of trouble, has as large a place in our heart as those who put in a hundred—they were all actuated by the same noble impulse, and this is enough for us to know. We have endeavored to secure the names of all the noble men who have aided us substantially and encouraged by a thousand kind words and acts, and if we have missed any, we hope to make amends when we find it out.

And now, dear friends, all we can say in return for what you have done for us is, that all the thanks of a warm and sensitive nature is poured out at your feet; if a heart was ever moved in love and esteem for neighbors and friends, ours is that one; and we only regret that we cannot show our feelings towards you all, enough; believe us, however, when we tell you that all a man of our ability can do to prove ourself worthy of your confidence and esteem, shall be done as long as we live. We acknowledge ourself full of errors and short-comings, but God knows, we shall do the best we know how in the future to pay you back, in kind, for all the love and esteem you have displayed towards us in our misfortune. And may He shower kind blessings on your head through life, and imbue us all, before death, with a nobleness and goodness of heart that will entitle us to a seat in the heavenly realms throughout eternity.


Eber H. Bly, G. W. Holland, L. S. P. S. Co., H. M. Halpin, Ben M. Hazen, S. K. Swain, E. L. Strauss, J. S. Gardner, Lyman P. White, W. A. Smith, W. M. Falconer, Jos. Polta, Walter Davis, L. N. Lowe, H. D. Pettibone, J. H. White, August Lettau, W. O. Whitney, W. L. Jack, T. H. Ward, Henry Dressen, N. Gravelle, J. C. Ferguson, Wm. Ferris, B. F. Keating, French & Hare, W. H. Leland, Geo. W. Whitney, Lamont & Wilson, E. Romer, M. P. Martin, James Newar, — Wakeley, D. McDonald, R. K. Whiteley, Rev. Mr. Squires, S. V. R. Sherwood, John Reynolds, H. Brintnell, Wm. Shontell, A. A. White, H. Ryan, Jas. B. Power, C. S. Comstock, Rev. E. S. Williams, L. W. Ford, John H. Sullivan, John H. Moon, F. X. Goulet, C. F. Wiser, T. C. Bivins, A. C. Coventry, Paine & Mabey, H. McKee, T. M. Trudell, C. Squire, Friend, J. R. Pegg, L. C. Currier, A. A. Henderson, J. L. Starcher, A. W. Cameron, Rev. F. R. Millspaugh, Walter Davis, D. O. Preston, W. H. Lewis, John Lewis, John Willis, W. W. Hartley, Wm. Knowlton, E. W. Weed, E. F. Elwell, Wm. Murphy, J. C. Congdon, A. F. McKay, C. B. Sleeper, E. H. Davie, T. F. Haycox, Milt Askew, C. H. Burke, F. B. Smith, L. P. White, Jr., N. McFadden, J. T. Burns, J. M. Martin, W. Beane, T. Moore, H. G. Coykendall, A. O. Canfield, Miss Jennie Dee, J. Rogers, Mrs. Grandelmyer, C. W. Darling, J. H. Hallett, C. Bloom, T. P. Cantwell, G. M. Willard, Henry Kelley, M. C. Kimberley, D. McNannay, H. Hawkins, Richard Ahrens, John Davidson, Ida Lewis, Edward Kopper, T. F. McAvoy, J. C. Rosser, Lamont & Sherburne, John Holmes, A. Allen, J. L. Pinkerton, O. Olson, P. D. Davenport, J. C. Oswald, F. H. Harvey, Newell & Harrison. (Brainerd Tribune, 26 December 1874, p. 1, c. 4)

THE ST. PAUL TYPE FOUNDRY, AND HOW WE ALL DID IT.—The whole outfit of the new TRIBUNE was furnished complete by the St. Paul Type Foundry on the unprecedented short notice of twenty-four hours. We arrived at St. Paul Tuesday noon, and at three o’clock the next afternoon the whole establishment was on drays, and on the way to the depot. In order to show, to those posted in the trade, the magnitude of the feat, we would give this rough outline: Our material is all new, and consists of a Taylor press and fixtures, a quarto Nonpareil power press, a Gage paper cutter, a card cutter, six stands and racks, thirty pairs of cases, a twenty-case walnut cabinet, a ten-case cabinet, twenty job cases, a font of long primer type, one of bourgeois, one of minion, one of nonpareil, one of pica, one of great primer, one of double great primer, ten fonts of wood poster type, ten of metal poster type, and forty-five different fonts of fancy and display type of all the latest styles and faces, besides a hundred other articles that go to make up a first-class book, job and newspaper office. We arrived at Brainerd with our carload of material, (which, by the great kindness and attention of the L. S. and M., and Northern Pacific Railroad officials, was permitted to accompany us by the passenger trains), Thursday night at 8 o’clock. At noon, Friday, our material was in the new building presented us by the citizens, and at six p. m., the material was so far in position that type setting was commenced and continued till two o’clock next morning. Saturday morning work was resumed and at six o'clock p. m., this Saturday evening the paper was ready for press—the entire paper set up; and this holy Sabbath morning we greet you with the new TRIBUNE, without an issue missing. Mr. Wall and ourself were thus enabled to consummate and complete the task by the patience and hard work of our ever faithful foreman, Mr. R. Parker, ably seconded, in type-setting, by Harry Robinson, Vincent Strauss, and, during Friday night, by our friend E. B. Chambers, of the Glyndon Gazette, who happened to be in town. If the St. Paul Type Foundry can be beaten in their line, or the Brainerd men (who ever stood at our elbow, by scores, to assist us and the TRIBUNE to Phoenixize), or the Brainerd printers can be beaten on a straight heat of any length, we desire that the “stock should be trotted out.” That’s what ails us. (Brainerd Tribune, 26 December 1874, p. 1, c’s 5 & 6)

OUR NEW OFFICE.—While we were gone below for new material for the “phoenixed TRIBUNE,” the boys—which means two or three hundred of our friends in Brainerd—thought it proper that we should have a place to put the TRIBUNE when we returned, and so went to work and bought and moved a building 18x30 to our lot on the corner of Front and Broadway, and fixed it up in complete readiness for us to occupy when we returned—even to a beautiful sign—”Tribune”—which stood out on the front. Upon our return, Thursday night, we found the vicinity of our residence completely changed, with a strange building, all heated and illuminated, and it was only when we reached the front, and read the sign, in the moonlight, that we “struck the idea.” Of course, words failed to do the subject justice then—and so they do now. All we can say is, come and see us, every one of you, often. Our light shall always burn in the window for you, and our latch string stick out a rod. (Brainerd Tribune, 26 December 1874, p. 1, c. 6)

OUR HEAD.—We were unable to procure a heading for the TRIBUNE in St. Paul that suited us. Consequently, we are compelled for a few weeks to substitute type that we happen to have on hand, until we can send east and have one made. (Brainerd Tribune, 26 December 1874, p. 1, c. 6)

DEAR MR. EDITOR:—I have sympathized with your efforts to awaken a jenuine [sic] public spirit in Brainerd. Without it a town deserves to fade. Sorry as I am for your loss, I can congratulate you that the big blaze the TRIBUNE made last Friday night, has started a jenuine [sic] fire of good feeling which I am sure the whole hose company cannot put out. I enclose two years’ subscription in advance.


(Brainerd Tribune, 26 December 1874, p. 1, c. 7)

PERSONAL.—P. P. Wall, Esq., of this office, returned last night from a visit below, to his friends. Mr. Wall went away before the fire, and of course when he returned, things had slightly changed. (Brainerd Tribune, 26 December 1874, p. 1, c. 7)


Hereafter, the BRAINERD TRIBUNE will be conducted by the undersigned, as editor, publisher and proprietor.

We exceedingly regret losing the pleasant and agreeable association, with us, of Mr. P. P. WALL, for with him and ourself all has went smoothly during our business partnership, and always should have went smoothly. But fire works wonders in more senses than one; and since the visitation upon us of the fiery element, it has been deemed best, after free and friendly consultation, that one or the other of us should step out of the business, and the result has been the withdrawal of Mr. WALL from the concern; and may fortune smile abundantly upon him in whatever field he may cast his lot, for he is worthy of the confidence and high esteem of all humanity, while his capacity as a newspaper and business man, and his qualities as a gentleman of the strictest integrity and moral worth is of the very highest order, and none will regret more than ourself the necessity of his leaving us.

We cast our boat upon the sea of business life again alone, feeling ourself scarcely equal to the task before us; but we do so with naught but an honest purpose in view, and a full faith that so long as we do the best we can, we shall be blessed according to our works.

Very truly,


(Brainerd Tribune, 02 January 1875, p. 1, c. 3)

The Brainerd Tribune.

During this winter, will give, in a nut-shell, all the proceedings of the Legislature, Minnesota news, Congressional proceedings boiled down, as well as Stories, Miscellaneous News, etc., red hot Correspondence from “Willis,” “Huckleberry,” and many others, besides Editorials, and “Locals” that will be dished up to please and edify ninety-eight out of every hundred of our readers and friends—the remaining fraction being permitted to go to the d—l, or elsewhere, as they may elect—all for the perfectly insignificant sum of two dollars a year in advance, we paying the postage. Now is the time to send in your names. (Brainerd Tribune, 02 January 1875, p. 1, c. 4)

To Our Friends.

Under the circumstances we shall, for some time to come, have to put our shoulder to the wheel right in our office, and do a man’s work at the mechanical part of the business, besides the business, editing, etc. Hence, as we cannot get out to “work up business” and solicit new subscribers to the TRIBUNE, we shall have to ask our friends both at home and abroad to send us all the subscribers and work they conveniently can, while we stand at the pump here at home. If each one of our friends and readers will give about “one circulate” in behalf of the TRIBUNE, it will come up, with us astride, in a No. 1 shape, and we can dissolve the heavy debt now hanging over us like a noonday sun would “get away” with a piece of butter. Now, “boys,” go for the TRIBUNE, and you can put your last scrip down on the proposition that we’ll go for you—for remember, we are at the pump, with our sleeves rolled up. (Brainerd Tribune, 02 January 1875, p. 1, c. 5)

Kind Words.

The kind words that have been said of the citizens of Brainerd and ourself, since our misfortune by fire, by our brethren of the press, would make a volume. Of. course we cannot pretend to give even a synopsis of them, but we can say, for ourself, and on behalf of the good people of Brainerd, that we thank you, gentlemen, from the bottom of our heart, for your sympathizing and complimentary words. We give below just a few words taken from half a dozen or so of our exchanges, as a specimen of the many good things said of us and the BRAINERD TRIBUNE:

“Well may the people of that place be liberal, for no town in the State has more reason to be proud of their newspaper than has Brainerd.”—St. Cloud Press.

“By their action the Brainerd people show that the genius and ability displayed in the TRIBUNE is as much appreciated at home as it is abroad. And we will say to our readers that if they want a dose every Saturday evening that will drive from their minds all the cares and tribulations of the week, let them send $2 to the Brainerd Tribune.Duluth Minnesotian.

“The life and spirit set forth by the TRIBUNE has done much to advance Brainerd, and unless it is replaced they had better set fire to the balance and let ‘er blaze.—Perham News.

“The TRIBUNE had gained for itself a reputation second to none in Northern Minnesota, and as a Brainerd institution was an advertising medium of which the City of the Pines was justly proud.—Moorhead Star.

“We are not surprised at the appreciation of the TRIBUNE on the part of the citizens of Brainerd.—Minneapolis Tribune.

“Brainerd would be nothing without the TRIBUNE, and the people appreciating this, promptly exhibited in its re-establishment.—St. Cloud Journal.

“The calamity was one that would appall most men and communities, but not so in this instance. The citizens of Brainerd are open-hearted and free-giving. With rare energy and pluck the TRIBUNE was “phoenixed,” and to-day we have the result before us in one of the handsomest papers in Minnesota, and this without the loss of one issue; it was truly a remarkable performance, and worthy of more than a mere passing notation.—St. Paul Dispatch. (Brainerd Tribune, 02 January 1875, p. 1, c. 5)


One or two little mementoes from the original TRIBUNE office happened to “get saved,” and prominent among the few little items that were thrown out of the window by Capt. Pettibone and W. W. Hartley, was the only chair in the office, and here we are sitting on the pesky thing at this very moment. It is a peculiar contrivance, and if there ever was a thing that brought “cuss sentences” anywhere near to our lips, it was this chair. It has a way of kind o’ wriggling around, and threatening to spill us on the floor just as we are trying our level best to put the head on a brilliant idea; of course the idea flees just at the critical moment, and sometimes we console ourself that the reason the TRIBUNE is so stupid is all attributable to this infernal old rickety chair. Besides that, one side of the back has become “busted” off, and when we kind of lean back against the back, you know, to collect our thoughts for a red-hot stanza, like, it will lop back, and we nearly spill to the floor in that instance; of course we fly forward to save ourself, and the broken back flies back at the same time, and grapples a portion of our physical make-up in the jaws of the fractured part, and then we yell “blue blazes,” and quote several things as we spring up with that old chair hanging to us somewhere; by this time the idea has generally fled so far that we never pretend to find it again; the old chair goes for the thousandth time rattle-te-bang across the room, and we stand up by the stove and rub ourself and think about—well, no matter what we think about. When that fire occurred, we were in hopes that chair had been consumed; but no, the very next day a boy rapped at the door of our cot, and when admitted, says he: “Here’s yer chair, I reckon, fur I found it out in the alley after the fire.” And sure enough, here it was—a thorn in our side, or someplace, for the future—the same old rickety legged pinch-back. We kinder like the old wreck now, after all the misery it has given us; and after all—well, when we come to think bless the durned old chair, anyway. (Brainerd Tribune, 02 January 1875, p. 1, c. 6)

A BIG LIFT.—Among our many friends who tried to save the TRIBUNE office at the late fire, was Capt. Henry Dressen, Foreman of the fire company. He ran upstairs and amid the stifling smoke groped his way back into the press room, (as we learn from another friend of ours) and coming upon our Gordon job press, weighing 1,100 pounds, he “gobbled on to it,” and by main strength dragged it to the window, intending to let it “drop gently” into the backyard. But upon his upending the machine into the window, it proved to be too big to go thro’, and so, after all he had to abandon the ”Gordon” (the pet of the office) to its fate, and save himself at the last moment. We had always given Capt. D. credit for a respectable amount of muscle, but did not think he had eleven hundred pounds’ worth of that article. We feel very thankful to him for his generous display of strength in so worthy a cause as the saving of property from destruction by fire. (Brainerd Tribune, 09 January 1875, p. 1, c. 5)

ADDENDUM.—A dozen or so of kind friends have dropped into our office during the past week and encouraged us by kind words and in subscribing for our paper, etc. Others who we have met in our rounds have done the same thing—who were not “in at the death,”—all of whom have our most cordial thanks. How could we refuse, with such friends at our back, to strip off our coat and dip our oar in deep. Echo answers, “How.” (Brainerd Tribune, 09 January 1875, p. 1, c. 6)


We do not desire that anyone shall leave orders at the TRIBUNE office for job printing, unless there is something they need, or want, in our line. but it might be proper for us to remark that we have THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS invested in the latest improved printing machinery, and all the latest styles of type, and beautiful ornaments of the trade, as well as the newest oddities, etc. and if there is any NICE thing, or common thing NICELY DONE, that you want printed, we are prepared to put as neat and fashionable a touch on it as can be done in New York City. By the calamity of the fire, we are left to-day over two thousand dollars in debt, our notes are coming due thick and fast, we have nothing left to meet them with except our bare hands, and all we ask is to have everyone of our friends throw a little business in our way that we may have a chance to work it out. If you will do this, “boys,” we are good for the work part that will bring the TRIBUNE out all straight; but, you know, if we don’t get the work to do, why, as a natural consequence, the great family journal printing establishment must eventually shrink up, till the Sheriff will walk off some fine morning with it in his pocket—and then with all the loss of time, and hardship on our part, the loss will be not alone to us, but to this whole section. So, send in your orders for anything, from a nobby visiting card up to a magnificent mortgage foreclosure—from a glittering poster done in colors, down to a quaint little reward for a lost dog. (Brainerd Tribune, 23 January 1875, p. 1, c. 5)

NEW MUSIC.—Professor Rosenberg in chief of Ben Hazen’s band—next best man to Ben. Well, the Professor is a musical genius. He is always advancing in the beautiful art of music and adding to his portfolio of original tunes. Among the latest pieces he has composed, are a waltz, a march, and a schottische. The first he calls the Sullivan Waltz, and is dedicated to our friend, Superintendent J. H. Sullivan, of the N. P. R. R. at this place; also a march called the “Brainerd March,” dedicated to the same gentleman. The other is called the “Tribune Schottische,” and is dedicated to the Brainerd TRIBUNE. It is a “regular ripper,”—just like the TRIBUNE, for all the world—rich and smooth, and cannot fail to become immensely popular—just like the TRIBUNE is, you know. The Professor is a brick; and now that our paper, and ourself, have been turned into music, and we are hereafter to be wafted into the very heart and being of thousands of beautiful dancers, over the enchanting bridge that supports four strings of “intestine felinus,” and be kicked about all over every ballroom in this country by pretty little number seven feet in number three shoes, we cannot see but what our ambition is glutted and our usefulness in the world come to an end. But still, the price of the TRIBUNE remains unchanged. (Brainerd Tribune, 30 January 1875, p. 1, c. 4)

THANKS.—Our readers will remember our saying, in so many words, not long ago, that the only chair we had left from the fire was an old pinch-back contrivance, that never lost an opportunity to grab hold of our person savagely and give us much pain and general annoyance. Well, what was our surprise a few evenings since, at receiving by express, a very fine arm-chair, nicely varnished, and striped off in gold—and nary a pinching place in its whole anatomy. It came from Duluth, and, we suspicion, from the hand of our fellow-townsman, Mr. H. Robinson, who is engaged in an extensive furniture manufactory at Duluth. That’s all right, friend Robinson, and may you always have as good a one in which to rest your weary “boik,” is the wish of yours truly, a greatly relieved editor. (Brainerd Tribune, 30 January 1875, p. 1, c. 6)


Three years ago to-day the first BRAINERD TRIBUNE made its appearance.

We printed an edition of about 700 copies, and sold them as fast as we could fold them up, at fifteen cents per copy.

It was the first paper printed on the line of the Northern Pacific Railroad east of the Rocky Mountains.

Brainerd at that time was literally packed with people—mostly men—from every part of the globe.

Business was rampant.

Money was almost to be “picked up,” and was not valued at half its worth.

Next week we commence on our fourth year. The TRIBUNE has become well established, and had it not been for our recent disaster by fire—by which we lost nearly everything we had accumulated in three years’ hard labor—we could have smiled at the present hard times. As it is, however, we are left with a heavy debt over us, and but little business with which to meet our new liabilities as they fall due. Yet, we feel tenacious and strong-hearted, and hope by showing a strong will, some way may be opened for us to get through. So, send in your orders. (Brainerd Tribune, 06 February 1875, p. 1, c. 4)

OUR office is slightly open, with cracks and crevices; the wind is blowing a hurricane to-day—Wednesday. We are trying to get along some how through the hard times, by doing all our own work this week; but if a man can stand at the case in a snow-drift with the thermometer thirty or forty below zero, and set type successfully, we don’t know it—that’s all. (Brainerd Tribune, 06 February 1875, p. 1, c. 6)


The election for City officers on Tuesday last, passed off very quietly, and the following ticket was duly elected:

Mayor—M. C. Russell.

Treasurer—Thos. P. Cantwell.

Recorder—F. X. Goulet.


Aldermen: Long term—Dennis McNannay; to fill vacancy, George Whitney. City Justice—Jos. Hare.


Alderman—M. P. Martin.

(Brainerd Tribune, 10 April 1875, p. 1, c. 4)


Two or three weeks since, we, the editor of this paper, having been importuned by a large number of our citizens to allow our name to be used as a candidate for Mayor, at the election held on Tuesday last, we not only declined to run, in conversation with others, but we stated in the TRIBUNE, that we would not consent to be a candidate. But, on all occasions, when pressed to the point, we distinctly said, that should the people finally determine that they would elect us anyway—despite our emphatic refusal to run as a candidate—and did elect us, in the face of of our protestations, we, of course, would not decline to serve them in that capacity. To this identical line and course, we adhered from first to last, and frequently in conversation with various persons about the matter, we said that our friend, Capt. Sleeper, would be a good man for the position, and that it would give us great pleasure to support him; and this, from first to last, we also maintained. Finally, we presumed the matter to be entirely at rest—Mr. Sleeper was nominated by the only convention that was held, and certainly, so far as we were concerned, nothing could have been more satisfactory. But on Monday night at 8 o'clock we were interviewed by at least a dozen citizens, again, among whom were several gentlemen connected with the railroad, and several business men of the city. They said, in substance, that they desired us to consent to be a candidate for Mayor; that a large number of citizens of all classes were very earnest in their wish that we should be a candidate, etc., etc. We very promptly and emphatically told them, that up to that hour we had refused to become a candidate, and that we most assuredly would not go back on our word at that or any other time, and positively declined to consent to have our name used as a candidate. They then said they should hold us to our “original proposition,” that if the people elected us anyway, we should not refuse to serve. We responded to this, that we had never made any contrary statement to that “proposition” to any one; that we should not alter it then, but should prove exactly true, in our wishes and actions, to the one statement we had always made to everyone of our friends who ever spoke to us about running—finishing up by stating to them that (as we had always stated) although if elected anyway, we should not refuse to serve, we begged that they should not use our name in any manner—as we did not want the office, and would feel much regret, as we were circumstanced, at present, if elected.

Then, without further parley, they said they desired some printing done immediately, for which they had money to pay. They ordered some posters and tickets printed, on which our name was placed for the position of Mayor. The printing was done, for which they paid us ten dollars as soon as finished, and took their departure, and we saw nothing more of them till Tuesday evening, and after we had been informed that we were elected to the position of Mayor by a majority of three votes. We never went out of our office on election day—not even to vote—as we were determined, in word, act and desire, to prove true to the one statement we had always made to every one of our friends. These are the straightforward facts in the case.

After the votes were canvassed, and the result became known, Capt. Sleeper (whose friendship we have always prized, and would not sacrifice for any political office in Christendom, nor the good will of any friend) and his friends became—so we have been informed—furiously incensed against us, and many persons have said and repeated things against us that are as untrue as they are grossly unjust—accusing us of treachery, underhandedness, baseness, and many things that sound very harsh upon our ears; and, completely innocent as we know ourself to be of these charges, they are very had to bear, and retain our temper. We repeat that we would not sacrifice the good will and esteem of a friend, or friends, for any office, much less an office we did not seek, nor want—and would regret if bestowed. So far as a certain private business matter being used in the manner that we understand it was used by certain parties, as a revenge, we have nothing to say. Such things will adjust themselves in time.

And now, having followed faithfully thus far the line we stated to all we should follow, we shall continue on that line to the very end—wherever that may be—and shall “not decline to serve,” but shall endeavor to fill the position to which it seems we have been elected, acceptably to our people, and in a fair, impartial manner, with naught but justice to all, in view, and the law as our support.

We regret that any necessity arose demanding this explanation, exceedingly; but, under the circumstances, it seemed to be required in justice to ourself and others, and assuring every citizen that we possess the most kindly feeling toward them, we regret this whole matter, and in the future, as in the past, endeavor to do our duty as a good citizen among our fellows. (Brainerd Tribune, 10 April 1875, p. 1, c. 6)


We have heard several times that a rumor was afloat to the effect that the BRAINERD TRIBUNE was to be discontinued and its editor was to embark in another enterprise elsewhere. We desire to assure our kind readers, at home and abroad, that “the end” of the TRIBUNE is not yet. It is true, we have had two flattering opportunities standing open for our our acceptance for the past two years, and they are still open to us. It is also true that we have had a struggle that no one can appreciate (save our faithful assistants in the office) to get the TRIBUNE through the winter, because of the dullness of business, and the oppressive debt thrown upon us by reason of the fire that burned our original office. But, thanks to kind friends for business favors, and to God for our reasonable health, we are about through the winter, and our creditors will have unbounded faith in our honesty of purpose; and our ability to finally work through. We expect that business will soon grow better, and if hard work and economy will bring the TRIBUNE to its feet once more—and we have renewed faith that it will—it shall yet live to be what we always intended it should be:—our life-work, and a newspaper and printing establishment that will one day do honor to this section of country, and reflect credit upon our noble young city. (Brainerd Tribune, 10 April 1875, p. 1, c. 7)


Wilder W. Hartley, prominent businessman, ca. 1922.
Source: Brainerd’s Half Century, Ingolf Dillan, General Printing Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota: 1923

IN other words, the gentleman who has stood at the head of this great family journal since its existence commenced, must now bid adieu to his kind readers and numerous friends, and we trust but few enemies. A man is known by his works; we hope, taking all our work in Brainerd into consideration, as a journalist, we may be considered a tolerably good fellow, and one who has, at least, been no particular detriment to our beautiful young “City of the Pines.” It is with a deep sigh of regret that we give up our pet TRIBUNE, and sink from the sight of the public as the editor and founder of the first paper on the Northern Pacific Railroad east of the Rocky Mountains. We love the Northern Pacific country, and all the multitude of good things we have ever said in its praise, we hereby fully and unequivocally confirm.

[Less than five years ago, all the vast country from Lake Superior west to the Missouri River—five hundred miles—was a wilderness so solitary, so monotonous in its silence, that naught but the hoot-owl or wandering savage below, and the wind and thunders of heaven above, ever awakened Nature or welcomed a morning’s dawn. Hundreds, yea thousands of years, had in their ceaseless rounds, come, and vanished in the dim mystery of the past, with nothing save the seasons to mark the passing of unrecorded and seemingly wasted years. But the brooklets that babbled their tales of bygone centuries, with no intelligent listener to hear, the lakes that shown like mirrors, awaiting to reflect back from their crystal depths the face of civilized man, the rolling plains that every year decked themselves in vain for admirers, have at last been reached by the never-ceasing tramp of aggressive civilization, and their charms have been embraced and occupied. The locomotive’s wheel has crossed the wonderful streams, skirted the sparkling lakes, sped over and beyond the festooned prairies, and man in all his might reigns the undisputed victor over all there is to possess.—BRAINERD TRIBUNE, May, 1874]

We thank our friends for the numerous kindnesses we have received at their hands and regret exceedingly that circumstances over which we have no control render our separation necessary.

We have one consoling comfort, however, and that is, we leave our TRIBUNE in good and trusty hands. We have sold our newspaper and its good will and business to our fellow citizen, W. W. Hartley, Esq., who is well known as one of our oldest and best citizens. He will more than fill our shoes as a journalist, as soon as he gets his hand in, and will be entitled to the support of all our good people, which we ask for him with all our heart. We shall ever remember our friends in Brainerd and the Northern Pacific country with kindness and wish them all the good things in the catalogue of earthly glory. Good-bye. (Brainerd Tribune, 01 May 1875, p. 1, c. 6)


As our readers are aware, M. C. Russell, the founder and up to the last week the editor and proprietor of the Brainerd Tribune, has relinquished the position he has filled for nearly four years so ably and satisfactorily, and while of necessity it must be “with regret that he gives up his pet Tribune” we apprehend, and are strongly confirmed in the opinion by the expressions of many of our citizens that, in losing him, the readers of the Tribune sustain a loss not easily repaired; and viewing the matter in this light alone, we shrink from the undertaking we have shouldered—that of attempting to fill, or take his place; but in seating ourself in the editorial chair of the Tribune, it is distinctly understood upon our part that we do not assume to fill it, and only promise to do the very best we can. Hence we ask our readers to deal gently with us for a while at least, until we are somewhat accustomed to the new role, and not to expect too much of us, for in this only we expect to succeed.

None regret more than we the necessity that deprives us of Mr. Russell as editor of the Tribune, governed in the matter by whatever other motives we may be. As he has said, “Circumstances over which he has no control render such a change necessary.” and to that King we all must bow who are creatures of circumstances.

Under this, or some other appropriate heading in this issue, we are expected to define the future Tribune politically and otherwise. To this we make answer, that generally we have been satisfied with the course of the Tribune, and hence think very little if any change required.

We may differ from Russell on politics in name, as we shall not claim to run a Republican or any PARTY paper. Our position probably will be, best defined by the word Independent, though we repudiate the impression that to be independent one must be neutral. We expect to have our little say upon the passing issues of the day, and expect to have sufficient common sense to form an opinion for ourself, and to be be governed by our own opinion made up from the best information we can gather, without the interference of any PARTY lash. It shall be our aim to aid the right, and resist the wrong, wherever it may be found. (Brainerd Tribune, 08 May 1875, p. 1, c. 3)


We see by the last Brainerd Tribune dated May 1st, that M. C. Russell, the founder of that paper, who has so ably conducted it for three and a quarter years, has sold it with good will, etc., to W. W. Hartley, Esq., a gentleman of well known editorial ability, but, Mr. Russell still retains and will conduct the job office in person. Mr. Russell bids farewell to his beloved Tribune in words which evince real sorrow, and we don’t wonder at it, for he has put forth much effort to make the Tribune what it is—one of the best papers in the State. It has been his pride, and it is worth being proud of. We regret losing Russell as an editor, but imagine he will soon be on the list again, in a wider field, perhaps, where his abilities will be of more benefit to the world at large. We extend a hand of welcome to friend Hartley, and hope he may be able to keep up the reputation of the Tribune. He certainly has the ability so to do, and if his support is sufficient we are sure he will.

Sauk Rapids Sentinel.

Ben. knows us, you see.

M. C. Russell has sold the Brainerd Tribune to W. W. Hartley, of Brainerd. The Tribune has been a spicy and newsy paper, and Mr. Hartley will find he has taken considerable of a contract on his hands in attempting to satisfy Russell’s patrons. Pioneer Press.

Mr. P. P. don’t know us, you see.

Morris Russell has sold the Brainerd Tribune to W. W. Hartley, of Brainerd. The Tribune has been a newsy and spicy paper in Russell’s hands, and we hope it has fallen into equally as good hands. It is said that Russell has purchased the Duluth Herald, and will make the Zenith City his stamping ground.

St. Paul Dispatch.

Bro. Hall is doubtful, but hopeful, for his own reasons, probably.

We are authorized to state in this connection that Mr. Russell has not purchased the Duluth Herald, and for the present, at least, will not leave Brainerd. (Brainerd Tribune, 08 May 1875, p. 1, c. 3)


Resignation of the Mayor [Morris C. Russell] was accepted, the office declared vacant, and a special election appointed for Friday the 28th inst., to elect his successor. (Brainerd Tribune, 22 May 1875, p. 1, c. 4)

Morris C. Russell, Esq., starts “bag and baggage” for Duluth on Tuesday to take charge of the Herald. Success to you, old boy. (Brainerd Tribune, 22 May 1875, p. 1, c. 4)

The New Duluth Paper.

We learn from M. C. Russell, Esq., the former editor and proprietor of this paper that the final arrangements were made this week in the purchase of the Duluth Herald by himself and Bro. Pressnell, of the Duluth Minnesotian, to take effect on June first. It is the intention to Pioneer-Press the two papers, the Herald and Minnesotian, and call the new journal the Duluth Herald and Minnesotian, retaining the name of both and adding Duluth.

We premise from the name adopted, the course of the new journal will be, conciliatory as regards the chronic rupture in journalism in that city, retaining the good points in both papers, and adding the interests and welfare of Duluth.

Russell and Pressnell are the two best men for the enterprise we could name, and up goes our old hat into the air with a hurrah for the new paper. We will try to keep within sight of you, boys, as long as we can, and when we get behind, out of sight, we will halloo. (Brainerd Tribune, 22 May 1875, p. 1, c. 4)


His Honor, M. C. Russell, is no longer our mayor, he has done gone and resigned, all for Duluth, that little sidetrack town down on Lake Superior somewhere, and our citizens are on the ragged-edge once more.

Who will succeed Bro. Russell? That’s the interrog puzzling the brain of some of us just now. We have been asked several times if we were a candidate. To this we make answer, that so long as the office does not go with the Tribune, we do not want it. We, in other words, are most emphatically a “No-such-a-thing,” and these are some of our reasons:

1st. The people don’t want us, for if we were mayor we should enforce the ordinances too much for some and not enough for others, and keep the City Council meeting every night to read petitions for the repeal of the ordinances, and then the President would not put the motion and we would still be obliged to continue to “enforce.”

2nd. We could not hold it long any way, for we expect soon to be obliged to leave the city, as somebody’s uncle told somebody’s brother, not long ago, that he heard somebody's cousin say his grandmother had a great grandson, on her mother’s side, who was going to refuse to patronize us, and run us out of the city.

(N. B.—We have lived here four years.)

3rd. We have all that we want to attend to in keeping the little office straight we have and running the “Great Family Journal.”

4th. And this we think the most important of all. We prefer the privilege to criticize the acts of the city authorities from time to time as we deem proper, and as we could not do consistently if we were the chief executive, and we think the people entitled to such a critic.

5th. We are in need of all the friends we have, if not more, and cannot afford to lose any in that way, for we verily believe that no man living can hold the office one term, or even part of term, without incurring the enmity of someone, “more or less, chiefly more.” (Brainerd Tribune, 22 May 1875, p. 1, c. 5)

SEE: 1875 A Ridiculous Farce Carried to a Glaring Outrage in the Early Accounts of Brainerd page.

Through Mr. M. C. Russell we learn that in our last issue we were incorrect in saying that the Herald and Minnesotian would be consolidated. It appears that Mrs. Foster, the owner of a part of the Minnesotian office, refused to consolidate, and that upon the departure of Bro. Pressnell, she will put her two sons in his place and still continue, in name, the Minnesotian, though we are inclined to believe that virtually we were correct, after all, last week, and that with Pressnell will go the patronage, ability and influence, in fact all that there is to the Minnesotian, excepting simply the material. (Brainerd Tribune, 29 May 1875, p. 1, c. 4)

WE notice that the Brainerd Tribune, a weekly, published in Brainerd, Minnesota, has changed hands—Mr. W. W. Hartley becoming proprietor and editor. Mr. H. is a young New Brunswicker, son of Mr. E. W. Hartley, Canterbury, York county. We wish him the largest success in his new position. Enterprising New Brunswickers always succeed, both at home and abroad.—St. John, N. B., Intelligencer. (Brainerd Tribune, 29 May 1875, p. 1, c. 7)

Russell departed for Duluth Wednesday. Good-bye. (Brainerd Tribune, 05 June 1875, p. 1, c. 6)

Notice to Subscribers.

We wish to call the attention of our subscribers to the fact that we have this week inaugurated a system by which every subscriber will be promptly notified when his subscription to the Tribune expires. The need of such a rule has been sorely felt, not alone by the publisher, but also by our subscribers, many of them being put to the trouble of calling on us or writing to know when their time would expire, as they did not want the paper stopped; and this has caused us in very many instances to continue the paper after the time paid for had expired, and the result is what might very naturally be expected, very many of our subscribers are in arrears. For this we do not attach blame to subscribers in arrears, as we could not of course expect them to pay up until made aware they had something to pay up. Hereafter, however, this objection will be obviated and we shall expect a prompt straightening up of things. Our system will be to mark the “whole number” to which each subscriber has paid on his paper, with the address; in this way it will be very easy indeed for a subscriber to tell each week exactly how he stands with the paper. There are fifty-two numbers or papers in a year, twenty-six in six months, and thirteen in three months. The subscription price is $2.00 per year, $1.25 for six months, and 75c. for three months, and our terms are invariably IN ADVANCE. Thus, for instance, if the figures 122 appear on your paper, the number of this issue is 174. 122 from 174 leaves 52, and you know that you are just one year in arrears, and owe $2.00, besides the subscription price in advance for the additional time you wish to subscribe.

We believe our action in this matter will be duly appreciated by our subscribers, and that none will complain for being thus suddenly, perhaps, notified that they are in arrears, and that their paper will be discontinued unless promptly paid up. Our reasons are very plain and well grounded. We cannot publish a paper without we are paid for it. We are not publishing the Tribune for fun, that’s played out; and we are just as much in need of your little “$2.00 in advance” as the grocer is of his pay for a sack of flour or the shoemaker for a pair of shoes.

Having thus established a firm business basis, we hope to meet the hearty support and co-operation of all, our customers, and will agree upon our part to pull our coat and roll our sleeves, and wade in “fighting it out on that line if it takes all summer and winter too.”

This notice is final. (Brainerd Tribune, 12 June 1875, p. 1, c. 5)

WE learn that conductor Harry Brintnell has sold his house and lot and has rented Mr. Russell’s residence on Broadway. Mr. Russell’s family go to Duluth next week. Mrs. Brintnell is visiting friends east. (Brainerd Tribune, 26 June 1875, p. 1, c. 5)


Ordinarily it has been our practice to pay no attention to this class of busybodies; to let mother Grundy tell her little story and grow fat over it without attempting to explode her dazzling babble. But, of late, so much has been said in regard to the Tribune that forbearance has ceased to be a virtue. It is not that we regard croakers in any more exalted light than usual, but for the same reason that we would place our heel upon the serpent’s head that was attempting our injury, that we deem it our duty to speak, and when we speak we generally say something.

In the first place, to those who are wonderfully exorcised over the future of the Tribune, fearing it “will not run six months,” and are refusing to patronize it, hoping it will die without their support, we have only to say your fears are decidedly groundless, hence we do not want your custom, and lest some should be misled on the subject we would say we do not depend entirely upon Brainerd patronage for support; if we did we would literally starve, as some we could name would like to see us; but, thank fortune, we ask no odds of them.

It is stated by some, as greatly against us, that we are not as able an editor as our predecessor. Now we do not view this in the same light with the “Knight of the night-cap and tea-pot.” We do not claim to be as able a writer as Mr. Russell, but we do not intend to cry about it if we are not, and we do not think it is anything against our character that we are not. We have not agreed to keep the Tribune at the high standard it has attained through its former editor, for if we had the ability the times and the city would not warrant it, and we are just arrogant enough to believe that we get out a paper quite up to, if not above, the standard the city merits, and think it does not require very much force of imagination to arrive at such a conclusion either.

During the past year of the Tribune the patronage it has received in Brainerd (excepting the subscriptions at the time of the fire) has not paid for the blank paper it was printed on; this we know to be a fact, hence for one or two men to say they will break the paper by refusing to patronize it, only goes to show how very little they know about what they are saying.

Yet, notwithstanding these croakers, we have plenty of friends in Brainerd who do and will patronize us, and are ready and willing to do what they can to help the paper when we need it. To those we are thankful indeed, and we shall do our utmost to merit their goodwill and custom; but we wish to state distinctly that the Tribune is not a begging institution, it is self-supporting, and we know how to make it pay if we do not know how to edit quite up to the demands of certain critics; and one glance at our advertising columns will show where we get our support.

Again, we have been taken to task by some for writing up bad features of the place, and as they choose to put it, “running down the city,” and that too by parties who were instrumental in electing our present mayor. “Consistency, thou art a jewel.” Where were the interests of Brainerd election day!

But right here we will say, once for all, we edit this paper, be it well or poorly done. We edit it strictly according to our own notion, and are indebted to no one for any aid, and consequently have no one to thank. We stand or fall upon our own foundation.

Some may think this rather defiant, but it is no more defiant than we feel, and we cannot belie our position. In assuming control of the Tribune we determined, and it has since been our aim to lay aside all private prejudices, both personal and political, and as editor of this paper we entertain malice to none if we know our own heart, and the Tribune will not be in our hands, to our knowledge, a medium for the personal aggrandizement, or a tool for any private ends either of its editor or any one else against public policy; neither will it be a vehicle for the venting of any personal spleen, the organ of any person, party, clique or ring, but as heretofore stated, will defend the right and resist the wrong wherever it may be found. This we have not the least doubt in the world will be objected to by those connected with parties, rings, etc. We expect it, in fact we want it to be so; we do not want the approval and sympathy of such, and shall aim to avoid it.

It is understood that this article applies exclusively to croakers who can say more and pay less than any other class we know of. (Brainerd Tribune, 26 June 1875, p. 1, c. 6)

The Tribune office is removed from its old quarters to Walters’ building, on Sixth street, between Bly’s corner and the Merchants Hotel. (Brainerd Tribune, 14 August 1875, p. 1, c. 7)

The Duluth Herald has been cut down from a nine to an eight column sheet to reduce expenses. We are sorry to learn Bro. Russell’s newspaper enterprise at Duluth is not paying him as much as he expected. Intimations that he has not been properly treated there, and that promises made to induce him to come there have vanished into thin air, seem to be well grounded. Duluth makes a vast mistake if Bro. Russell is not appreciated and does not receive the support he requires. (Brainerd Tribune, 21 August 1875, p. 1, c. 7)

A Mistake.

M. C. Russell’s ad for his job printing business, 04 December 1875.
Source: Brainerd Tribune

Mr. Russell, we understand, will return to his old stomping ground and resume the proprietorship of the Brainerd Tribune.—[Perham News.

This is news to the proprietor of the Tribune and to Mr. Russell, and is probably a mistake. However, we would say that Bro. Russell and ourself would like to know something about the change when it takes place, and we call for particulars. Bro. Russell proposes to open a first class job office in Brainerd, and give his attention exclusively to job printing, in all its phases, and is heartily welcomed by the Tribune, as we have no job office, and did not intend to engage in that branch of the business at all. (Brainerd Tribune, 28 August 1875, p. 1, c. 4)

The Duluth Herald, of last week, contains an announcement of the withdrawal of Mr. M. C. Russell from that paper, upon the ground that the enterprise was a total failure on account of a lack of support, and that the people of Duluth who induced Bro. Russell to come there were not candid when they said they wanted a newspaper of the character they promised to support. The fact appears to be that it was thought by a certain faction, in need of propping up, to get Bro. Russell in there and get him fixed by making him fair promises which they never intended to redeem, and that once settled there he could not get away, and their ends would be effected; but they misquoted their man, for Bro. Russell, like the Hall Springs Snake, no sooner found he was trapped than he burst the cage and strode forth, leaving the only visage of his presence in that quarter of the globe the demolished cage and his “mark in the sand” while there, and his would-be captors stand aghast, like those of the fabled giant Vaporifor, when the cork flew from the bottle they had caged him in and he escaped, only regretting the fact that their trap was insufficient. (Brainerd Tribune, 28 August 1875, p. 1, c. 4)

Bro. M. C. Russell and family returned to Brainerd yesterday from Duluth, satisfied that Brainerd is the best place in the Northwest yet, not excepting the Zenith [Duluth]. (Brainerd Tribune, 28 August 1875, p. 1, c. 5)

Brainerd can now boast of two printing offices. Mr. Russell, who recently attempted the establishment of a newspaper at Duluth, has returned to his home here, and brought with him his fine job printing establishment, and is now comfortably “at home” with open doors. Everyone in Brainerd welcomed him back, and wish him abundant success. With Mr. R’s job office to do the fine printing, and the Tribune, under Mr. Hartley’s editorship, to supply our people with a weekly compilation of things local, Brainerd may certainly consider herself well up in the “art preservative,” and metropolitanly fixed in this important direction. (Brainerd Tribune, 11 September 1875, p. 1, c. 6)

Read and Ponder.

We enclose this week to those in arrears statements of their accounts with us. We do this because we are terribly hard up, and believe if our patrons knew our position exactly they would pay if they could. These bills doubtless seem small to each of you, but taken in the aggregate you would be surprised to see what they amount to. We are owing these amounts to our creditors, and while you hold them from us we are obliged to disappoint them. So just put these little bills in your pocket and avail yourselves of the earliest opportunity to make our hearts glad, and enable us to surprise our creditors, and they and we will rise up and call you blessed—you bet.

We dislike to dun people, but we do not call this dunning, it is just a little friendly explanation on our part, and hope it will be so taken by our readers and patrons.

If mistakes occur in these bills it is not our fault, but simply a mistake that will be corrected. (Brainerd Tribune, 11 September 1875, p. 1, c. 7)

M. C. RUSSELL has been traveling this week. He went to St. Paul on the cars with a pass, and bought some new type for his metropolitan job office and see the elephants. We have heard from there since he returned, and he is consequently on good terms with ye editor. (Brainerd Tribune, 27 November 1875, p. 1, c. 7)

WE have heard by a sort of underground railroad, that our fellow townsman, M. C. Russell, Esq., formerly editor of this paper, is to receive the appointment to an important position at Philadelphia, to be filled by him during the six months of the Centennial exhibition. The appointment is to come, as we hear, from Gen’l. Jos. R. Hawley, President of the Centennial Commission, direct, and this will probably be the only general appointment made from this State outside of State appointments by the Governor. We congratulate friend Russell upon being made the object of such distinction, and shall insist that be become our special Centennial correspondent, while there, and do Brainerd and the Northern Pacific country all the good he can at the point which is to temporarily become the headquarters of the world—and we feel sure he will do so. (Brainerd Tribune, 18 December 1875, p. 1, c. 6)


The above is the number of the present issue of the Tribune. 202 weeks it has been unfurled to the gentle breezes of the young City of Pines; 202 times it has been a visitor, we trust not unwelcomed, to the homes of its thousands of readers, and 202 times its editor has taxed his brain, his purse, and his powers to please, to present a readable paper. One year ago the phoenixized Tribune surprised everyone, even its publishers, and appeared on time though less than a week before every visage of material in the office had succumbed to the flames and perished, entailing heavy loses on its owners and swamping the institution in liabilities just as it had emerged from a wilderness of encumbrances incurred in establishing the paper nominally without capital. Yet the Tribune has never skipped a single issue since its first number, but regularly as the week came it has, thanks to its patrons and friends, gone forth on its little mission unfalteringly and unflinchingly, while thousands of other papers in the country have, in the same time, succumbed to the hard times, and either given up the ghost entirely or reduced expenses by consolidation or contraction.

When we purchased the Tribune in May last nearly all its subscriptions were paid in advance to the present date and invested in the new material, and we have been filling those contracts since without comparatively any return in the way of renewals, looking forward to this period for our harvest. This has not been effected without the exercise of a great deal of patience and labor, and no little outlay of means, for it takes money to run a paper, as much so as any other branch of business. The consequence is, speaking plainly, we are in close circumstances financially.

With this issue a large majority of our subscriptions expire, and now we desire to urge upon our patrons the necessity for prompt renewals. Two dollars is a very small sum to each of you, dear readers, but three hundred of them will make six hundred dollars, and that number of expired subscriptions are standing on our books to-day, and we need every dollar of it AT ONCE. January first will dawn upon us with nearly that amount to meet in matured paper, and our only dependence is our subscription list.

During the coming week we will send out bills, by mail, to all whose subscriptions have expired or are otherwise indebted to us (we do this because we cannot call upon all for want of time and because it is more convenient) and we trust speedy returns will be the result. We are not speaking for the mere sake of speaking, but we are in downright earnest. We are obliged to speak and we mean every word we say and more.

Do not say, please, that you will pay it in a few days or weeks, or when you happen ‘round to the office, but say you will pay it AT ONCE, and we will guarantee “where there is a will there will be a way.” (Brainerd Tribune, 25 December 1875, p. 1, c. 4)

M. C. Russell, County Auditor, issues a notice to all Liquor Dealers in Crow Wing County, 15 January 1876.
Source: Brainerd Tribune

The bond of M. C. Russell, auditor elect, in the sum of two thousand dollars, with A. A. White and S. V. R. Sherwood as sureties, was submitted to the Board; and on motion was accepted and approved. (Brainerd Tribune, 08 January 1876, p. 1, c. 5)

FOR RENT.—Second Story of the TRIBUNE BUILDING. Apply to A. A. WHITE. (Brainerd Tribune, 08 January 1876, p. 1, c. 7)

W. W. Hartley’s ad for his job printing business, 22 January 1876.
Source: Brainerd Tribune

ENLARGED.—We have very materially enlarged our printing business since our last issue, by purchasing Bro. Russell’s mammoth job printing office material and outfit, consisting of one Half-medium Universal Job Press, and fixtures, 1 gage paper cutter, 1 rotary card cutter, 1 lead cutter, 1 stock case, 1 20 (full) case black walnut cabinet, 1 8-case sort cabinet, 23 pairs news, italic and triple cases and races, 5 complete fonts of double, parallel, single and labor saving brass rules and leads, 850 lbs. body type, pica, double small pica, 2-line pica, long primer, brevier, nonpareil, etc., with extra sorts to each, 1 fonts brass leaders, over 100 different fonts or styles of job type, 1 job imposing stone, together with borders, sticks, galleys, leads, slugs, reglet, and numerous other necessary paraphernalia to a first-class job printing office, which, added to our already complete newspaper office, enables us to claim THE best printing establishment in the Northwest, outside of St. Paul and Minneapolis, and what is better still, enables us to turn out as good work in the job line as can be found North, East, South or West, and at low rates.

Give us a trial. (Brainerd Tribune, 15 January 1876, p. 1, c. 7)

SINCE purchasing our mammoth Job office, job work has been crowding us and our two efficient compositors almost beyond our “injine rubber” capacity, leaving us little time for personal attention to the editorial department of the TRIBUNE, and we are indebted to our friend and predecessor, M. C. Russell, who has kindly favored us with items quite frequently of late, for His, very able manner in which our columns are filled this week. (Brainerd Tribune, 22 January 1876, p. 1, c. 6)

On motion, M. C. Russell was unanimously elected “Acting City Recorder,” to fill the position of City Recorder during the absence of Recorder F. X. Goulet, said service to take effect Jan. 1st, 1876. (Brainerd Tribune, 05 February 1876, p. 1, c. 5)

Friend Morris C. Russell starts for Lake City, Monday, to see why the Leader calls him Moving Centennial Russell. He may remove the cause. (Brainerd Tribune, 05 February 1876, p. 1, c. 7)

M. C. Russell returned last evening from Lake City. (Brainerd Tribune, 12 February 1876, p. 1, c. 7)


Last week the BRAINERD TRIBUNE was four years old and started on its fifth—and we are delighted that it is in the enjoyment of good health, and expects to flourish many years more, like a green bay tree. To be sure, since the “hard times” came upon the country, the TRIBUNE, like all other enterprises, especially in a frontier country, has often-times found that it was “nip an’ tuck” to weather the gale; and though sometimes nip was striding proudly ahead, there were other times when tuck well nigh ruled the situation. But, thank fortune, by hard work, and an immensity of patience and an apparently unappreciated amount of exertion, we feel that daylight is breaking on the eastern horizon, and despite the adversity met, we feel that we are bound to become master of the situation, and the old TRIBUNE to go onward and upward in its battle in behalf of Brainerd and its good people and the Northern Pacific country.

We feel as though our paper was entitled to a more liberal local support than it receives, however, and while it is far from being our desire to find fault or otherwise make a “poor mouth” about it, yet we earnestly ask that our business men and citizens generally brace us up a little stronger, and we guarantee if they will, that it will prove vastly to our mutual advantage, and enable us to improve our paper as we jog along, which we shall certainly strive to do as fast as we are able.

We have a beautiful young city here, which only needs to be known, by being respectably represented abroad by the TRIBUNE, to become an important and flourishing locality. Already the paper has done vastly more toward bringing Brainerd into wide and favorable notice than our citizens can realize, which was truthfully illustrated by the remark of a gentleman in St. Paul the other day, while in conversation with a group of gentlemen, at the Merchants Hotel. They were talking of the Northern Pacific in general, and Brainerd in particular, when one gentleman, who himself was never on the Northern Pacific, remarked: “Had it not been for the BRAINERD TRIBUNE, Brainerd would never have been heard of, so to speak, outside of its own county; but by means of that paper, Brainerd is known from Maine to California, and from the Arctic circle to the Gulf of Mexico, and Brainerdites ought to appreciate this fact, and give their paper a rousing support.”

Let our business men advertise—every one of them, great and small—according to their ability, and let everyone who does not now receive our paper come forward and subscribe, and those in arrears come up and pay us our dues—and in brief, let all hands warm up to the TRIBUNE, and it will, in return make things boil. Send in your orders for job printing, advertising, or subscription. The price is only two dollars a year, postage paid, and it is red hot! (Brainerd Tribune, 19 February 1876, p. 1, c. 3)

WE are indebted this week for editorial assistance to Bro. M. C. Russell, who may fill the editorial chair for the next week or two, during our intended absence, all of which we feel confident will be highly acceptable to our readers. (Brainerd Tribune, 19 February 1876, p. 1, c. 7)

MORRIS C. RUSSELL, Esq., whilom editor of the Brainerd Tribune and Duluth Herald, will take good care of and make a fair exhibition of all the Minnesota papers sent him during his commissionship at Philadelphia. D’Unger, of the Minneapolis Trade Index, will send Morris a copy of that paper, printed on white satin and containing the names of over one thousand firms and individuals doing business here.—[Minneapolis End Pioneer Press. (Brainerd Tribune, 04 March 1876, p. 1, c. 3)

BRO. M. C. RUSSELL leaves our “City of Pines” next week to take an interest in the Lake City Leader, a live Republican weekly, published at Lake City, Minn. In Mr. Russell Lake City will find a good and worthy citizen in every respect and the Leader an able and talented editor, and our word for it, he will cause a commotion among the political “dry bones” in the State. He leaves many warm friends in Brainerd who wish him and his excellent family happiness and prosperity untold, in their new home. (Brainerd Tribune, 04 March 1876, p. 1, c. 7)

A Card.

Editor Tribune:

As I leave next week for my new home at Lake City, Minn., after over four years residence in Brainerd, I thought I should like to say this, before I go:

First.—I leave my pet TRIBUNE in your hands with my blessing resting upon its “head,” my best wishes for its future success, and a sincere request to all those, who have always been its friends, to stand by it hereafter, and support it liberally, and then their latter end can not be but pleasant and happy, and their future—if they accompany their support by a reasonable share of godliness—will be simply glorious.

Second.—I thank the good people of Brainerd, on behalf of myself and family, for the innumerable courtesies and uniform kindness shown us, and leave with them an assurance that they shall never be forgotten; but always be associated with our most pleasant memories.

Third.—I recommend Brainerd, to the outside world, as the finest location, in almost all essential respects, there is in the country—excepting only Lake City.

Fourth.—If my duties, in my new field of labor, will permit of my accepting the position tendered me at the Centennial, I expect to be in Philadelphia during the summer; and if so, I take this opportunity of cordially inviting every Minnesotian who may visit the “big show,” to call upon me at my ranche, and they will receive an enthusiastic welcome; but all Brainerdites will be especially welcome, and it is probable they may be asked to sit up a little nearer the stove, and be accorded a little more molasses on their pan-cakes, than those hailing from other sections of the State—because I possess a kind of hankering for Brainerd folks.

Fifth.—Hereafter, and for all time, I shall operate on this mundane sphere, only as a journalist—and the LAKE CITY LEADER will be my journal. No public offices nor tie contracts need apply. I intend to work myself up to be as good journalist as I can, and hope to put as much as two dollars’ worth of “grand ideas” into my paper every year—if I have to resort to publishing nothing but receipts for “cookery” or recipes for colds, coughs, pains in the back and scald-head.

Sixth.—If anybody would like to subscribe for the LAKE CITY LEADER—$1.00 for six months, or $2.00 a year, postage paid—I shall be happy to find either their dollar or themselves, or both, at the Headquarters Hotel on Tuesday evening next. The LEADER will be a straight article, gilt edged, and warranted to give satisfaction if the directions are followed.

Seventh.—Good-by, God bless every one of you. Go forward in the work of building up Brainerd, and multiplying and replenishing the earth, as is your wont to do, and all will be well.

Eighth.—Subscribe for and advertise in the BRAINERD TRIBUNE.

Yours affectionately,


(Brainerd Tribune, 04 March 1876, p. 1, c. 7)

Bro. M. C. Russell and family left here Tuesday morning for their new home in Lake City. Good-bye. (Brainerd Tribune, 11 March 1876, p. 1, c. 7)

A Sketch of the Life of M. C.

Russell, Founder of the Brainerd Tribune.

By the departure of M. C. Russell, Esq., from among us for his new home at Lake City, Minn. we are reminded that one by one our early settlers drop out from the ranks of those who laid the foundation of our young “City of Pines,” while others step in to fill their places. As the waves rolling across the face of the great deep are followed closely by their successors, so we, as we enter upon, pass over and step off the stage of action in this world are only giving place to the pressing throng behind, and the “place that knows us to-day will soon know us no more forever.” Pleasing or otherwise these reveries are facts, as fixed as Gibraltar, and finding their evidences in every transaction in every day life.

If an apology for this lengthy personal was necessary, the particular prominence in which Bro. Russell has “figured” in this section would, in the absence of any other excuse, (though we think others will occur to the reader in the following) be sufficient reason for giving at this time this brief sketch of his past life as we have gathered it, partly from himself and partly from personal observation during our, we may say, very intimate acquaintance of the past four years. He has, from his early youth, led an active, not to say, adventurous life. In 1854 a lad of 14 he came to Minnesota, (then only the home of the savage, and a few traders and adventurers) to use his own language “afoot and alone.”

His first avocation in Minnesota—that of boatman on the Mississippi and Minnesota rivers—he abandoned in his nineteenth year, assuming the editorship of the Belle Plaine Enquirer. He subsequently conducted the Shakopee Argus, the Shakopee Spectator, and during its existence was the local editor of the Winona Daily Democrat. Thence he enlisted in the Second Minnesota Infantry, (having resigned a lieutenancy in a regiment that was to remain at home to enlist as a private in the Second going to the front) and served a year in the South, when he was discharged for physical disability, and returning home joined Gen. Sibley’s army in the Sioux massacre, assuming with the [sic] [three] others the most dangerous duty to be performed on that expedition—that of an advanced spy to “feel of the ground” on the west side of the Minnesota and report at Traverse des Sioux, while Gen. Sibley proceeded up the east side.

After this horrible massacre was over and the bloody war was ended, Mr. Russell, now a married man, removed with his family to Tennessee, and for some time was the local editor of the Nashville Daily Union and American. This he abandoned for a position of promise on the Russellville (Ky.) Herald, and with his family removed to Kentucky, where he was attacked by the chills and fever incident to those low lands, and after suffering very poor health for some time finally decided to return north, which he did, landing in Brainerd in November, 1871, his means nearly exhausted in battling disease. Here he struck the hotel biz in partnership with a brother he chanced to meet, and built what is now the No. 1, calling it the “American House;” but three months sufficed to convince him that he “couldn’t keep hotel,” and he turned over his interest to his brother, and with a five cent nickel in his pocket he conceived and immediately entered upon the greatest project of his life, to date—that of founding the BRAINERD TRIBUNE—the first newspaper on the line of the Northern Pacific railroad. To this project is Brainerd indebted to a great extent for her early notoriety and subsequent greatness, the Northern Pacific railroad would be less flourishing, its country more sparsely settled, and its extraordinary advantages and resources by far less known to the outside world had it not been for Bro. Russell’s project—the BRAINERD TRIBUNE. Go where you will, speak to whom you may of Brainerd and the Northern Pacific, and they know all about them, they “have read the BRAINERD TRIBUNE.” We have faith greater than a grain of mustard seed that in the near future, when the question of the grand success of the Northern Pacific scheme shall be a thing of the past; when its thousands of feeders in the shape of branch lines have reached into and opened up its myriads of tributary valleys yet uninhabited and “flowing with milk and honey;” its rich mining districts yet undeveloped and teeming with gold, silver, iron, coal—in fact nearly every mineral known; its yawning canyons in the Yellowstone valley, as yet but partially explored, abundant with mammoth caves, geysers, burning mountains and natural wonders and curiosities of every nature, eclipsing Iceland, casting Italy in the shade, and excelling in magnitude, grandeur and variety anything the known world produces, that skirt its line on either hand from Lake Superior to Puget Sound, holding out inducements to the farmer, stock raiser, fruit grower, gold prospector, coal miner, curiosity seeker, tourist—in fact the whole world, with something for all; when it has extended its connections into Russian America, thence flying the turbulent Behrings and passing through Siberia and Russia to St. Petersburg, Paris, London, Madrid, Rome and Constantinople, and through China touching at Pekin and Hong Kong to farther India, Hindustan, the Holy Land, Arabia, Egypt and the countries of Africa, running through trains and trade from all the principal points in the Old World by our very doors; when all these things shall have come to pass—even though Bro. Russell and ourself should be in tottering old age, or perchance “gathered unto our fathers,” having died in full faith in the final consummation of “all the prophecies in this book contained,” the BRAINERD TRIBUNE will stand in the glory of its might a living, thriving, shining, invincible, imperishable monument to the memory of its founder, M. C. Russell, and a result of the success of the object of its existence.

But to return to our “story.” At that day Brainerd was a “shanty” town, its streets full of logs and brush, with a surging mass of men from all parts of the country (composed of many of the worst, and some of the best, men in the world) as inhabitants, with dens of vice on every hand of every description, and the day as well as night made hideous by the brawls in the streets and infamous places of resort.

We remember well our first introduction to Bro. Russell; he came to our office to disclose to us his project—that of starting the Tribune and to solicit our subscription, saying that he was “a stranger in the place and scarcely knew one man from another, but as every one else seemed to be a stranger in the town, and all strangers together, he didn’t know as it made much difference where he commenced his canvass.” Incredulity ran high as to the prospects of the project in the crowd present, and knowing grins were exchanged freely at Bro. R.’s expense, but as times were flush all hands subscribed, being somewhat captivated by the earnest, sanguine and withal honest, candid appearance of the good looking stranger. The incident was soon forgotten amid the rush and excitement of the day, and was not again thought of until Sunday morning, February 6th, 1872, at the hour of the arrival of the mail when on a table in the post office Bro. Russell unrolled his first edition of the BRAINERD TRIBUNE—red-hot, newsy, full of life and a pretty sheet. The post office was crowded with men, and he sold six hundred copies at ten cents each as fast as he could fold them and rake in the dimes. The first six numbers were printed entirely at the St. Cloud Journal office, seventy miles distant, by stage; the “copy” being written up here and sent by mail, and the completed edition being returned by stage each Sunday morning.

At the end of this time he had saved enough to buy a small outfit of printing material, and thereafter he printed his paper at home, and by strict economy and hard work, as time rolled on, he added new material as he was able, until within a couple of years he had a fine newspaper and job printing office, costing nearly four thousand dollars. Finding his quarters—a board shanty—too small for his growing business he removed his office to the second story of a fine building on Front street, which on Dec. 18, 1874, was burned to the ground, and with it every dollar of his savings, leaving him where he started, excepting that he was minus the five cent nickel. This was a severe blow to Bro. Russell and his cherished project the BRAINERD TRIBUNE, and doubtless cooled his ardor to a great extent; yet, though not a little abashed by what with one possessing less fortitude and experience would have been signal defeat, he was not vanquished, but with an eye single to his one great aim he at once determined to raise the Tribune from its ashes, which he did with the aid of our citizens, purchasing a new office complete, largely on credit, and issuing the Phoenixized Tribune the next week on its regular publication day.

But the hard times grew harder, the heavy debt incurred in his purchase grew heavier from accrued interest, etc., and he found the load greater than he could carry, and in April last he decided to sell the TRIBUNE, the present proprietor becoming the purchaser. After disposing of the Tribune, Bro. Russell, with his job department, went to Duluth and purchased an interest in the Herald of that city, hoping to build himself up in business once more, but a lack of support drove him to abandon that scheme after three months trial and he returned to Brainerd with his job office to get his bearings once more and take a fresh start. What he conceived to be a good offer of partnership was made him by the Leader, of Lake City, Minn., shortly after his return, which he has finally accepted, and selling to us his job material, presses, etc., has removed with his family to that place where, after a life of labor and adventure experienced by few of his age, he “hopes to become permanently settled, engaging the balance of his life in his favorite calling—that of journalist, with the Lake City Leader as his journal.

Although Bro. Russell can beat the fellow who “started out in life without a cent, and after thirty years labor didn't have a darned cent yet,” still, owing to misfortunes and untoward circumstances generally, he leaves our “City of Pines” with but little of this world’s goods to show for the extraordinary labor he has performed and hardships he has undergone, and we sincerely hope that hereafter his labors may be attended with that success he deserves. (Brainerd Tribune, 18 March 1876, p. 1, c.’s 4 & 5)

NOTICE.—By our addressing system introduced this week subscribers will hereafter be enabled to know every week just how their account stands with the Tribune, by referring to the number on their addressing labels. The number on your label indicates the number of the paper to which you have paid. If your number is less than the whole number of this issue, you are in arrears just as many weeks as your number is less; if greater you have so many weeks paid in advance. Our terms are, postage prepaid, one year, $2.00; six months, $1.25; and three months, 75 cents—STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. By this system we hope to induce promptness in renewals. It is an absolute hardship upon the publisher to send out your paper every week without being paid for it, and it is an annoyance to you to receive it every week knowing it is not paid for, so that we hope relief will be afforded both of us by the simple remedy, “pay up.” (Brainerd Tribune, 25 March 1876, p. 1, c. 6)

ERRATUM.—In our sketch of M. C. Russell last week an important typographical error occurred in the eighteenth line of the third paragraph. For “assuming with the others”—read, “assuming with three others.” (Brainerd Tribune, 25 March 1876, p. 4, c. 1)

BRO. RUSSELL, of the Lake City Leader, announced his departure for Brainerd last week in the following gushing strain:

“We shall start to-day on a business trip to the north, and will be absent several days. We shall bring back with us a bouquet, composed of a few shafts of the aurora borealis, a polar bear, a mirage of the Black Hills, an iceberg, a Chippewa man and an Eskimo squaw, the whole to be relieved by branches of the Canada Pacific Railroad, and surmounted by a couple of joints of the north pole. This gigantic bouquet, composed of the floral beauties of the north, we shall keep in our sanctum this season to keep us cool.”

To this the Minneapolis Tribune suggests, that—

“He also secure some of the “root of all evil,” which might produce something of a more sweet-smelling odor.”

No use, Mr. Tribune man, that root don’t grow here. (Brainerd Tribune, 08 April 1876, p. 1, c. 6)

M. C. Russell, of the Lake City Leader, dropped in upon us last Saturday and returned Monday. He is well pleased with his new home. (Brainerd Tribune, 08 April 1876, p. 1, c. 7)

HAVING added to our establishment a steam engine, eight horse power, we are prepared to do Job Printing of all styles, sizes, shades and colors—from the dainty visiting card to the most elaborate poster—on the shortest notice, and at rates as low as the lowest. We have the best and largest assortment of type to be found anywhere north of St. Paul, and defy competition.

A liberal reduction will be given to the trade. Give us a trial. (Brainerd Tribune, 08 April 1876, p. 1, c. 7)

M. C. Russell, Esq., of the Lake City Leader, has been in Brainerd this week settling up his tie business. (Brainerd Tribune, 22 April 1876, p. 1, c. 6)

M. C. RUSSELL, of the Lake City Leader, has decided not to accept the appointment offered him at the Centennial. (Brainerd Tribune, 13 May 1876, p. 1, c. 6)

THE Brainerd Tribune started out under its present editor and proprietor one year ago on May 1st, and, thanks to many friends and patrons, its financial success has far exceeded our most sanguine hopes. We feel greatly encouraged in consequence, and enter our second year with redoubled energy, and propose to make the Tribune for this Centennial year “red-hot,” independent, full of life and news, and indispensable to all, at the same old price, “$2.00 a year in advance.” (Brainerd Tribune, 20 May 1876, p. 1, c. 4)

THE space assigned to the Tribune in the Pavilion of the Centennial Newspaper Exhibition is designated by the number 3488, and visitors from this or any other section at Philadelphia wishing to refer to it for any purpose will find the Tribune at its post, a complete file and the latest numbers. This exhibition will be a complete representation of all American periodicals, and as there cannot fail to be among eight thousand publishers some of from neglect or other causes will fail to send their editions regularly. Yet in such cases omissions will be made good as far as possible by such copies as can be obtained from advertising agencies or other sources, so that neglect of any paper will not be permitted to mar the completeness of the exhibition. (Brainerd Tribune, 27 May 1876, p. 1, c. 4)

BRO. RUSSELL, of the Lake City Leader, writes us that he and his partner, Mr. Jones, will start for Philadelphia to visit the Centennial on July 6th. We rather think we would prefer a trip later in the season, when the weather will be cooler. (Brainerd Tribune, 24 June 1876, p. 1, c. 6)

Two of Marvin & Co.’s beautiful fire and burglar-proof safes arrived here this week to our address direct from the company’s factory at New York (see their advertisement in another column). One of them graces our sanctum, and our time will be devoted to filling it with—wealth, though at present we feel a good deal as we did a good many years ago when we spent all our money for a pocket book and then had nothing to put in it. We give notice, however, that we have now a safe receptacle for subscriptions, new or old, and payment in full for all accounts due us, and those indebted to us need no longer entertain any fears upon that score or withhold payment because they have a safer place to keep it than we, and our creditors will please observe that we are now able to safely keep all that is due them, and they need not be so anxious to collect it. Deposits on long time will be taken in order to fill up the extra space—there’s lots of it. (Brainerd Tribune, 01 July 1876, p. 1, c. 7)

NOTICE.—We are greatly annoyed at times by some of our friends and visitors at the TRIBUNE office deranging and meddling with the papers on and about our desk—notably in our absence—until forbearance has long since not only ceased to be a virtue but a possibility, and we are compelled, much against our will, to say, friends, read our notices posted in the office, and do not handle papers. If you could realize the trouble and actual damage we are often occasioned in this way, you would not object to this notice or disobey its injunction. If this is not sufficient notice we will be quite personal in our next. (Brainerd Tribune, 07 October 1876, p. 1, c. 7)



Reductio ad Absurdum.


If there is anything we like to do better than nothing, it is to “run” a country newspaper. It is prosperous business. It pays well. It is an agreeable occupation: especially if one has lots of provision ahead to keep his stomach occupied—and country editors most always have, you know. There are a great many ways to run such a paper successfully. A good way is to let it run itself, if it will; if not, let the “devil” or somebody else run it. Either way it is about the same thing. Another excellent way is to form a joint stock “brain-and-culture-association” out of your patrons and subscribers, and let them run it. Such a process will run a paper on little better time to station h—l than any other, and is pretty sure to take the editor along too; sometimes family and all, If on the through train there happens to be a smash-up, with carcasses here and there, dead ones, legs broke, damaged faces, feelings blasted and lots of waste blood, it even undertakes to clear away the debris, (repertorial, compositorial, typoreal, pressorial, easeorial) and all other newspaper appendages, with a celerity truly wonderful. It’s a good one every time.

A still better way is to “hanker arter ofis,” and play servile to party, thus permitting local back-alley slums, seedling politicians to run the paper. There is a little more celerity in getting through with the “job” in this method than the latter, and why? Because, 1st. There is a “tonier” burial; and, 2d, Ye editor is buried deeper, with fewer chances of resurrection. (We should have left out that word. It’s of no possible use in treating of this subject, and we wouldn’t wish to be understood to imply that it could ever apply to a country newspaper.—ED pro tem.)

Another way we recommend for its easiness; which we proceed to qualify as the “high -pressure” process; and explain as, the effort to educate people that “holiness” is right and “unholiness” wrong; that everything earthly is “unholy” and everything unearthly is “holy.” The pressure becomes so strong and high in a very short exercise of this kind that the concern has nothing but thin air for a basis, and any fool knows that thin air is what ails most country newspapers. We might say it (thin air) with them has become epidemic. (No, sir! The Tribune is not a country newspaper. Mr. Hartley has just dispatched up from St. Paul to be sure and negative any such impression, and we gladly comply.—ED. pro tem.)

Another good way (and we can intelligently recommend this method) is to run it on a “low-pressure” principle, to-wit: Exchange it for filthy lucre, and becoming “filthy” and debilitated by carrying the “lucre” around, (we never heard of such a thing.—ED. pro tem) convert it into 10 per cent—two for a quarter—interest-bearing bonds or coupons exchangeable most any place in town semi-occasionally. This method consumers all the smoke, liquids, solids and gases, and gets a more direct purchase on the concern than any other we know of. It is run with greater precision and less waste of material; and because it keeps the concern going down we call it the “low-pressure” method, and have filed a caveat. We do not really expect to secure a patent because, so many are filed ahead; but we like to let people know we are on the right road.

Another method is to use the concern as a wedge between the “ins” and “outs” in our frontier counties—the oftener the better. Try them all, using spite and vindictiveness; and clothe these with abuse of old friends and neighbors. This makes a splendid sledge-hammer to drive the wedge, and if it does not get pretty thoroughly “attritioned” inside of six months, we are no judge, and like Sambo’s political prospect, “Gib it up, suah.”

Another way is to run it on the “independent” process, viz.: Tell the truth and hit hard. Be honest, and respect one’s-self. Be fair-minded and shame the d—l. Cultured, and know your manhood, and appreciate it. By-and-by others will too. Have Webster’s Unabridged, and some book to swear by and swear on—if swear you must—Goold Brown, Waverly, Festus, Dickens, Goethe, Schiller, Shakespeare and other “tony” literati and scientists at your elbow; and as the spirit moves fling them out boldly. (We’re running the Tribune this week.—ED. pro tem) “Handle with care, fashioned so slenderly, old but so fair.” Take all the “ducats” that are passed to you, and more if you can get them. Pocket your “shekels” and sew up your pocket, and look well to your hearthstone—

“There’s no place like home,”

If it is as good as any other; and if it does take an extravagant supply of will power to get there, after a hard day’s work, and the walk leads one past pleasant sights “in the window for thee,” sparkling beverages, and a neighborly chat.

“Every light has its shade.” Tupper.

Go home—straight!

Beware of the wine as ‘tis red in the cup,

Like a serpent it eateth ye editor up. ED. pro tem.

“Halt not by the way-side:” and this is the best way to run a country newspaper,

[To be continued.]

(Brainerd Tribune, C. B. Sleeper, 13 January 1877, p. 1, c. 3)

W. W. Hartley, Esq., editor, (excepting this week) has been honored by the vice-presidency of the State Editorial Association. (Brainerd Tribune, 13 January 1877, p. 1, c. 5)

Newspaper Decisions.

1.—Any person who takes a paper regularly from the post-office—whether directed to his name or another’s, or whether he has subscribed or not—is responsible for the payment.

2.—If any person orders his paper discontinued, he must pay all arrearages, or the publisher may continue to send it, until payment is made, and collect the whole amount—whether the paper is taken from the office or not.

3.—The courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers or periodicals from the post-office, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud. (Brainerd Tribune, 03 February 1877, p. 1, c. 5)

...A scrap of newspaper news, of interest in northern Minnesota, is the organization of a syndicate to reorganize and push the Brainerd Tribune into commanding influence in the northern part of the state, for which the company have secured the services of a well known and able journalist, who will take charge of the enterprise in April. (Minneapolis Tribune, 01 April, 1882, p. 3)

WE received a “peremptory call” this week from Bro. Russell, of the Lake City Leader, to meet him at the Merchants Hotel, in St. Paul, on Monday evening next, and as it is ours to obey, we are “off on the morning train” on Monday with our baggage, consisting of our best collar box (the cover is lost) and the best family comb, with only twelve teeth knocked out, checked, and our oldest friend, our trusty old hat that has stood by us through thick and thin for the past six years, more or less, until the crown has been lost in the warfare, and the binding has gone the way of all the earth, chalked for St. Paul. We’re coming Bro. Russell, hair erect and coat-tails pinned down; so look out when we stop, for, we may stop awfully sudden and you fellows about home, just take care; keep out of the way; we are going to travel. (Brainerd Tribune, 31 March 1877, p. 4, c. 1)


Very few have any conception of the duties of a local editor. People generally have an idea that he should know everything that transpires in the town, and “write it up,” but they never think of the trouble he is [put] to in prying into and finding out the particulars and facts pertaining to every item he publishes, and preparing them for his readers. On the contrary, they think, “Oh, it will be in the paper, the editor will know all about it;” and then they often take pleasure in keeping it from him, to see him hunt for it. Yet, when the paper appears, if no mention is made of it they are both surprised and offended. Now is this reasonable? He uses all the time he can possibly devote to gleaning news, and cannot reasonably be blamed for not recording what he knows nothing about. He is human, and not omnipotent. If our friends would make it a point, when anything occurs under their observation or personal knowledge that should appear in their local paper, to see that the editor is made acquainted with all the facts at once, they would insure prompt mention of it in the paper, and do the editor a great favor, as well as themselves and the entire community, and that, too, with no comparative trouble to themselves. Do not say, “Oh, that is too trifling, not worth publishing;” but leave that to the editor. No matter of news, be it ever so trivial, will be treated with contempt, even though it is not used, and then if it don’t claim a column editorial it may justly receive a two or three line notice. Hand them in. He always has room for more. Do not feel backward, it is certainly worth your trouble to drop into the office as you pass, or even go a block or two, to inform him that Mrs. A. has a son, or that Mr. B. was shot, or robbed, or sick, when the editor will rush all over town and lose half a day tracing up a vague rumor that Mrs. Grundy’s cat has a kitten. Often he is obliged to travel a mile, aye, even much further, to ascertain the facts regarding some very trifling matter, an omission of which would indicate negligence and perhaps cause offense or someone to feel slighted, but which cannot be published at all without the facts. Reliability and precision are absolute essentials with the local editor. If, for instance, a rumor reaches him that a certain lady is the happy mother of a new-born daughter, and he inserts a notice of it without being positive as to the facts, and it afterwards proves to be false, that the lady named is a very respectable maiden lady, that the infant is a boy, not a girl, or that no birth occurred in the vicinity at all, the poor local is fortunate if he escapes with only a broken head. Again we say, hand in the news. (Brainerd Tribune, 14 April 1877, p. 1, c. 3)

DOGS WANTED.—Until further notice we will give three months subscription to the TRIBUNE in this city for every dog delivered at this office freshly killed, not poisoned. Dogs of any and every kind, curs of every age and size received, but they must be Brainerd dogs. None others received. (Brainerd Tribune, 12 May 1877, p. 4, c. 1)

War to the Knife, and the Knife to the Hilt.

In our peregrinations about town the other morning, in search of items, we turned a corner in an unfrequented part of the city, and came suddenly upon a sight that nearly froze the blood in our veins. It is, in fact, with difficulty even now that we compose ourself sufficiently to relate what we saw and heard.

Stretched upon the ground, in the middle of the street lay the form of a man, writhing, twisting, framing [sic], raging—begrimed with dust and blood almost beyond recognition. In one hand a long dirk-knife was clasped, in the other a paper badly torn and considerably soiled, bearing evidences of having been alternately chewed up in his teeth and rolled in the street. Our first impulse was to fly in terror from the scene, crying “police,” but our reportorial inquisitiveness riveted us involuntarily to the spot. We desired, if possible, to identify the object of this strange freak of nature, for that it was a sad case of “reason dethroned,” we had no doubt. Ah, he spoke. What is that he says? We cautiously drew nearer. “Dudley”—”Robert”—”Uncle”—”Junior”—”Russell”—were muttered in semi-audible venomous tones, alternated with violent bursts of rage, plunging the knife into the sand to the hilt, and rending the paper in his teeth. We at this point recognized the man before us, and called him by name, but he did not hear or give us any reply, but continued his mutterings and horrible gestures. “Lake City”—”Governor”—”Candidacy”—we were again able to catch as he continued, apparently ignorant of our presence. We spoke again, but his only reply was “asterisk”—”blood,”—the sound of which last seemed to throw him into a state of frenzy far beyond anything we had before witnessed. He sprang to his feet, flourished his knife, dashed the paper to the ground and jumped upon it, while we slid round the corner not one bit too soon for our personal safety, for he had evidently observed us just as we went out of sight, and that knife whizzed past uncomfortably near our ear. We sprang forward and picked it up, our hair standing on end. We had barely possessed ourself of it, when he came rushing wildly round the corner, and seemed to gather himself, panther-like, for a spring, when we brandished the knife and he vanished from our sight. We then walked back to the scene of the strange performance of a few moments before. There lay the paper in the midst of a spot of ground that had been plowed and torn up equal to the scene of a bull-fight. We picked it up, straightened it out as much as possible, and found it to be a copy of the St. Paul Dispatch of the 3d inst. An item caught our eye in the center of the only part of the paper that remained dry and whole, which read as follows:

“Uncle Dudley contributes columns of wise sayings to the Lake City Leader, and someone maliciously asserts that the Leader’s demonstrations in favor of Austin for Governor is only a feint to cover the candidacy of the uncle aforesaid—its asterisk editor, so to speak. Tell us all about Uncle Dudley, somebody.”

Let us here drop the curtain over this strange affair. (Brainerd Tribune, 07 July 1877, p. 1, c. 4)

OUR office has been the scene of considerable disorder this week owing to the presence of carpenters enlarging our quarters, and we have barely got straightened around in season for this issue even without news. (Brainerd Tribune, 13 October 1877, p. 1, c. 6)

Visitor’s Rules.

In visiting a printing office it is always well to observe the following rules:

1. Enter boisterously and slam the door after you—a loud noise is so harmonious to the business of the office. (If the weather should be cold, however, you should leave the door wide open.)

2. Read all the manuscript in sight, either on the hooks or before the compositors; if they are setting it up they will cheerfully wait till you are through.

3. Read all set matter on galleys, in sticks, on stones, in forms, on presses, dead or alive. Don’t miss any, or you might lose something very interesting to your inquisitiveness.

4. Read what the editor is writing. You will thus get late news early.

5. Read the tympan sheets on the presses—some job of a very private character may have been finished and the form distributed before you came.

6. If you discover errors, be sure to call the editor’s attention to them; he depends upon his visitors for proof-readers.

7. Pass your hand over the forms on the galleys, stones, etc., they pi so easily it would be too bad to let them stand.

8. Rest your elbow on the racks and cases, pick up the type from one case and drop it in another, mix it up as much as possible; of course you are not supposed to know where they belong, and then it’s no inconvenience at all, not at all.

9. Give the paper and card cutters each a whirl, and the presses a revolution; it improves the machinery.

10. Ask questions about everything you see, particularly if the editor is busy and evidently cross as a bear; this will tend to make him so gentle and lamb-like.

11. If the editor’s seat is vacant, be seated, read every paper, scrap, letter, proof-sheet, etc., on his desk; don’t miss anything, or you might miss something; tumble his exchanges, upset the ink, scatter papers on the floor; he can gather them up again when you are gone with such a brotherly feeling for you.

12. Monopolize his exchanges, particularly the one he is waiting for, or using; he has no use for them, and can glance at them after you are through—provided you leave them.

13. Find out everything you can that’s new, and go tell everybody you meet.

14. Don’t read these rules, you might see yourself as others see you.

15. Don’t subscribe for the TRIBUNE or pay up your arrearages and for the next year; that would please the editor, remove that cloud from his brow and cause him to excuse any violation of these rules. (Brainerd Tribune, 13 October 1877, p. 1, c. 6)


We desire our readers to peruse our visitor’s rules, elsewhere, if they purpose giving us a call, particularly during the present or any future election campaign. We shall doubtless, during the next three weeks, be largely engaged in printing tickets, notices, etc., as occasion may require, for the various candidates and parties—all more or less private in their nature (as, in fact, all job or other printing is, until published at the proper time), and it will become necessary for us to enforce strictly a uniform privacy in every case. If you have any work you wish done, leave your order at the counter, and it will receive the same prompt attention, and will be kept as strictly private as those of your antagonists. Do not attempt to pry into what others are having printed, for YOU WILL CERTAINLY BE UNSUCCESSFUL. And further, we wish it distinctly understood that the fact that the editor of this paper is a candidate for office at this election will not make a particle of difference in the attitude of the paper or our job printing department, in a business sense, towards any person or persons who may wish to oppose him. They will receive the same courteous attention, and their orders will be filled as promptly and as privately as those of any other person, and will not in any way be permitted to be taken advantage of. The TRIBUNE and its job department and the political aspirations of its editor are as separate and distinct as two persons can be. Business is business. (Brainerd Tribune, 13 October 1877, p. 4, c.1)

LOOK HERE.—The BRAINERD TRIBUNE, St. Paul Weekly Dispatch, and the Minnesota Farmer to any address (or separate addresses) in the United States or Canada for one year, postage prepaid, can be had at this office at the very low price of $3.60; or the TRIBUNE and Farmer with the Daily Dispatch will be sent as above for only $8.60. Thus you can get the three leading publications in the State for but little more than the price of one. No other office or person in the State can offer these terms. (Brainerd Tribune, 13 October 1877, p. 4, c. 2)


Very many of our subscribers are in arrears, and we are now very much in need of the money. Will YOU, dear reader, refer to your address label (or if you reside in this city, call at this office) and ascertain the amount you owe on subscription, and pay it at once and save us the trouble and expense of personally notifying you? The number on your label indicates the whole number of the paper to which you have paid. If your number is below the present number of the paper, which is 296, you are as many weeks in arrears as it is below that number, and should send us at the rate of four cents per week for arrearages, and $2.00 for one year’s subscription, as our terms are “in advance.” Do not neglect this now, please. We need every dollar promptly, as we have heavy bills to meet that must be paid. Send money by post-office order, registered letter, check or draft, at our risk, or send it any way you please, only SEND it; don’t neglect that. (Brainerd Tribune, 13 October 1877, p. 4, c. 2)



With this week’s issue a change takes place in the proprietorship of the TRIBUNE, G. G. Hartley, a brother to the former proprietor, becoming a partner in interest in the business both of the paper and the job printing department. No particular change in the management of the paper is contemplated—the former editor will continue to conduct the editorial department, as heretofore—but the prime object of the new proprietorship is the improvement of the columns of the TRIBUNE and the better management of its business concerns. The former proprietor has suffered no little inconvenience and hardship from financial embarrassment which he has struggled hard to obviate and remove, but without success, though could he have received what is due him on subscription and otherwise, and that, too, from those who are entirely competent to pay, he would have owed no man a dollar, and could have continued the business with profit and success. Reference, however, is futile here to the injustice this state of acts has wrought upon him and through him upon his creditors, who, by the way, have his sincere and eternal gratitude for their forbearance. But we desire here to state, to those to whom we are indebted, that in a few days, as soon as preliminary arrangements can be perfected, we propose to liquidate our entire indebtedness and start square once more with the world; those who are in any way indebted to us will be expected to imitate the example at once, as it is very essential that all accounts up to this date should be squared promptly, and the public in general or whom it may concern, are informed that henceforth, “Cash up and no grumbling,” will be the motto of the house, “and don’t you forget it.”

It is hardly necessary at this time to refer to the past course of the TRIBUNE under its present editor. Inexperienced at the outset, ours has been a groping, uncertain course, marked, we are aware, by many errors and omissions, but all has not been a blunder, all has not been condemned. Progress has been our motto and aim, we have viewed our mistakes, not with a stubborn inflexibility, but as the inventor does his unsuccessful models, striving to discern wherein the machine was a failure, with a view to its ultimate perfection, and, thanks to a generous public, our efforts have been appreciated far beyond our most sanguine hope. Let us therefore leave the dead past to bury its dead, and, with the inventor, having discovered wherein we have erred, let us cast our unsuccessful models into the well-filled chamber of forgetfulness, and “try again.” (Brainerd Tribune, 20 October 1877, p. 1, c. 4)

CORRESPONDENTS are politely requested to boil their communications down as much as possible before sending them to this office. In telling the news, flowery language should be studied less than brevity. How to relate an incident in the fewest possible words is the aim of all successful paragraphists. If we inserted all communications we receive, we would have no room to be heard ourself—no matter how brief we chanced to be. A number of correspondents this week will understand from this why their articles do not appear. (Brainerd Tribune, 27 October 1877, p. 4, c. 1)

ON Tuesday night last while the editor was in St. Paul, the TRIBUNE sanctum was invaded by a man named Dolan in a manner at once rather unceremonious and quite detrimental to the glass front. He it appears was somewhat intoxicated and was being conducted to his lodgings by a couple of friends, when he broke away from them opposite the TRIBUNE office and ran aimlessly and recklessly, or wantonly, into the glass, taking out the entire lower half of one side of the front. Complaint was lodged against him by A. A. White, the owner of the building, and he was arrested at Motley and brought back to Brainerd by an officer, and will contemplate results for thirty days in the county jail. (Brainerd Tribune, 19 January 1878, p. 4, c. 1)

MR. GEYSER, boarding next door to the TRIBUNE office, has our thanks for promptly notifying our foreman, Mr. Parker, of the calamity to “our front” on Tuesday night last, and Mr. Parker for vacating his bed at the midnight hour to fasten up the aperture. But for their prompt action our office might have remained open to the mercy of the public until morning. (Brainerd Tribune, 19 January 1878, p. 4, c. 1)

Volume Seven, Number One.

THE TRIBUNE enters this week upon the seventh year of its existence. Had we the time and the room we might moralize upon its six years of ups and downs just closed and write a valuable lesson from the pages of its history. But life is short. Lessons of this character bristle our pathway on every hand, from the cradle to the tomb, for those who seek them, and to a large majority they are a sealed book. Such, then, would doubtless prove the fate of our efforts if made, and we forbear. The TRIBUNE will continue in the future, as it has done in the past, to mirror that portion of the globe assigned to its special care and keeping, without fear or favor, while the writer holds the helm, and if it deviates from this course it will be through error in judgment rather than willful perversion. Thus saying, we launch our barque upon the broad ocean of another year, trusting to a kind Providence and our subscribers for the measure of our success. Bon jour. (Brainerd Tribune, 09 February 1878, p. 1, c. 4)


Having secured the services of a clerk and accountant and placed our books in his hands keeping, claims due this office will hereafter be more promptly presented, and we hope some of them more promptly paid. We have to meet our bills promptly and of course depend upon those indebted to us for the wherewithal to do it. By any other course failure must follow the efforts of the ablest. Statements have been sent out this week to subscribers in arrears, some of them of several years standing, and we desire to urge that the renewals be prompt. We are, just at this time, in more need of money, and we do not believe those who have read the TRIBUNE, knowing they were in arrears for it, will refuse us the relief we so much need at this time. (Brainerd Tribune, 09 February 1878, p. 4, c. 1)

JOHN DOLAN, sentenced some weeks since to thirty days imprisonment in the county jail for breaking in the front of the TRIBUNE office, broke jail on Tuesday night by filing off and wresting from their sockets three bars in the grate in the front door. He had but four days more to serve, and Sheriff Whitney remarks that it will not be healthy for him to show himself in Brainerd again very soon. (Brainerd Tribune, 16 February 1878, p. 1, c. 7)

G. G. Hartley, one of the proprietors of the TRIBUNE, while at the scene of his lumbering operations on Tuesday last, left the horse and carriage he was driving standing momentarily unhitched when the horse became frightened and ran away, completely demolishing his buckboard and harness and scattering them promiscuously among the trees. After securing his runaway steed he proceeded to saddle and bridle him, and, mounting him, proceeded on horseback, when the horse reared up, threw his rider and plunged upon him, striking him in the head with his forefeet, which were sharp-shod, knocking him senseless. He came to Brainerd and Dr. Campbell dressed his wounds, which fortunately were not serious, and he returned breathing blessings (?) upon that horse. (Brainerd Tribune, 04 May 1878, p. 1, c. 6)

Important Notice.


To The Subscriber to This Paper.

You will please send in your arrearages on subscription and your renewal for 1878, promptly before you forget it, as we are much in need of the money. We have worked for you for a long time and endeavored to please, benefit and instruct you and all our readers, and now we want our pay for it. That is fair, is it not? By referring to your address label, which gives the whole number to which you have paid, or addressing a postal card to this office, you can readily ascertain the amount you owe. Please attend to it at once, friend, and you will help us and feel better yourself. (Brainerd Tribune, 30 November 1878, p. 1, c. 1)


As we have been somewhat numerously informed by our patrons all over the country the TRIBUNE, for the first time since it came under its present management, failed last week to make its customary visit to its thousands of readers from Maine to California, from Winnipeg to New Orleans, and in Canada, England, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Russia, China, and Japan. Indeed, to inform our readers of the omission is quite superfluous and not the object of this note, but it is the cause of the omission of which we now propose to speak.

First, therefore, on Tuesday morning, the 10th inst., another member was added to our little household—a daughter, of very tender age, requiring very tender care, but finding a very sick mother and a father quite unskilled in the honors customary to such a guest. On the morning following, our second child, a little boy of two years, was taken seriously ill with a high fever and convulsions horrible to witness, and demanding our constant attention. He sank rapidly until Sunday morning, when he laid in a sort of death-like stupor all that day, apparently only lingering on the verge of eternity. Through a long and dreary night that will never be forgotten, he only grew worse, and Monday forenoon seemed only to draw him nearer the great vortex. Shortly after noon, however, thanks to the skillful and untiring efforts of Dr. Campbell, a change was apparent. The fever gradually left him, and with a thankful and joyous heart we are able today to announce him out of danger and quite convalescent. Meantime, the loved partner of our joys and sorrows has also improved in health, and thanks to the Great Supreme, the cup which was at our very lips has passed from us. These facts, dear reader, are our only apology for the nonappearance of the TRIBUNE, last week. We will add, however, that no hiatus will appear in the consecutive numbering of the paper and, as our accounts are kept by the number, the omission will be fully made up to all. (Brainerd Tribune, 21 December 1878, p. 1, c. 1)

The TRIBUNE proprietors have bought four lots on the corner of Front and Seventh streets, and will build an office thereon soon. (Brainerd Tribune, 10 May 1879, p. 4, c. 1)

Did it ever occur to you, dear reader, as you perused the columns of the TRIBUNE each week how superbly happy and financially O. K. it would make the editor feel to have every patron pay up his arrearages for once? Our books show over $2,000 due us. Just think what the addition of that amount to our exchequer would enable us to do. We could pay up every cent we owe in the world and have some money left to improve our business and the TRIBUNE. Your indebtedness may be $2, it may be $4 or it may be $6. This with a renewal for another year would of itself be a paltry sum. You could pay it almost any day and scarcely feel it; and yet, let each subscriber do this and the happy result pictured above is effected in all its effulgent glory. Just try it, dear readers, one and all, and let us realize for once the proud and happy condition of “out of debt.” Do not wait for others, but let each for himself remit at once, today, $2, $4, $6, $8, or $10, and it will be promptly and carefully placed to your credit, every dollar of it. Do not be afraid of paying up too far in advance. If you do not know how much you owe, be sure and send enough. Many of our subscribers have been indebted to us for some time, and it would only return the favor if they put us in debt to them for a while. Send along the stamps. (Brainerd Tribune, 14 June 1879, p. 4, c.’s 1 & 2)

A TRIBUNE special reporter has taken the field this week with notebook and pencil in hand bent upon the task of preparing for these columns a complete and exhaustive article upon the general progress and flattering prospects of Brainerd as a business center and city of great future importance. This article will open with a brief historical sketch of the town, followed by a full record of the almost innumerable improvements that have been made in town the present season, including a complete account of all new buildings erected and old ones enlarged and improved—business houses, hotels, dwellings, etc., with the business prospects of each. Following this will appear a carefully prepared list of all structures in prospective with the purchases of lots for building purposes. Next will be given as full a record of the improvements in the county outside the city limits as can be obtained—opening up farms and settling up and improving the outside lands,— and in conclusion, will appear a general resume of the brilliant prospects of Brainerd as a great lumber and railway center, and as a resort for the tourist, sportsman and health-seeker. For the accommodation of this elaborate article, which will be gotten up without regard to space and will appear next week if it can be prepared in time. We expect to issue the TRIBUNE in quarto form, with a greatly enlarged edition for circulation abroad, hoping by this means, with the co-operation of our citizens, to advertise our town and its superior advantages to the world as no other method can do it, and yet as we candidly believe its merits demand. We speak of this matter at this time in order that those who may desire extra copies of the edition may leave their orders in time for us to estimate the number we shall need to supply the demand and for the additional purpose of giving those who desire to have their business specially represented in the extra edition the opportunity to make the necessary arrangements early. (Brainerd Tribune, 13 September 1879, p. 4, c.’s 1 & 2)

Our special edition is unavoidably deferred this week, the magnitude of the undertaking exceeding our anticipation's. The article is nearly completed, however, and we hope to have it ready for next week. (Brainerd Tribune, 20 September 1879, p. 4, c. 1)


When we first planned our history of the improvements and progress of Brainerd, we contemplated an article of a few days preparation, and expected to be prepared to publish it the following week, but the farther the work progresses the more necessity for going beyond the limits of our original intention is developed. Our reporter has at present writing over 100 pages of manuscript upon the subject, and yet the article is not completed by a “jug-full.” Now that the project has been undertaken, we desire to see it completed systematically and thoroughly, and prefer delaying its publication until it is ready. This is our apology for its non-appearance today. (Brainerd Tribune, 27 September 1879, p. 1, c. 1)

Printer Wanted.

A good compositor would find employment for a limited period upon application at this office. (Brainerd Tribune, 27 September 1879, p. 4, c. 1)

W. W. Hartley, ye editor, paid Brainerd a flying visit this week, and returned again to St. Paul, where he is temporarily detained, courting. This will necessarily delay our long-promised “Improvement” edition for another week. (Brainerd Tribune, 11 October 1879, p. 5, c. 1)

We still entertain hope that we shall soon be able to override the combination of circumstances which have intervened to prevent the publication of our special edition historizing the improvements of the past season in Brainerd. We have been disappointed so many times however in the promises, that we shall not again fix upon any time certain for its issue farther than to say that it shall come if it takes all summer and all winter too, and we mean it. (Brainerd Tribune, 25 October 1879, p. 4, c.’s 1 & 2)

SEE: 1880 Brainerd-2 in the Early Accounts of Brainerd page.

This issue of the TRIBUNE is unavoidably delayed owing to want of help in the mechanical department. A new compositor is engaged, however, to commence next week, and hereafter we hope for better fashions. (Brainerd Tribune, 08 November 1879, p. 1, c. 2)



To the patrons of the BRAINERD TRIBUNE at the commencement of the New Year we feel like speaking many words of encouragement. The hopefulness of the coming time is cheering indeed. Many have been the indications of a renewed prosperity all over the land; a confidence in business enterprises everywhere; a prosperous commercial movement in all the avenues of trade; a healthier social condition among the masses, and a brighter political faith in the near future. These are the beacon lights, dispelling darkness and importing light to many a weary and worn soul that has been plodding through the discouragements of the last few years. The labor question has solved itself in a satisfactory way with the incoming tide of active business in all directions. Even the tramp looks forward to better feeding and bedding, and a prosperous community will soon relieve society from this nefarious infliction.

The political question will solve itself—or rather a few Garcelons to oil the slide and the Ship of State will pass smoothly and noiselessly into deep soundings, and ride safely at anchor in patriotic seas. It is a time for congratulation. The little complexities of a great and patriotic people are easily removed. Even the ruinous influences and excitements of a Presidential campaign will soon pass away, and our crippled industries restored to full flourishing condition.

The thought of the day is for greater unity and harmony in National affairs, and progress in every direction is taking a great leap forward. The sciences are discovering the mysteries of all worlds as they were never exposed before; and art, simplifying methods, is bringing to every household embellishments that could only be the adornments of palaces in former years. Universal education, accessibility of culture, the unreserved contact of the masses, the perfect distribution of thought everywhere, makes one community of the world, and that world full of activity in the direction of better methods, and all for the elevation of man, advances this age into happiness. The last sixty years have indeed been a wonderful time of invention and progress. And, judging from the past, what will the next half century disclose? The human mind sharpened, thought intensified, mines ideas prospected for and followed with the tenacity of a miner in a Comstock lode, notions protruding from every direction, grasped and analyzed, and all refuse obliterated—and this through the ages, always gaining momentum, until the velocity and power of electricity can be accurately measured and gauged, sound can be transmitted unknown distances through “elemental air,” and the value of a thought appreciated as readily as a grain of silver, dross or gold.

This is indeed a wonderful age! Let us remember that we are a factor of and in it, and strive to advance it to still greater wonders in the next until mind shall have unwrapped the secrets of all material and spiritual forces, and unveiled the universe of God. This is its mission! This our legitimate aspiration!

A Happy New Year to all. (Brainerd Tribune, 03 January 1880, p. 1, c. 1)

Our Associate.

It has been a fact apparent to the readers as well as the management of the TRIBUNE for some time past that the largely increased duties devolving upon the editor-in-chief, owing to his recent promotion to the position as postmaster have detracted very materially from the editorial standing of the paper. This we have regretted exceedingly, it being our desire and aim to make the TRIBUNE second to no local journal in the State, and though we have labored hard to overcome, working early and late, we have met with but indifferent success.

With this issue, however, our friend and fellow citizen, Capt. C. B. Sleeper, assumes the position of Associate Editor, and the Rubicon is crossed.

The Captain needs no introduction to the TRIBUNE readers, they are already familiar with his ready pen, but we may be permitted to add that in the future (the Captain will get his harness regularly adjusted next week) there will be nothing left to be desired. (Brainerd Tribune, 17 January 1880, p. 1, c. 1)

A Word from the “Sub.”

To our worthy chief we say “Good morning.” To the public, our readers, we hardly know what to say. One thing is certain, we do not like flattery, even when spread on thick, and while our chief is privileged to say what he pleases, is it right, when speaking of his associate, to employ language that might mislead the public; get it in the way of expecting too much? We are no Addison, nor Johnson, nor Lamb, at literary business, and we would not care to be unless we had some Boswell to come after us. Hawthorne, Carlyle, Holmes, Gibbon, Burke, Defoe! Oh ye Gods! save us from any attempt even to climb to such dizzy heights. We are simply a “sub” and as such we shall put on no style. We shall walk humbly in the avenues of truth, and say what we have to say plainly. We do not propose to run politics nor let it run us. We are not owned. We shall be modest in the assertion of opinions, not forgetting our position, and if we gain anything it will be the good graces of our readers. This is all we expect. Our head is above the timberline—for the most part—and that portion below is nothing to boast of, and yet from our venerable years we make no pretensions—and thus we enter our new sphere to do our allotment of toil for the advancement and elevation of the human race. For politics we look to our superior, and obey orders. In religion we are free to act; and as to social ethics, the laws of the land control us. We have no doubt, therefore, as a “sub” we shall be a model one. If we can impress this idea generally upon others we shall be more than pleased.


(Brainerd Tribune, 24 January 1880, p. 1, c. 1)

The Past and Future.

Time flies, but not without its changes. The present issue of the TRIBUNE marks the advent of a new volume, which we make the text for this brief digression retrospective and prospective. On February 10th, 1872, while Brainerd was yet in her swaddling clothes, being then little more than a year old the TRIBUNE banner was first unfurled to the breezes. Well does the writer remember the eventful day. It was Sunday, Bro. M. C. Russell, its founder, had gathered his budget of news and sent it by mail to the Journal office in St. Cloud, the nearest printing press, no paper being then in existence farther north in the State. The matter was put in type and the edition printed there and sent in a bundle by express to Brainerd. Anticipating its arrival by the Sunday morning’s stage (a coach and six horses, our only mode of transit south at that time) Bro. Russell had given out the word and a large crowd had gathered at the post office to witness the proud event. Ten o’clock came and with it the stage bearing the coveted package, and in a few minutes—less than half an hour—regular subscribers being supplied the entire remainder of the large edition was disposed of at ten cents per copy.

Thus was the Brainerd TRIBUNE born. Eight years have taken their weary flight since that hour. Eight long years of toil, of writing, of type setting, of printing, of distributing the events of our town. Of these eight years nearly five have been marked by the humble efforts of the writer. How acceptably our readers know better than we; how faithfully our files will show. Mistakes dot our pathway, ‘tis true, for ‘tis human to err; but while many things have transpired that we could will otherwise now, we feel the consolation that they have invariably been mistakes of the head and not the heart. We have studied throughout to ignore personal feeling and to raise the sentiments and principles of our journalistic efforts above the level of personality. We have endeavored to treat all men and measures impartially and conscientiously—endeavored to make the TRIBUNE a lively advocate of the interest of Brainerd, the home of our adoption. With this issue the TRIBUNE enters upon its ninth year. It has no new pledges to make or platform to remodel. Profiting by past experience, we hope for it a year of increased usefulness, and we had almost said prosperity. Dare we hope for it? Can we expect it? We leave the sequel to time and our patrons. (Brainerd Tribune, 14 February 1880, p. 1, c. 1)

The Editor.

If an editor omits anything he is lazy; if he speaks of anything as it is, people are mad; if he smoothes down the rough places, he is bribed; if he calls things by their proper name, he is unfit for the position of editor; if he does not furnish his readers with jokes, he is stupid; if he does, he is a rattle-head, lacking stability; if he condemns the wrong, he is a good fellow, but lacks discretion; if he lets wrongs and injuries go unmentioned, he is a coward; if he indulges in the personalities, he is a blackguard; if he does not, his paper is dull and insipid. In short, if he edits a paper properly, and sticks to truth and facts, he is a fool, and don’t know how to edit a paper half as well as his readers could. (Brainerd Tribune, 31 July 1880, p. 4, c. 3)


THE BRAINERD TRIBUNE, an excellent business investment, is this week offered for sale, to the right kind of a purchaser, at a bargain. Brainerd constitutes one of the best newspaper fields and THE TRIBUNE the best investment, for a newspaper man, in the “Golden Northwest.” Owing to other business engagements I shall be unable, from want of time, to give the town such a paper as it requires, in all its details, and I prefer putting it into the hands of someone who can devote the time required to do the business justice, to holding on to it. None but the right kind of a man for the place, and a cash customer, need apply.

For further information, address,


Brainerd, Minn.

(Brainerd Tribune, 25 September 1880, p. 1, c. 1)

As we are contemplating the sale of the TRIBUNE, we hope our subscribers in arrears will come up and settle to date, at least, for two reasons. One is, we wish to turn over clean books, and the other is, we do not wish to turn over the accounts to another to collect, as would be necessary in the transfer of our subscription list to a new proprietor, but would prefer to turn over advance subscribers, as far as possible. As we have several offers pending already, we hope subscribers will be prompt in this. (Brainerd Tribune, 02 October 1880, p. 4, c. 1)

Advertise Brainerd.

We still have on hand a large number of copies of the issue of the TRIBUNE of Sept. 21st [11th], giving an extensive sketch of Brainerd, its past, present and future outlook, business advantages, resources and attractions, constituting a valuable advertisement of the town, and our citizens should distribute them liberally North, South, East and West. What Brainerd needs most at present is capital to develop her valuable resources, and this is brought by bringing her superior advantages before the public, and especially to the attention of capital seeking investment. Sample copies will be mailed from this office, postage free to any address in the United States or Canada, for five cents each. Leave your addresses and we will mail them for you. (Brainerd Tribune, 16 October 1880, p. 4, c. 3)

SEE: 1880 Brainerd-2 in the Early Accounts of Brainerd page.

A Word to Our Friends.

It takes money to run a newspaper as well as any other branch of industry. The printers have to be paid, the paper, type and ink dealers have to have their little bills liquidated, the landlord must have his rent, the stoves must be supplied with fuel, the editor and his little family must be fed, clothed and warded just the same as other people. Very many of our subscribers and patrons are behind, some of them a long way behind, and the result is we are hard up—paying out money and receiving none in would make anyone hard up. This is partially our own fault because from want of time we have not made out and presented statements to all as promptly as we should have done. This objection we shall endeavor to remove at as early a date as possible, because we are sorely in need of the money and hope our friends will respond as promptly as they can. If they cannot pay at once we ask them to drop us a postal card stating when they can and will pay. Money we must have, we cannot pay our debts and live without it. Therefore we hope those receiving statements of account will not take them in the offensive sense of duns, but as evidence that we are hard up and simply want what is due us to relieve the burden that is becoming oppressive.


(Brainerd Tribune, 13 November 1880, p. 4, c. 1)

The editor of the TRIBUNE was presented this week with a gold pen by Mr. T. J. DeLamere, of the N. P. railroad office. It is a nice pen, and in the hands of a good penman could dash off very handsome choreography, in fact we fancy it even improves our scrawls but alas, if the donor expects it to glide as smoothly in our hand as it used to in his he is another victim of misplaced confidence. One might expect too, that with such a pen and editor ought to indict flourished, flowery and finished editorials bristling with rhetoric and rounded out in dazzling brilliancy. We tried it. The first attempt was all flourish with the rhetorical eloquence and dazzling brilliancy business, the best illustrations of a minus quantity we ever saw. In the next effort we endeavored to bring out the important features left so far in the background before as to be quite invisible. We struck the gait of a Demosthenes, but before we had fairly set sail we brought up against a rock, dashing our craft to atoms and seriously straining the pen. Clinching our trusty old Faber, out of the stub end of which we have endeavored to chew ideas until it resembles a splint broom, we recorded the experiment and have concluded never again to look beyond a good square pair of scissors or a jack knife for brilliant editorials. (Brainerd Tribune, 29 January 1881, p. 1, c. 2)


As in the course of human events all things must change, so the TRIBUNE has once more been compelled to bow to the immutable law of destiny, and with the present issue the writer, who has stood at the helm and directed the little bark for nearly six years, steps aside, yielding his precious charge to the care of another. To do so, however, though long premeditated and well considered, is not not without a pang of regret at the parting, which may be forever, hence these few words of farewell.

On the first day of May, 1875, the TRIBUNE came into the hands of the retiring management, and the writer made his bow to the reading public of Brainerd. Possessing little experience in the newspaper line, the undertaking was rather experimental, and, as a natural sequence, is marked with many failures and mistakes, how great our readers are best prepared to determine, and I leave the subject with them, with this reservation, not intended to be spoken complainingly but frankly, by way of self-justification, that I am not responsible for all the shortcomings which mark my course. The TRIBUNE has not received the support this town could and should afford a local paper, and my hands have been burdened by financial considerations which would have hampered the best as well as the poorest journalistic ability. While striving to advance the interests of Brainerd, and always laboring with that object first in view, I have many times been left to tread the wine press alone. Many of our leading business houses have never advertised and some of them do not even patronize the paper to the amount of a paltry two dollar subscription. As a result, I have been driven to the necessity of improvising many schemes to keep afloat, an experience a newspaper man should never know, and various other professions have of necessity been called into requisition to make ends meet and support our little family. I have not, as my readers will bear me witness, made a practice of grumbling, but have invariably accepted, uncomplainingly, the patronage accorded the TRIBUNE, always realizing the fact that, being in a free country, I was not compelled to continue in the business, and I only speak of it now that the paper has passed out of my hands; and my remarks cannot be attributed to mercenary motives, because I feel the necessity of our people becoming aroused to the support of a good paper in the town, and the paper in any town, to a great extent, is just what its patrons, not its publishers, see fit to make it. Some of our good people, however, have stood faithfully by me and aided with their valuable patronage my humble efforts to hasten the day when Brainerd is to become the metropolis of Northern Minnesota. These have my thanks, and shall ever be remembered as public-spirited, generous-hearted, wide-awake businessmen—men who would, with the right kind of neighbors, make a “red-hot town.” Would to God the town, aye, the world at large, possessed more of their class.

The causes above related, have gradually led to other and more profitable business engagements, which have finally rendered it necessary to the interests of the paper and its important mission, which I shall ever cherish, that another should assume its management. I have; therefore, for some time past, been in quest of “the right man for the place,” and in my search a great deal of care has been exercised, and numerous applications to purchase the TRIBUNE have been rejected, some of which might have proven more financially advantageous than the offer accepted. I have finally found a gentleman, however, who comes highly recommended as a journalist, who will give to Brainerd what she needs, and what I hope and believe, in view of her coming prosperity, she will merit in the future—a first-class local newspaper—and it gives me great pleasure, therefore to introduce to the TRIBUNE readers, Mr. A. [Arthur] E. Chase, who has been bred to the profession by an experience of years upon the daily press of Ohio, and who brings to the TRIBUNE a wide editorial experience, with a determination to make it second to no paper in the State, provided he receives the proper support. I therefore trust our businessmen and citizens generally will awaken to a proper realization of their own welfare and the interests of Brainerd as a city in embryo, with an era of grand prosperity dawning upon it, and a great future lying before it, and cheerfully and promptly support its paper—their own paper, the organ, the mouthpiece of the town. Every man in business in Brainerd, from the greatest to the smallest, should be represented in its columns in proportion to his business, every citizen should subscribe for one copy at least, and all who can afford it should send one or more copies away to their friends. This is the course pursued by the people of other prosperous towns, who thus bring capital to develop the resources of the place, proclaimed by the local paper.

To the newspaper fraternity, with whom my relations have been unexceptionally pleasant, I tender a heartfelt “fare you well.” the regular weekly visits of the numerous TRIBUNE exchanges, with their customary admixture of general intelligence and good will towards men, news, wit, horrors, accidents and favorite sentiment, I have learned to view as quite inseparable from my daily existence, and how I shall exist without them, I am not prepared to relate. I shall miss them as I would a near and dear friend, and their memory will be kept green down through the dim future to that period when time with me shall be no more.

Towards all mankind I entertain none but the kindliest of feelings, and having recorded the completion of the Brainerd Branch, noted the departure of the tenth expedition to discover the North Pole, and announced to the world the close of the Lanihan dynasty in Brainerd, I feel that a position with the fly in the amber of fame should be mine, and that all mankind should entertain none but the kindliest sentiments towards, yours, everlastingly,


(Brainerd Tribune, 05 March 1881, p. 1, c.’s 2 & 3)



Brief Salute to Friends and Patrons

of the “Tribune.”

As predicted in a recent issue of the TRIBUNE, a change of hands has this week taken place in the publication of this paper, and it is to be hoped that this change will not prove a disastrous one, or devoid of moral and specific results. For some time past the newly installed publisher has had in contemplation the idea of coming to this section of country by virtue of various reasons, among which the following of the wise counsel of an eminent deceased journalist, to “Go west and grow up with the country,” was probably predominant. After a brief period spent in negotiations by correspondence, arrangements have been perfected whereby the management and publication of the TRIBUNE will be devolved upon our young shoulders; and though no gray hairs yet bedeck our brow, it is to be hoped that while we may not possess the experience that is acquired by age, our scarcity of years will not debar us from the hearty good will and cordial support of the general commonwealth of this community, but will elicit the aid and confidence which we hope to merit by our future accomplishments in the broad field of journalism. We are fully cognizant of the fact that in assuming the publication of the TRIBUNE, we shall be required to cater to the wants and interests of an intelligent and thinking people, and not merely to gratify the ordinary curiosity of an ignorant patronage. Our hopes and expectations in this particular were far more than realized, and we are pleased to note the tendency of the citizens of Brainerd in their efforts to promote the welfare and local interests of their thriving little city and community. It is already with a genuine pride that we observed the extent to which various industrial pursuits are carried on, and note the contemplated improvements and additions to be made during the coming spring season.

As to the political status to be assumed by the TRIBUNE, it may be well to observe that as before, the object and aim shall be to the support and declaration of the principles entertained by the grand old Republican party, the motto of which has ever been “Liberty, right and justice.” It requires no assumption of an ungenuine spirit to assert our independence and candor in this behalf, wherein we shall remain unchangeable and irrevocably fixed so long as these fundamental principles shall be identified with the party. It shall also be the ambition of the editor to promulgate and forward all interests which shall tend to advance the moral character of our charge, and in this, as well as other departments of our new field of labor, we shall hope to receive the willing aid of our patrons and friends, and to be ever identified with all movements which shall tend to the moral development of this vicinity, and the country at large.

In conclusion, we hope that our businessmen will aid us with their advertising and obliging patronage as much as possible, and that in coming here with limited capital, and as an almost entire stranger, we shall receive all the local and pecuniary assistance that we shall be able to merit, and that our efforts may prove worthy of the trust reposed in us. And if during the coming season, the advertising patronage and popular support shall warrant it, we hope to increase the size of the paper, and add what other attractions our facilities may admit. This, however, will depend largely upon the disposition of our businessmen to aid us by their advertising patronage, and afford us whatever assistance may be plausible and consistent.

With this brief expression of sentiment in our commencing career, we submit the TRIBUNE to its readers with the hope that in the future, as in the past, it will ever be found at its post, a faithful chronicler of passing events, a criterion in modern journalism and aid and alliance in all movements characteristic with the moral welfare of our constituency. (Brainerd Tribune, 05 March 1881, p. 1, c. 3)

Special Announcement.

All parties indebted to this office, and having unsettled subscription, advertising or jobbing accounts, will please take notice that all such indebtedness accruing before March 1, 1881, is due and payable to Mr. W. W. Hartley, at the post office, while renewals and accounts from this date, which may be contracted with the TRIBUNE office, will be made payable to the present administration, at our office, in the TRIBUNE building Brainerd, Minnesota. (Brainerd Tribune, 05 March 1881, p. 1, c. 3)

New Type—New Dress.

New body type has been ordered for the TRIBUNE, and it is expected that we shall be able to print next week’s issue with the new type. Possibly the material may not arrive before week after next, but as soon as possible the paper will be set in new type throughout, which will enable us to give one of the neatest as well as best newspapers in the State. The type in present use in quite old, hence its being a little dim, but this objection will soon be surmounted and then we intend making other changes in the general appearance of the paper. (Brainerd Tribune, 12 March 1881, p. 1, c. 5)

To Everybody, Greeting.

Whereas, the report has received current circulation that parties, other than the one whose nominal appendage appears at the head of this page, as editor and publisher, are associated with its publication, we feel in duty bound to say to the readers of the TRIBUNE that this is positively and decidedly a canard, and without foundation whatever. In assuming control of this paper, with that as our sole and only avocation for pursuit, we considered that if we were not capable of its proper conduction, editorially speaking, without the assistance of a second party, that we had not best venture the task. What has given foundation to such a misconstruction of the actual condition of affairs, we are at a loss to determine, but entertain a presumption that it has been simply the off-shoot of an unbiased and unprejudiced supposition; we trust, at least, that it has not been otherwise. We came here, as stated in our salutatory in the issue of March 5th, with the intention of making Brainerd our abiding place, and with associating our interests in common with those of the general commonwealth of this community. We have thus far labored under great disadvantages owing to our extremely limited acquaintance with this people, and with their wants and opinions, interests and characteristics. These we only presume to become familiar with by our daily associations with them, and their methods of general procedure in their social and business relations. We have otherwise labored under great difficulties, mention of which is at present unnecessary. It has been our impelling motive to give to the people of Brainerd a journal which shall be worthy of their patronage, and of a position of high attainment in the literary world. This we hope to accomplish in the future, and trust that our patrons will be a little lenient with us until a more thorough relationship shall have been constituted by our various social associations in everyday life. And with regard to the important matter mentioned in the outset of this article, we will firmly assert, and if desired, publish our affidavit to the effect that we are related in no way, shape, form nor manner, with any person or persons in the publication of the TRIBUNE. This we trust will be sufficient to dispel all rumors to the contrary, which we have been informed were gaining credence in the minds of the people of Brainerd. (Brainerd Tribune, 19 March 1881, p. 1, c. 3)

St. Cloud Times.

W. W. Hartley has retired from the management of the Brainerd TRIBUNE and is succeeded by A. [Arthur] E. Chase, formerly of Cleveland, Ohio. The new management has our wishes for much success. (Brainerd Tribune, 19 March 1881, p. 1, c. 4)

Bro. Chase, the new editor of the Brainerd Tribune, has been threatened with a sound flogging thus early in his career. If he can fight as well as he can write, we advise the fellow to “look a leedle oudt.”—Verndale Journal. Thanks, Bro. McMillan, for the compliment, and as to the flogging, we keep two shotguns a bull-pup, and carry a life insurance policy. Let ‘em come. (Brainerd Tribune, 16 April 1881, p. 1, c. 3)

We expect in a few weeks to have the entire lower part of the building in which we now hold forth, and will then be prepared to do the proper paper in every respect. (Brainerd Tribune, 23 April 1881, p. 1, c. 2)

Owing to the rush of business in the jobbing line we have not been able to devote as much attention to the paper as we hope to as soon as we can get fairly straightened around.

Our new type has at last arrived, and very soon, if our businessmen will come to the front with a few nice contracts for advertising, we shall be able to get out a larger paper, and a far better one. (Brainerd Tribune, 23 April 1881, p. 1, c. 2)

Other people are puffed, why can’t we be served likewise? Here goes, from the Cleveland (Ohio) Herald, of April 12th: “Mr. A. [Arthur] E. Chase, formerly in the employ of J. B. Savage, of this city, is now the editor and publisher of the Brainerd (Minn.) TRIBUNE, one of the brightest and newsiest newspapers in the Northwest.” (Brainerd Tribune, 23 April 1881, p. 1, c. 3)

Shall We Enlarge the Tribune?

Relative to enlarging the TRIBUNE at some near future time, we desire to state positively that we will not do so if enough advertising cannot be secured to pay the cost of publishing and warrant the expenditure for additional paper and extra postage, composition, etc., necessarily accumulating by an increase in the size of the paper. It is indeed very singular if, in this fast growing and promising young village, one newspaper of ordinary size cannot be well supported. In other places with half the population of Brainerd, two or three large newspapers receive liberal support, the businessmen of such communities realizing the benefits arising from a liberal use of printers’ ink. We expect, ere long, to canvass the town, and see what our merchants, manufacturers and general dealers will do towards building up a much-needed enterprise in Brainerd—a live, paying and energetic newspaper, which we guarantee to do our full share toward getting out. We have been, through the lack of necessary office help, deprived from devoting as much attention, editorially, as we hope and intend to do in the future. It is to be hoped that this brief comment upon the important subject in question will serve to cause our thinking people to bestir themselves, thus enabling us to get out a newspaper that shall be a credit to the town and community. Brainerd can surely support one good newspaper, and we think she will do it in a creditable manner. (Brainerd Tribune, 23 April 1881, p. 1, c. 4)

Another Buckeye boy has launched forth into the great golden northwest to battle with the trials and adversities of a western printer’s hardships and troubles, Mr. Clint. C. Neal, with whom we at one time worked side-by-side as brother members of the craft, arrived in Brainerd last Tuesday morning, and will hereafter be one of “the boys” on the TRIBUNE force. (Brainerd Tribune, 30 April 1881, p. 1, c. 2)

The Brainerd TRIBUNE is now printed from new type, and is neater than ever. Mr. Chase is making the TRIBUNE a credit to Brainerd. He talks of enlarging the paper if the businessmen give it liberal support. They ought to do it.—Verndale Journal. (Brainerd Tribune, 30 April 1881, p. 1, c. 2)

Business is Business.

A certain prurient biped of the genus homo species makes his principal avocation nowadays the persistent assailment of the TRIBUNE and its management. Now, to this party we would respectfully announce that we have come to stay—for a time at least, and it will take more than the spasmodic effervescence of skim-milk brains to frighten us out of the country. A persistency in this matter indulged in as ardently in the future as in the past, may cause a slight eruption at some unexpected crack in the volcano and an overflow will follow. If you can do us no good, leave us alone, and we will endeavor to return the affection with similar deference. Otherwise, our wishes are for you to be a clement of a personal scarcity in our neighborhood, or, in other words go to a climate where thermometers would boil in the shade. (Brainerd Tribune, 07 May 1881, p. 1, c. 3)

One of the TRIBUNE force, Clint. C. Neal, assisted in the orchestra at the entertainment given by Spaulding’s Georgia Minstrels. (Brainerd Tribune, 14 May 1881, p. 1, c. 2)

The TRIBUNE has been frequently importuned to keep various occurrences out of its columns, when such parties knew that it was really right and proper that a newspaper which made any attempt at chronicling the passing events of the times, should publish and expose. Now, be it understood, once and for all, that if parties do not want their names and deeds to appear in this paper in a light undesirable, they must abstain from such acts of cussedness and general deviltry as would warrant publication. We propose running a serious-paper, and not a mere nominal theory. This is business. It is not our desire to injure anybody in any way, shape, form nor manner; exactly the opposite. But we intend to deal in plain, honest facts, which we can stand up to. (Brainerd Tribune, 04 June 1881, p. 1, c.’s 3 & 4)

LAST Thursday morning the TRIBUNE office was supplied with another job press, the “Clipper,” which is one of the fastest running jobbers made. We are now prepared to clean out our supply of job work in short time, and respectfully solicit orders from our citizens as fast as they have a mind to bring them in. No press made can execute finer work than the two job presses with which this office is now supplied. With new job type also, how much better could it be desired, as we can do just as fine work as is done in the cities, and fully as cheap. Give us a call. (Brainerd Tribune, 04 June 1881, p. 1, c. 4)

QUITE an accident occurred in the TRIBUNE office last Monday, the vastness of which only a printer can realize. After the week’s edition had been all run off, the forms were taken out back of the composing room, as usual, to be washed, a job which is always entrusted to the devil in the office. While the cleansing operation was in process, a crash was heard, and the boys rushed back to see what was the difficulty. After about the sixteenth fraction of a second had been whiled away in viewing the ruins, the atmosphere seemed to turn blue, and brief items of profanity sauntered carelessly through the infinite space surrounding. Lynching and even annihilation of the cause of all this devastation was at first contemplated, but this would not help matters, therefore it was deemed the most expedient to commence operations and straighten up the fourth page of the TRIBUNE, which the devil had so unceremoniously knock into “pi.” This accident is one that very seldom occurs, and when it does, a little mild and ordinary profanity is considered pardonable by the strictest of critics. (Brainerd Tribune, 11 June 1881, p. 1, c. 3)

The Tribune.

On the 4th day of last March the first number of this paper, under the present administration, was issued to its patrons and the world in common. In assuming the proprietorship and editorial control of the TRIBUNE, we fully realized the fact that while we might be able to cater to the wants, wishes and welfare of some of our patrons, we would be unable to unreservedly reconcile and conciliate the ideas of others, a task which an intellect proportionately capacious in comparison as the muscular powers of Hercules might have been to the strength of average mortal would find of moderate or trifling venture. It has been the object and aim, universally, to labor in our respective capacity, toward the general welfare and particular benefit of the vicinity in which we are located, as well as to assiduously proclaim to the general commonwealth of this broad land the just claims of the great Northwest a considerate appreciation from those of our fellow mortals who may never yet have tasted the animated experience to be relaxed in this rapidly developing portion of the vast domain over which floats the immaculate banner of justice and liberty. Although we often feel a significant longing for the old buckeye state of many presidents, we soon smother it with the genuine pride which has rooted us to this thriving young state, upon whose terrene soil we are at present privileged to shake the dust off our editorial brogans. Of what is to redound to the welfare and particular benefit of the community at large, we are disposed to claim a diminutive portion, and where, in our feeble way, the efficacy of the tripod may be brought into advantageous requisition, may favor and fortune speed its efforts. We have intentionally injured no person, and if, unwittingly, anything may have been said amiss, we are disposed to make any reasonable amends, and are inclined to the opinion that grievances contrariwise should be observed with similar disposition. With this issue the TRIBUNE launches forth upon the broad sea of journalism, enlarged, remodeled, and we trust editorially improved. Some of our energetic people have ventured forth in a judicious advertising of their respective business and occupations, and we feel confident that many more will follow in this certain path to prosperity and success. Our time has been so occupied during the past few weeks with work outside our editorial duties, that we have been unable to bestow proper attention upon our charge, but by future progression we hope to atone in a measure for any past retrogression. As heretofore, we propose to exercise judicious scruples and plausible justice in our editorial labors, and hope to merit the approval of those who in the past we may have failed to imbue with the spirit of appreciation. So long as we may be favored with a sufficient support to warrant the publication of an eight-page paper, so long will the TRIBUNE be issued in an enlarged form. It has cost money and labor to make this change, and we hope our subscribers will be a little more prompt in paying up their arrears or subscription in the future than they have in the past. Lenience we are compelled to submit to in a certain measure, but the house we buy our paper from requires prompt settlements, and our office help require their pro rata every Saturday night. This should receive more than a mere passing thought, and we think “a word to the wise should be sufficient.” All accounts on subscription, barring those who may have had previous open accounts with the former proprietor, and all accounts dating from March 1st, 1881, are now due and payable at this office. Please bear this in mind, and give us a little lift occasionally. With this rather abstruse secondary salute, we submit the TRIBUNE in its new form. (Brainerd Tribune, 25 June 1881, p. 1, c. 5)

The editor of this paper desires to return grateful thanks to neighboring brothers in the fraternity for their kind notices relative to the recent enlargement of the TRIBUNE. (Brainerd Tribune, 02 July 1881, p. 5, c. 3)

Mr. A. W. Frater, recently from Mt. Gilead, Ohio, arrived in Brainerd last night, and will today be taken in as an equal partner in the TRIBUNE, the firm name to be styled hereafter Chase & Frater. Mr. Frater, the present editor desires to say, will without doubt be a valuable acquisition to the TRIBUNE, and recognizing the fact that “in unity there is strength,” it is to be hoped the paper will be constantly experiencing rapid and healthy growth under the new firm’s management. (Brainerd Tribune, 02 July 1881, p. 5, c. 3)

Change of Firm.

As briefly noticed in last week’s issue of the TRIBUNE, a change has occurred in the firm name of this paper’s proprietorship, and until further notice, will exist under the firm name of Chase & Frater, this firm not necessitating any material change in the editorial or local management of the paper, which will continue as heretofore in its every fearless, well-meaning, yet thorough manner, and will adhere to the grand old principles of freedom in speech and strict justice in tenor and tone. This it has endeavored to do heretofore, and no diversion shall be effected therein in its future existence. Trusting that the TRIBUNE will continue to improve in the future, as we feel justified in saying it has in the past, we remain obedient servants to our patrons and friends.



(Brainerd Tribune, 09 July 1881, p. 5, c. 3)

A Voice from Ohio.

The following item, from the Mt. Gilead, (Ohio) Register, we are pleased to publish, heartily appreciating the production from the pen of W. G. Beebe, editor of that paper:

Recently we received from Brainerd, a town in northern Minnesota, a copy of the BRAINERD TRIBUNE, an attractive newspaper which for some time has been under the management of Mr. Arthur Chase, a son of our clerk of the court, who learned how to handle the printer’s “stick and rule,” in the Register office several years ago. He finished his apprenticeship in this office, we had every opportunity to judge of his good qualifications for the position in which he is now serving. Within the past few days Mr. A. W. Frater, also of this county in Ohio, has associated himself with Arthur in the TRIBUNE. Just before Mr. Frater left this county he was united in marriage with Miss Emma, daughter of commissioner Brooks, and we trust the union of the two young men in business in the distant state, will be as happy and pleasant as the union lately formed between Mr. Frater and his pleasing bride near Iberia. Mrs. Frater has not yet departed for her new home in Minnesota. (Brainerd Tribune, 16 July 1881, p. 4, c. 4)

Two or three horses, the property of somebody, are continually smashing in the windows in the rear end of this office; six or eight already having been broken. We would be very thankful if such horses would be securely corralled. (Brainerd Tribune, 06 August 1881, p. 5, c. 2)

The TRIBUNE has almost doubled its circulation in the past five months. Let it continue to increase, and we ask our present subscribers to aid us all in their power. We hereby make this liberal offer: Any person, subscriber or not, sending us the names of five new subscribers and ten dollars cash, will be entitled to the TRIBUNE one year, free. (Brainerd Tribune, 06 August 1881, p. 5, c. 3)

The proprietors of the TRIBUNE have leased one-fourth of the second floor of the new Hartley Block, where the office will be removed as soon as the building is completed. (Brainerd Tribune, 13 August 1881, p. 5, c. 2)

Master Charlie Taylor, our little devil, is one of the party taking in the scenes out west this week. Charlie is wide awake, and will see a Jack rabbit as quick as any one of the party if it happens to cross his path. (Brainerd Tribune, 13 August 1881, p. 5, c. 3)

The local editor of this paper has been the victim of grievous circumstances this week. He has been damnably lied about, lost three dollars on a job of printing for a corn doctor, and had a boil on the end of his nose. Selah!

(Brainerd Tribune, 20 August 1881, p. 5, c. 3)

A Town Directory.

We have been repeatedly questioned as to whether or not it would be a consistent idea to publish a directory of the town of Brainerd. We have taken the matter into consideration, and, although it will necessitate a considerable expense, we shall rely on the business people of our prosperous community to furnish enough advertising to let us out clearly. In the first place, it shall be our intention to give a historical sketch of the origin, foundation and growth of Brainerd, making due mention of its first settlers and, in fact, everything which may be of sensational interest to everybody. It will contain also a separate notice of each business house in the town, and general comment on every matter of local and vital interest to the people of this section of the state. It will also contain the names and places of residence of every person who may have arrived at the age of accountability, so to speak, in the limits of Brainerd. We shall aim to give a general sketch of the towns of Gull River, Aitkin, Motley, and other points near us. The book will be of fair size, and we want every man in business in this vicinity to advertise as liberally as they may feel disposed, the more the better. The pages will be of good size, and the rates of advertising have been placed within the reach of all, viz: For one page, $12; half page, $8; quarter page, $5. This will also entitle the advertiser to a copy of the directory. Single copies of the book will retail at the low price of one dollar. This work will be issued by January 1st, 1882, and will be an annual, it being our intention to publish a directory at the beginning of each year. This will afford all a good opportunity to observe the exact growth and progress of the town and community. Special help will be employed in getting out this work, and we trust it will be well patronized. All parties wishing a copy of the book, or advertisements therein are requested to advise us, if convenient, by Oct. 15th—before that if possible. It is the intention to make the book worth the money, and to be of general use and advantage to everybody. Please ponder this matter carefully in your minds. (Brainerd Tribune, 03 September 1881, p. 8, c. 1)

NOTE: I have no evidence of this directory ever being published.

About two weeks ago the TRIBUNE sent out statements of newspaper accounts to the amount of about $300 to points along the line, to parties owing from two or three up to ten or twelve dollars each—subscription arrears. Only one man responded, and he stopped his paper. It does seem a little peculiar, when a man lets his subscription run along for years, as though it never cost the publisher a cent to issue it, and then get mad when presented with a bill, or statement, and stop his paper. (Brainerd Tribune, 10 September 1881, p. 1, c. 6)

C. C. Neal, a typo, who has been with this office for several months back, left for his home in Mt. Gilead, Ohio, last Monday evening, having been threatened with typhoid fever, mingled with strong symptoms of homesickness. (Brainerd Tribune, 17 September 1881, p. 6, c. 2)

The editor of this paper is not responsible for anything in his absence, the present manager will shoulder the load. (Brainerd Tribune, 01 October 1881, p. 5, c. 2)

A. E. Chase, the EDITOR, started for Mt. Gilead, Ohio, his former hone, and the writer was credibly informed by an N. P. employee that he departed in company with a woman. That is a little curious, but if he don’t return with one we will be still more surprised. (Brainerd Tribune, 01 October 1881, p. 5, c. 3)

Bro. Chase has been sick since he went home, being confined to the house for some days with fever, but at last reports he was convalescing, and able to step out. We hope he had so far recovered that on last Thursday the nuptials could be performed which would unite him for life to Miss Anna Kate Cooper, of Mt. Gilead, Ohio, a young lady of our acquaintance, and we think the following, clipped from a neighboring exchange appropriate, in which the Editor congratulates his newly-married friend as follows:

Fate has garlanded the chaplet of our friend with one of the fairest and sweetest flowers that bloom in the parterie of beauty, whose fragrance will impregnate with redolence every impulse of his generous heart. The brightest star that radiates the galaxy of fascinating women shines upon and illuminates her pathway with bland smile and alluring light, whose resplendent effulgence, glowing with undimmed luster each revolving season, will pilot the victor of so estimable a prize to a haven of happiness. May joys and blessings as exquisite and hallowed as those engendered by a shower of roses scattered down by the hands of the Pere from the far-off garden of Paradise crown their wedded future, and increase with the lapse of years. (Brainerd Tribune, 08 October 1881, p. 5, c. 3)

Married at Mt. Gilead, Ohio.

The following is clipped from a paper published at our former home, which we publish without comment:

On Thursday, the 7th instant, there was a marriage at Mt. Gilead. On that day Rev. Dr. A. Nelson, of the M. E. church, united in the holy bonds of wedlock Mr. Arthur E. Chase and Miss Kate Cooper, a charming young lady, daughter of Mr. Elias Cooper who was among the early settlers of this town. Arthur, the groom, is now editor and proprietor of the Tribune, a Brainerd, Minnesota, newspaper, and is a son of the clerk of the courts. D. L. Chase. He recently returned form his new home in the northwest, where fortune has favored him as it seldom does those of the worthy profession in which he has become interested, to take from her Ohio home the one whose hand and heart he has won, and whose happiness will henceforth be subject to the efforts and accomplishments of the one whose attainments, dignified bearing and real worth have been favorably considered by this young lady who on Thursday took upon herself the highly responsible duty of a help mate to the young and worthy western editor.

So soon as Mr. Chase recovers from a slight attack of fever, in consequence of which he has been confined to his room since his marriage, the couple will depart for Brainerd, at which place they will make their home. That good luck may attend the couple we shall be anxious to sling after them that which in the minds of many is a potent factor in shaping the future of the newly married. So here goes the old shoe!--Union Register. (Brainerd Tribune, 22 October 1881, p. 5, c. 3)

We have secured another printer, Mr. F. A. Huber, and will be ready to do all job work at short notice hereafter. (Brainerd Tribune, 01 November 1881, p. 5, c. 2)

We expect to soon move into our new quarters in the Hartley block. (Brainerd Tribune, 05 November 1881, p. 5, c. 2)

A. W. Frater, of the TRIBUNE, met with an accident last Monday which rendered the use of one hand impossible for a few days, and produced quite a painful wound. While working one of the job presses, he was unfortunate enough to have his hand caught in the press and severely bruised and gashed that important member. (Brainerd Tribune, 05 November 1881, p. 5, c. 3)

Yesterday morning Mr. E. C. Heard, recently from Minneapolis, began operations as a typo in the TRIBUNE office, and with his experience as a printer and pressman, a valuable acquisition to the establishment has been secured. Bring in your job printing and give him a chance. (Brainerd Tribune, 05 November 1881, p. 5, c. 3)

I desire to state to our readers that in the management of the paper, we aim to give the news which is current, and of course we are subject to criticism. In regard to a certain local in our last issue during the absence of our senior partner of the firm, we wish to state that the matter has been satisfactorily explained, and we are pleased to exculpate everyone from blame as we are fearless in recording events.


(Brainerd Tribune, 05 November 1881, p. 5, c. 3)

J. E. Patmore, a printer of long experience in Winnipeg, and other points, has been employed at this office, and his work will show for itself that he is a workman of excellent taste. (Brainerd Tribune, 19 November 1881, p. 1, c. 6)

A Change.

This week the undersigned becomes sole proprietor of the TRIBUNE, Mr. A. W. Frater having retired from the business to engage in other occupations. Though left to bear our editorial responsibilities alone, we shall endeavor to “hew to the line, let the chips fall where they will.” It shall be the object and aim of this journal, as in the past, to present each week an epitome of the current events of the preceding seven days. We shall expect our subscribers to be more prompt in the future, in settling subscription arrears, as such leniency in this matter cannot be tolerated longer. It is as much the duty of the subscriber to pay up his dues as for the printer to publish his paper each week and it is to be hoped this part of the programme in future will be more promptly lived up to. We shall publish just as good a paper as the public will support. Please remember this. With many thanks to those who have aided us in the past, and fond hopes for the future, to the public I remain

Your Obedient Servant,


(Brainerd Tribune, 03 December 1881, p. 1, c. 6)

Dissolution Notice.

Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between A. E. Chase and A. W. Frater, engaged in publishing the BRAINERD TRIBUNE, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, A. W. Frater retiring from the firm. The business will be continued by A. E. Chase, who will be responsible for the partnership liabilities, and receive all collections.



Nov. 29, 1881.

(Brainerd Tribune, 03 December 1881, p. 5, c. 2)

The TRIBUNE was unavoidably delayed until Monday morning, owing to a serious tussle with a new Time Schedule for the N. P. R. R., the sickness of one or two of the “boys,” a rather serious accident in the office, and one or two other specific causes, which it is probably unnecessary to mention. Suffice it to say we do not intend it shall occur again, and arrangements are about perfected to improve the paper very materially. Subscribers in arrears will please pay up, as we must have the money. (Brainerd Tribune, 03 December 1881, p. 6, c. 4)

To the People of Brainerd.

This issue in another place tells the same story. By mutual consent the co-partnership of Chase & Frater has been dissolved, and in retiring, I wish to say that I most earnestly desire my late partner success in the future. Mr. Chase is a newspaperman, a first-class printer, and will without doubt make the paper what the people of Brainerd want, and in order to do this it is necessary to have the co-operation of the citizens of the place. With many thanks for the favors shown me during the past few months and a desire that I may be able to show you my appreciation in the future. I am Respectfully Yours.


(Brainerd Tribune, 03 December 1881, p. 6, c. 5)

The rooms in the new Hartley Block are all numbered. No. 10 is the number of the TRIBUNE office. (Brainerd Tribune, 17 December 1881, p. 4, c. 1)

Don’t Get Angry.

Our patrons can readily discern that the TRIBUNE is appreciated as an advertising medium, thereby crowding out much reading matter that would otherwise occupy the columns. The editor started for St. Paul this morning to make arrangements for some improvements in the paper, among which, some of the advertising will be placed on the inside pages, and the paper cut and ready to open out in full by its readers, enabling us to place more local matter each week before the readers of this great family journal. A power press has been ordered, and as soon as that arrives, we shall be able to print the TRIBUNE entirely at home with all home matter and editorial selections. (Brainerd Tribune, 17 December 1881, p. 4, c. 2)

A LACK of compositors has rendered it impossible to issue to our readers as much general reading matter as has been desired, but this deficiency will be overcome, it is to be hoped, as soon as additional help can be secured. At this period of the year it is an exceedingly difficult matter to obtain good printers at any price. The TRIBUNE has, however, been exceedingly fortunate in securing first-class workmen, and with the aid of one or two more which we trust soon to obtain, everything will be in good running order. (Brainerd Tribune, 24 December 1881, p. 8, c. 1)

Mr. C. F. Kindred made the office a friendly call Friday, and as a token of his appreciation for the DAILY TRIBUNE ordered it mailed to him for a year. Mr. Kindred appreciates the fact that THE TRIBUNE is not born to die young, but to grow with the thriving young city in which it is located and become an element of the country which it represents. Such kind words of encouragement coming from this gentleman, and also from several other prominent citizens of the city evince the fact that THE TRIBUNE is meeting with a just appreciation and is bound to stick. (Brainerd Tribune, 07 January 1882, p. 6, c. 3)


The proprietor of this paper is highly pleased to reproduce the following complimentary notice from the Mt. Gilead, Ohio, Union Register, in which office he was first instructed in the rudiments of typesetting and other duties pertaining to a printer’s apprenticeship. The proprietor of the Register, Mr. W. G. Beebe, is a gentleman of extraordinary ability, and has for years wielded a prominent pen in the Ohio field of journalism:

“A daily newspaper has been brought into existence by A. E. Chase at Brainerd, Minn., which has been christened THE DAILY TRIBUNE. The first number was issued on Friday, the 23d, and is a very pretty little daily, to which we trust our fast friend Arthur will, through his superior pluck and easy grace with which he wields the pen, be able to win the cordial, liberal support of Brainerd’s populace. We want to see our friend and former aid make a signal success of this the greatest undertaking of his life, and we trust his banners will never be lowered.” (Brainerd Tribune, 07 January 1882, p. 6, c. 4)

With this edition THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE starts out on a new year, Vol. 11, it being just ten years old. (Brainerd Tribune, 04 February 1882, p. 5, c. 2)



A Few Remarks Relative to

Fast Composition—A Chal-

lenge From a Tribune



The Brainerd TRIBUNE and NEWS compositors are indulging in a great deal of talk as to what men in their respective offices can do in the way of composition of type. We do not care to enter into the discussion any further than to say that we have here in the Duluth Tribune office a couple of men who are ready and willing to cross sticks and rules, with the best two men they can produce on either or both of the Brainerd papers. Stick a pin in that fact, and remember there are a few dollars on hand to back the assertion. What say you, Brainerdites? Shall we have a contest, and if so, when and where?—[Duluth Tribune.

After reading the above, one of our compositors issues the following


I hereby challenge any compositor now employed in the Duluth Tribune office, to a typesetting match of one or eight hours’ duration, for one hundred ($100) dollars a side, with a $25 forfeit, the type to be set under regulation rules, and time and place to be agreed upon hereafter. VAN GORDON.

In regard to the above it might be proper to state that Mr. Van Gordon will experience no trouble in finding plenty of backing, and he, together with the TRIBUNE force, will endeavor to bring about a fair and square contest. (Brainerd Tribune, 11 March 1882, p. 4, c. 2)

A New Kink.

The TRIBUNE is now the official paper of both city and county. It was Tuesday declared by the county commissioners to be the official organ of the county. One of the county fathers, who for some, to us unknown cause, is by no means a friend of this paper, wants the proprietor to give bond in the sum of five hundred dollars to guarantee that the matter is properly attended to. This is nothing less than a piece of personal spite, and a hitherto unheard of requirement. Why did this gentleman not require the TRIBUNE to give bonds last year, when the largest tax list ever known in this county was published? The reason is simply this, because there was only one paper here then while now there are three, and the TRIBUNE happens to be seriously disliked by the commissioner in question. There is no use making any bones about the matter, and we have made our statements, we have every reason to believe, exactly as they are. (Brainerd Tribune, 11 March 1882, p. 4, c. 2)

Mr. F. W. Wieland, one of the TRIBUNE boys who has been lying off with the rheumatism for several days past, is again on deck. (Brainerd Tribune, 25 March 1882, p. 6, c. 2)

The TRIBUNE has a great many subscribers who do not wish to take the evening paper, thus necessitating the printing of what appears in that paper when we reply to its asinine effusions, which consist principally of statements made without investigation, and as we desire to have the TRIBUNE patrons read both sides, and in pursuance with our praiseworthy resolve not to stoop to the level which the down street paper evidently delights to revel in, we will not even contradict any of the many utterly ridiculous and entirely impotent statements which that paper made in its last issue. (Brainerd Tribune, 08 April 1882, p. 5, c. 2)

Uncle Dudley.

The TRIBUNE is pleased to acknowledge the receipt of a neat 12mo volume from the ready pen of M. C. Russell of Duluth, the founder of this paper. The title, Uncle Dudley's Odd Hours, is the suggestive title of this work, consisting of odds and ends of Mr. Russell's writings compiled and published by Miss Susie Russell, late editress of the Duluth Weekly, a spicy little sheet which came to our table for some time last fall. This new book is meeting with great demand, and deservedly too. It will be kept for sale by W. W. Hartley at the post office news stand, or can be procured of Miss Susie M. Russell, Duluth, Minn., at the low figure of $1.25. (Brainerd Tribune, 22 April 1882, p. 1, c. 4)


The Daily Tribune, by carrier, 20 cents a week.

The Daily Tribune, by carrier, 70 cents a month.

The Weekly Tribune, by mail, $2.00 a year.

The Daily and Weekly Tribune will be sent as above, postage paid, to any address in the United States or North British America.

Rates of Advertising furnished on application.


Brainerd, Minnesota.

(Brainerd Tribune, 29 April 1882, p. 8, c. 1)

George S. Canfield, who has been the business manager and editor of the Tribune for several months past, comes out in a card announcing that he has purchased the establishment. Homer M. Hill will be engaged as business manager of the paper. (Brainerd Dispatch, 18 October 1883, p. 2, c. 2)

Morris C. Russell, editor Sentinel, Lake City. After repeated solicitation on our part, Mr. Russell kindly consented to furnish us the following brief though very interesting account of his experience on the northwestern frontier, or early days in Minnesota, which at the same time illustrates the experience of very many of our worthy pioneers, both living and dead, and is given as a sample of the brave spirits who redeemed this grand commonwealth from a state of nature, and spread out its fields of golden grain, bred cattle on its thousand hills, and reared its numerous cities, towns and villages with their prosperous churches, colleges and schools. He says:

M. C. Russell, founder, editor and publisher of the Brainerd Tribune, the first newspaper on the line of the Northern Pacific Railroad east of the Rocky Mountains, ca. Unknown.
Source: History of Wabasha County, H. H. Hill and Company, Chicago: 1884, p. 1195

"I was born in Venango county, Pennsylvania, February 22, 1840. My father was Samuel Russell, and my mother was a Miss Matilda Raymond, whose brother, A. W. Raymond, owned large iron mines and blast furnaces, over which my father, although owning a large farm in the vicinity, was, most of the years I was at home, the manager for my uncle Raymond. The Raymonds were from Connecticut stock, although the branch which were within my knowledge came from New York State into Western Pennsylvania; and my uncle A. W. Raymond, and his large family of sons and daughters and their descendants, are all alive at this writing, and all live near each other in Venango county, the old gentleman at Franklin, the county seat. My father was one of a family of seven sons, all born in this country, although my grandparents on my father's side came from the north of Ireland. My father married twice, his second wife being a Miss Susan Smith, from Bangor, Maine, who came into western Pennsylvania as a school teacher. I am the youngest child of the first family, being the twelfth child and seventh son. My mother died when I was an infant, and I do not recollect her. I was raised, up to the time I left home at fourteen, by my stepmother, who is one of God's noble women, and who still lives in Jefferson, Iowa, with her youngest daughter, though very feeble and aged. By his second marriage my father had nine children—twenty-one in all. Up to my fourteenth year I went to the old log schoolhouse three months each winter, where I learned to read in the New Testament, and could spell most of the easy words in Cobb's spelling-book; also gained a trifle of knowledge about geography, and could 'cipher' a little before leaving home, but never 'learned grammar' any. This comprised all the book-learning I ever had in school, and constituted my collegiate course, if I except a year spent in the Franklin Spectator office as a 'printer's devil.' From ten to fourteen I worked on the farm, in the ore mines, and about the iron furnace, one year as 'under clerk' in my uncle's large supply store, where the hundreds of miners, furnace men, woodchoppers, teamsters and charcoal artists, who carried on the colliery department, bought all the supplies of every kind for themselves and families. All labor was employed by my uncle for half cash and half out of the furnace store. I never knew, however, of very much cash changing hands, but the 'furnace store' was a big thing as a mart of trade; men who had large families, as nearly all of them had, to support by chopping white oakwood—as an illustration—for forty cents per cord, never had much "cash" due them on settlement day. My business capacity and my education fitted me admirably for my part of the duties—i.e., drawing the endless jugs of molasses, fish-oil, measuring out tar, sweeping the store, replacing broken glass in the gristmill and the many other buildings about the ironworks, and doing ten thousand things which the higher operators about the place could not do without smearing their hands or their linen. About March 1, 1854, I succeeded in getting father's consent to go to Minnesota Territory, at that time a remote region, difficult of access, and of which but little was known in the east. Four years before, in 1850, my two eldest brothers, Aaron and Edward, had gone to that territory, and in 1852 were followed by my brother Samuel, and brother-in-law, F. M. Ward. After two months of untold hardships, privations, suffering and adventure, a green and used-up youth landed in St. Paul from the steamer Hamburg, the boat having, during all her voyage, been but little less than a floating palace of death. She had several hundred passengers, who died off by scores with cholera, their remains being buried in greater or less numbers at every wood-pile and landing. Those not sick spent their time in gambling and carousing night and day. We buried half-a-dozen one dark rainy night in the lonely wilderness where we took on wood, placing them all in one shallow hole in the wet ground, by the weird light of tar torches. At another landing, I remember, among the dead carried ashore were eight members of one family. This was at LaCrosse landing, where they were laid side by side on the ground, seven boys and their father, and we left the only surviving member, the wife and mother, sitting among the dead, wringing her hands in agony and despair. Most of the principal towns now on the river were located about this time, or not long previously, but were composed of only a few wooden structures, scattered about over their respective sites, with not enough in a line to indicate which way the street ran. There were "prairie-seas" spread out on every hand, which, with the wild Indians and their numerous villages, were sights emphatically new and picturesque in the eyes of a boy who had never seen either before, nor even a railroad nor steamboat before starting on this long, tedious and eventful journey, which alone would make an interesting volume if faithfully written, with all its incidents, sights and experiences.

"St. Paul was a singular-looking, rough and tumble sort of a town. The central portion was reached by a set of rough, wooden stairs, leading from the steamboat landing up the side of the hill, upon reaching the summit of which one landed almost in the front yard of the Central House, one of the leading hotels of the town. The Merchant's was a frame affair, on its present site. The amusement center was the old People's Theatre, a square, ugly-looking structure, made of slabs set up endwise. The autocrats of the territory were the government officials first, the steamboat officers next, and the Indian traders and 'sample-room' proprietors third. In those days all the rivers were navigable. The Minnesota river was navigable for large boats some three or four hundred miles above its mouth most of the season, and as the Minnesota valley was just beginning to attract immigration, the steamboat business boomed for several years, when, about the time it began to permanently 'dry up' railroads came into the country and relieved the exhausted streams of the traffic they no longer could discharge by reason of the absorption and evaporation caused by settling and opening up the country and its surface. The first legal execution in the territory took place that year. The 'subject' was a Sioux Indian, who was hanged for shooting at a white man, and killing the woman who was seated beside him in the wagon. The murder took place in the woods in the Sand Creek bottom, Scott county, near where Jordan is now located. The man shot at by the Indian was a German named Jacob Schroder, but the name of the woman who was killed, I do not remember. I knew Schroder personally many years after, and the last I knew of him he resided in Shakopee, where he probably still lives, if he lives at all. This and the two following seasons I ran on the Minnesota (then called St. Peter) river, on different ones of the early steamboats, the Montello and the Iola (which belonged to my two elder brothers), the Globe, the Time and Tide (which belonged to Capt. Louis Roberts, an early settler of St. Paul, who died only six or seven years ago, and was a noted character), on the Black Hawk, Greek Slave, Clarion and others. These first boats carried up into the great valley of the Minnesota the early settlers and their goods, the government supplies to Fort Ridgely, and the annuity goods to the Indian agencies at Red Wood and Yellow Medicine. At times the water was too low for the steamboats to run above the rapids, when the freight and passengers would be transferred to flatboats, which were 'polled' up the river, a distance of two hundred miles, by French 'pollers,' at a speed of about twenty miles a day. This portion of my early-day experiences—my flatboat experience for three years through a country swarming with the wildest of wild Indians, the Sioux, eight years before the terrible outbreak and massacre of 1862—was the most romantic and eventful time in my frontier life, its stirring incidents, if properly recorded, being sufficient in number and thrilling enough in character to constitute a volume. The most noted men of that time whom I can now recall were: Gov. Alex Ramsey, Gen. Sibley, Maj. Joseph R. Brown (Sioux Indian agent), Willis A. Gorman, Samuel Pond (the venerable missionary), Maj. Murphy, Messrs. Borup and Oaks, Wm. Constance, and the prominent 'river men,' while the gray-haired old Col. Abercrombie, of the regular army, was in command of Fort Ridgely. Of course there were men in all the scattering communities along the Mississippi river, further south in the territory, who were then, and since have been, prominent men, but of whom I knew but little in those early times, save by reputation. I and my brothers flatboated the first piano into the Minnesota valley that ever found its way up that river above Shakopee. It belonged to Col. Stoever, now of Henderson, and it was consigned and 'delivered in good order and condition' to a new landing called Kasota, not far above St. Peter. The boat crew, after the strange instrument had been landed safely, all drew an extra pint of whiskey from the government barrels of that article which were on board, and drank to 'the health of the first piano and its jolly, rollicking owner.' This reminds me that the crews always used to levy upon the government whiskey, which always constituted a fair proportion of every cargo, for their supply of 'firewater.' They would tap a barrel whenever they ran short, draw out two or three buckets full of whiskey, and replace it by similar quantity of river water. We used to deliver at the fort and at the agencies a good many barrels of tolerably weak whiskey; some of it wouldn't have hurt the nerves of a child. At the close of the third year I returned home and spent the winter, returning to the northwestern frontier again early in the spring, this time all the way by river, making probably one of the longest continuous river journeys ever made in the country; nearly the whole length of the Allegheny river, to Pittsburgh, thence the length of the Ohio river to Cairo, up the Mississippi to St. Paul, thence ascending the Minnesota river to Redwood agency, in all between three and four thousand miles. During the years intervening between my return and the outbreak of the war of the rebellion, save one summer spent in Iowa, and one year in the newspaper business at Belle Plaine, Minnesota, I ran on the upper Mississippi, St. Croix and Minnesota rivers, clerking, piloting, etc.; spending the winters in the heart of the big woods, on the Minnesota river, where my brothers had a settlement, engaged in cutting steamboat wood and getting out various kinds of timber, among the rest the timber for the St. Paul bridge, which we four brothers cut and banked in the winter and rafted to St. Paul in the spring. We were to take our pay in city bonds, which our St. Paul agent, after considerable trouble, collected for us; but before he had turned them over to us he became involved in some scandal, and when about to be arrested he, having our bonds in his pocket, ran to the new bridge and jumped into the river far below, from the highest span, and neither he nor our money was ever heard of again, excepting a skeleton found a few years afterward in the river above Hastings, which was supposed to be that of the rascally suicide, Gray. On one of the long, tedious rafting trips with this timber from the Big Woods to St. Paul, the raft became wind bound on the lower Minnesota river, by strong headwinds common in the spring, and the crew, of which the writer was a member, came near starving to death. We subsisted for a week or over on nothing more than roots, bark, etc., gathered along the shores, and a small box of spoiled herring. Parties who had gone to St. Paul by land at last came to our relief up the river in canoes, bringing provisions. The first meal consisted of cheese, bread, etc., and a pint of whiskey each. The repast had a very revivifying effect, and the hilarity that followed we attributed to the cheese. I was personally and thoroughly acquainted with all the leading as well as subordinate chiefs of the Sioux nation, including Little Crow—the leading spirit in the massacre of 1862—Standing Buffalo, Blue Blanket, Old Shakopee, Cut Nose, Other Day (the friendly Indian who saved sixty-two whites during the massacre), Little Dog and many others; also all the thirty-eight who were hanged on one scaffold at Mankato. All these chiefs have often spent a night beneath the friendly roof of our Big Woods cabin in those early days, and partaken at our rude table with us. I also know Hole-in-the-Day, the great chief of the Chippewa nation, and many of the principal chiefs of the Winnebago nation, Big Bear being a particular friend of the writer. Of the latter tribe I saw, at one time, four hundred canoe loads, with an average of five to the canoe, all in one body. I also witnessed the last great and bloody battle that took place between the Sioux and Chippewa nations, who have been the bitterest enemies from time immemorial. It occurred in the open river bottom of the north side of the Minnesota river, not far below Shakopee, and was attended by all the shameless and nameless atrocities common in Indian warfare. The Chippewas, after a most determined battle of several hours, were cut to pieces and put to flight.

"For aught I have ever known to the contrary, I was the first white that became a permanent resident of the territory and state who had neither parent or guardian with him. The summer before referred to as having been spent in Iowa, I again entered upon an apprenticeship at the printing business, in the office of the Tipton Advertiser, Judge Spicer, editor. The summer was pretty badly broken up, however, owing to the fact that I became a member of a militia company, the Tipton Guards, commanded by that old Mexican veteran Capt. Hammond, in which, owing to my 'main strength and awkwardness,' I presume, I was made a sergeant. During the summer we served through what was known as the 'Iowa Horse Thief War,' immediately following the conclusion of which we were ordered to the frontier to quell the Indians who had broken out in what passed into history as the 'Spirit Lake Massacre.' Before reaching the bloody ground, however, the order was countermanded, much to our relief. After this, I resigned from the company, and also threw up my position of 'printer's devil' in the Advertiser office, and returned to Minnesota—two wars in one summer being more than I had contracted for, even 'in my mind.' At eighteen, in company with Horace Baxter, another boy about my own age, and the only brother of Col. L. L. Baxter, now of Fergus Falls, I leased the Enquirer office at Belle Plaine, and after conducting it a year sold our lease to Judge J. L. Macdonald, now of Shakopee, and Baxter and myself went to Portage City, Wisconsin, with a view of buying out the Badger State office at that place. Before negotiations were closed, however, my gallant and gifted young partner was killed near Kilbourn City by falling between the cars. After this I traveled several months through various western states, in order to perfect myself in the art of printing, by 'getting the styles' in various localities, when I returned to Minnesota and was employed in the old Pioneer office most of the time until the war of the rebellion broke out. I walked to Fort Snelling from Belle Plaine, at which latter place I resigned my position of first lieutenant in what soon afterward became Co. A., 4th Minn. Inf., because the company voted not to join in any regiment that was likely to be ordered south. When the vote was announced, in my boyish and enthusiastic rage I tore my sword from its scabbard and flung it through the air; it fell point first, and I turned impetuously away, leaving it sticking in the prairie, and, as before stated, walked without stopping fifty miles to the fort, arriving just in time to get into Co. K, 2d Minn. Inf., with which I served nearly a year in Kentucky and Tennessee, and was finally discharged on account of disability received in the line of duty, and from being over-zealous in seeking out and performing hard duty, and consequent exposure in the inclement weather of a southern winter in the field. I would say here, however, that the 4th Minn. Inf. soon followed the Second south, and no braver men nor better soldiers ever wore the blue of patriotism than the members of the Fourth, and the members of Co. A afterward had the privilege of seeing and doing far more for their country than did their pettish lieutenant who threw his sword away at Belle Plaine. Upon my return to Minnesota, although in feeble health, I was just in time to go as a volunteer scout for Gen. Sibley in the Sioux war, consequent upon the awful massacre that deluged the Minnesota valley with blood, and during which probably two thousand helpless men, women and children were put to the scalping-knife and tomahawk along our western border. Five of us, mounted on powerful horses, Sheriff Frank McGrade, of Scott county, Garry Du Co's (recently returned from the 1st Minn. Inf., disabled, like myself) two farmer brothers, named Kearney and myself, were ordered to go all through the county north of the valley and ascertain the true conditions of things, and join Sibley and his army at St. Peter and report, he moving up the south side of the river, hastening to the relief of Fort Ridgely, New Ulm and other points. This scouting expedition was a memorable experience, and braver and nobler men never lived than the four who accompanied me. When we started from Carver, on this expedition, we numbered forty horsemen, but in that first terrible night's ride through the dark woods all had turned back save we five before midnight. We, however, kept on, and scoured the whole country through to Hutchinson, swinging around through the prairie country, and reporting to the general as directed. We met no hostile body of Indians, fortunately for us, but saw much of their devilish work. Very much worn out, with five ruined horses, we returned home in safety. Since that time I have followed the printing and publishing business continuously, three years in Nashville, Tennessee, the remainder of the time in Minnesota. I established and conducted for five years the first newspaper on the Northern Pacific railroad, east of the Rocky Mountains, the Brainerd Tribune. I am now, and expect to be, a resident of one of the prettiest little cities, richest counties and proudest states in all the sisterhood, Lake City, Wabasha county, Minnesota. (History of Wabasha County; H. H. Hill and Company, Chicago: 1884; p. 1195)

The Pioneer Press of Tuesday says that J. [sic] A. [sic] Halstead [sic] has purchased an interest in the Tribune [in partnership with A. E. Pennell] and has gone to Wheeling, West Virginia, to bring his family to Brainerd. (Brainerd Dispatch, 24 April 1884, p. 3, c. 5)

A. J. Halstead [sic], accompanied by his mother, sister and daughter, and Mrs. Mulrine accompanied by her two daughters, Bessie and Sue, and F. Snyder and wife arrived on Thursday morning's train from Wheeling, West Virginia. (Brainerd Dispatch, 22 May 1884, p. 3, c. 2)

“The Unkindest Cut of All”

Brainerd has discontinued using telephones and the mayor has issued an order prohibiting ladies from appearing upon the streets with Mother Hubbard dresses on. The City of Pines is playing the act of roller coasting and sliding down hill faster than any other blown up town of the northwest. Since the revival of the old Tribune the town has not improved as before. The old concern ought to have been left in its first ashes and the present conceited manager would be better off if located in the way backs of Ohio.—Long Prairie Leader.

Brother Simmons how could you?

(Brainerd Dispatch, 19 September 1884, p. 3, c. 4)

M. C. Russell, formerly of Brainerd, who has been at Whitewater, Wis., running the News, has turned that paper over to his son, and has gone to Nashville, Tenn., to take a responsible position with the Southern Methodist publishing house. (Brainerd Dispatch, 11 February 1887, p. 4, c. 4)

The St. Paul News contains the following concerning a former editor of the Tribune of this city: “M. C. Russell, a former editor of Lake City, has renewed his subscription—that is, he has remarried his divorced wife. They will live in St. Paul, where they cannot help being happy.” (Brainerd Dispatch, 10 February 1893, p. 4, c. 3)

The firm of Halstead [sic] & Pennell, of this city, publishers of the Tribune, has been dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Pennell selling his interest in the publication to Mr. Halstead [sic], who is now sole proprietor. Mr. Pennell will remain with the Tribune in charge of the mechanical department for sometime, but expects after awhile to conduct a paper himself again as soon as a suitable location can be found. (Brainerd Dispatch, 14 April 1893, p. 4, c. 3)

Change of Location.

Walverman Block where the Tribune was published on the second floor in 1910, 1910.
Source: Special Publication, 02 September 1910, p. 13, Brainerd Tribune, A. J. Halsted, Editor and Publisher

Editor Halsted, of the Tribune, has rented the second floor of the Keene & Nevers block on 6th street, over Abbott & Murray’s grocery store, and is having it fitted up for an office. The front part will be Mr. Halsted’s private sanctum, and the composing room and press room will be in the rear. An entrance will be made by cutting a doorway into the hall of the Dressen building. Editor Halsted has also bought a new Reliance-Babcock printing press, just like the one now in use by the DISPATCH, which will be placed in the new rooms. When finished the Tribune will have new and handsome quarters in keeping with the live and progressive publication that it is. (Brainerd Dispatch, 11 January 1901, p. 8, c. 4)


      Probably no citizen of northern Minnesota is better known than A. J. Halsted. proprietor of The Brainerd Tribune, published at Brainerd, Minnesota. He has always identified himself with the public affairs of the community in which he made his home. and has become widely known for his active public spirit and thorough appreciation of the wants of his community, and is universally esteemed and honored regardless of political affiliations. He is a gentleman of broad mind, and is possessed of a character of the highest integrity and an energetic spirit and succeeds in business a well as social affairs.

Mr. Halsted was born in the eastern part of Ohio August 23. 1850. His father was killed in the United States army in eastern Virginia during the Civil war. Our subject was then but thirteen years of age and was one of a large family of children, and consequently was thrown upon his own resources, and he has since made his own livelihood. His father was a native of New York and was a school teacher by profession, and our subject was reared to appreciate a good education. He attended the common schools and at the age of fourteen established a book store and news stand at Bridgeport, Ohio. He continued in business there two years and in 1868 went to northeastern Pennsylvania, where he first engaged in newspaper work, and in the fall of 1870 went to Wheeling, West Virginia. He was city editor of the Wheeling Intelligencer until August, 1879. This was the leading paper of the state. He then founded the Saturday Evening Journal, a weekly paper devoted to society news, sporting news, etc., and was conducted successfully. A half interest was purchased in the plant by G. W. Atkinson and others in the spring of 1883, and the paper was made an afternoon daily. Mr. Atkinson was a congressman, and subsequently governor of West Virginia. and is very prominent in public affairs of the state. In the fall of 1883 Mr. Halsted disposed of the entire plant to Mr. Atkinson. He then removed to Minnesota, and in the spring of 1884 purchased the North Western Tribune and changed its name to The Brainerd Tribune. This paper was established in 1872 by M. C. Russell, and is one of the oldest papers of northern Minnesota. For a time it was run as a daily. It has always been a Republican paper and is the leading paper of the county, and has the largest circulation of any paper in northern Minnesota, and Mr. Halsted has every reason to feel gratified with the result of his labors in that capacity.

Mr. Halsted's family are residing in Brainerd and his mother is now making her home with him. In all public matters our subject has proven himself a man of active concern in the welfare of his community wherever he has made his home. In Wheeling he was alderman in the upper branch of the city council for five years, and in 1894 was elected mayor of the city of Brainerd. After serving two years his popularity and good work are best attested by the fact that he received a second election to that office in 1900. In that year he was the Republican nominee, and the Populists and Democrats endorsed the nomination and he was elected without opposition. In 1890 he was nominee of the Republican party for the legislature and run about nine hundred ahead of his ticket, but owing to the fusion of the Democrats with the Peoples’ party his election was defeated by twelve to fifteen votes. He was chairman of the Republican county committee for a number of years and president of the Republican League Club for several years, and also president of the Campaign Club. In 1900 he was president of the County League Club and at the state convention in St. Paul he was elected vice-president of the league, and a member of the executive committee from the sixth district. Mr. Halsted is prominent in secret society circles. He is a member of all the Masonic orders, including the Knights Templar, and was the first exalted ruler of the Elks lodge in Brainerd, and also holds membership in the Ancient Order of United Workmen, I. O. R., Modern Samaritans and Knights of the Maccabees. He was a member of the vestry of St. Paul's Episcopal church for many years. (Compendium of History and Biography of Central and Northern Minnesota, Geo. A. Ogle & Co., Chicago, 1904; pp. 179-180)



Death of M. C. Russell, Founder

of Brainerd Tribune,


Established Pioneer Paper in February, 1872,

—Died at Red Wing on Friday.


Morris Craw Russell, ca. 1904.
Source: Uncle Dudley's Odd Hours, The Home Printery, Lake City, Minnesota: 1904

Morris C. Russell, pioneer newspaperman of the Northwest, founder of THE BRAINERD TRIBUNE, and at one time publisher of Uncle Dudley’s Magazine, which was widely circulated throughout the nation, is dead. The end came on Friday 3d inst., at the Red Wing hospital, where he had been a patient since Sept. 27. Mr. Russell was a resident of Lake City, and was 73 years old.

In February, 1872, he established THE BRAINERD TRIBUNE, the first newspaper on the Northern Pacific railroad east of the Rocky Mountains. He later became the owner of the Lake City Republican. For many years he was in charge of the printing department of the training school at Red Wing and established the Riverside, published at the institution, and was its editor. About ten years ago he published Uncle Dudley’s Magazine. Three years ago he disposed of his business and moved to Kalton, Oregon. He returned home only a few weeks ago, broken in health and in a very weak condition.

Mr. Russell was born in Pennsylvania in 1840 and came to Minnesota in 1854, when a lad of 14 years. He learned the printing trade in Tipton, Iowa, and at the outbreak of the civil war joined Company K, Second Minnesota infantry, serving a year. He was discharged on account of poor health and returned home in 1862 in time to serve as a scout with General Sibley in the Sioux Indian outbreak. At the close of his army service he re-entered the newspaper business at Nashville, Tenn., later returning to Minnesota. For many years he took an active part in politics. He is survived by a widow, three sons and three daughters. (Brainerd Tribune, 10 October 1913, p. 1, c. 1)



Pioneer Minnesota Journalist Relin-

quishes Reins of Brainerd News-



Was City Editor of Wheeling Daily

at Age of 21—Came West in



Colonel A. J. Halsted, who will retire from the field of active journalism with the sale of the Brainerd Tribune, has been a prominent figure in Minnesota newspaper and political circles since he came to Brainerd in April, 1884.

Probably no newspaper man of the state is better know than he is.

City Editor at 21

Colonel Halsted was born in Bridgeport, Ohio, in 1850. His first active newspaper work was done in 1868 at the age of 18, on the Montrose (Pa.) Democrat. After working six months on this paper he was offered a better position on the Montrose Republican, one of the leading weekly newspapers of the state, at nearly double the salary he was getting. He resigned and accepted the new position, in which he achieved unusual success.

He went to Wheeling, West Virginia, in October, 1870 and worked in the news room of the Daily Intelligencer, a morning paper which was one of the leading Republican dailies of the state. He was promoted to city editor in 1871, at the age of 21. This position he held for 8 years, resigning in August, 1879, to establish the Wheeling Evening Journal, which he conducted for four years and then sold in the fall of 1883 to ex-Gov. G. W. Atkinson, Congressman Goff and other leading Republicans.

Came To Brainerd

The lure of the West brought him to Brainerd in 1884. He bought the Northwestern Tribune, now the Brainerd Tribune, from George S. Canfield, and has conducted it successfully ever since.

While in West Virginia he was an active member of the editorial association of that state and upon his arrival in this state he immediately assumed a leading part in guiding the affairs of the editorial band in Minnesota.

Head Editorial Ass'n.

He was first vice-president of the Minnesota association and later became its president. About three years ago he was surprised with the unanimous election to life membership in the Northern Minnesota Editorial association by acclamation.

Politics have always had a glamor for Mr. Halsted and like so many other newspaper men, he has responded to the call for public service.

Entered Public Life Early

He was elected in 1879 a member of the upper branch of the city council of Wheeling from the Seventh ward. He was serving his second term in that body when he tendered his resignation to come to Brainerd.

Mr. Halsted was four times honored with the highest office as the gift of the people of Brainerd. While he has taken part in many heated elections he has never stooped to petty abuse and no bitterness or rancor was left over after the calm had come.

President Charter Commission

He has been a member of every city charter commission. He was vice-president of the second commission and president of the third and is also president of the present commission.

He was president of the Brainerd Commercial Club at the time it was reorganized into the present Chamber of Commerce.

He was chairman of the Republican county committee for years and has also served on the state central committee and on the congressional committee.

He was a member of the public safety commission during the world war.

Mr. Halsted has made no plans for the future. He will continue for some time as contributing editor to the Brainerd Tribune and he also expects to travel considerably. His busy career has entitled him to a well-earned rest. (Brainerd Tribune, 06 May 1921)

Richard S. Wilcox owner of the Tribune from 1921 to 1924, ca. 1922.
Source: Brainerd’s Half Century, Ingolf Dillan, General Printing Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota: 1923

NOTE: According to Zapffe, Richard S. Wilcox purchased the Tribune from Halsted in 1924, but that is NOT CORRECT since Halsted sold the Tribune in May of 1921 as noted above. Zapffe also alleges Wilcox sold the Tribune to Lily Ericson soon after he bought it, which is also NOT CORRECT. See below. (Brainerd 1871-1946, Carl Zapffe, Colwell Press, Incorporated, Minneapolis, Minnesota: 1946; pp. 152)



Anna Himrod, editor and publisher of the Brainerd Tribune, ca. Unknown.
Source: Crow Wing County Historical Society

With this issue the Tribune goes to its many readers under the management and control of the undersigned who, having purchased the plant, subscription list and good will of the newspaper from Mr. R. S. Wilcox, took possession last Saturday.

We do not enter the newspaper field at Brainerd as a stranger as we are more or less acquainted throughout this section, having conducted the News in our neighboring village of Ironton, on the Range, for the past ten years or so, and therefore we are to a certain extent more or less acquainted with the needs and requirements of the newspaper field of Crow Wing county.

We have for some years past felt that there was need, and that a field existed here in Brainerd, for a strictly farmer’s weekly newspaper—one that would devote more of its space to news of what the farmers of this section were actually doing and accomplishing—real news that would be interesting reading to the rural inhabitants and those of the smaller villages of the county, and we have purchased the Tribune with the set intention of having it in the future fulfill this mission. How well we shall succeed in our endeavors along this line time alone will tell.

Just as speedily as business conditions will permit we shall endeavor to enlist on our staff of weekly contributors, correspondents from every nook and section of the county that we can possibly secure one in. Added to these we shall endeavor to interest our farmer readers themselves in contributing from time to time interesting articles on purely agricultural topics—matters that they and their neighbors are vitally interested in, and to these, with the news of the Farm Bureau and its various activities, will be added interesting items of what is going on at the court house and among our family of county officials.

Realizing it will take us some little time to bring about these changes we ask the kind indulgence of our many readers for a few weeks until, at least, we have had time to get thoroughly settled down to our new responsibilities and adjust ourself to our new environments.

As an advertising medium we hope to make the Tribune one of the best and most far-reaching of any in this section of the state and we trust our local businessmen will encourage our efforts in their behalf by a liberal and appreciative support of its advertising columns.

With due apologies for any shortage of interesting news in our columns this week, owing to the rush of getting the office straightened around and ourself adjusted to our new duties, we invite all to pay us a visit and become acquainted with both the new proprietor and the office.

Respectfully submitted,



(Brainerd Tribune, 08 August 1924, p. 4, c.’s 1 & 2)



MISS ANNA HIMROD, who formerly published the Ironton News, today takes possession of the Brainerd Tribune and will publish that weekly in the future.

Miss Himrod plans to give most of her attention to the development of the farming interests in the county, a field in which she believes there are many possibilities.

The Brainerd Tribune has been in existence for over fifty years. A. J. Halsted sold the paper to R. S. Wilcox some three years ago, and it has been since published under his direction.

Miss Himrod brings to the Tribune ten years of experience in newspaper work, and hopes to cover the Brainerd territory with an interesting and valuable farm weekly.

The Brainerd Dispatch welcomes Miss Himrod and hopes she will be successful in her chosen career. (Brainerd Dispatch, 08 August 1924, p. 4, c.’s 5 & 6)

Former Tribune Editor A. J. Halstead [sic] Dead

Andrew J. Halsted, mayor and editor of the Brainerd Tribune, ca. Unknown.
Source: Special Publication, 02 September 1910, p. 18, A. J. Halsted, Editor and Publisher, Brainerd Tribune

Andrew J. Halstead [sic], for thirty-seven years editor of the Brainerd Tribune died about one o'clock yesterday afternoon, after a long illness.

He was born in Bridgeport, Ohio, August 23rd, 1850 and later to moved to Wheeling, West Virginia, where he engaged in newspaper work for a number of years, later going to Pennsylvania and then back to Wheeling.

He came from Wheeling to Brainerd in 1884, having purchased the Tribune, which he ably edited and published from that time until his retirement in 1918.

He was married in 1875 to Miss Annie May Vane [sic] [Zane] at Wheeling, to whom was born one daughter, Flora L., now Mrs. J. R. Smith of this city. His wife died in 1876.

In 1889 he was remarried to Miss Louise Smith of Burling, Ohio, to them were born three children, Marjorie, Harold and Leslie, who with their mother have all passed away.

Besides his daughter and son-in-law, he is survived by his grandson, Vane [sic] [Zane] Smith of this city and a sister, Mrs. H. E. Brooks of Butte, Mont., who was here at the time of his passing, as well as other relatives. Mrs. Harry L. George and Mrs. Jos. Casey, being nieces.

As an editor of the Tribune he was a virile writer, and recognized over the state as an able newspaper man, the State Association choosing him as a president of the association. In 1917 he was voted an honorary life membership in the Northern Minnesota Editorial Association.

He was also recognized as a political leader during the days of his prime.

At his home city his worth and ability was recognized and he served as chairman of the Brainerd Charter Commission, of which body he was a member at the time of his death.

He served four terms of mayor of the city, part of it during times when it required men of the strongest character, but with tact and fairness he had the respect of all elements. He was a member of the Masons, the Shrine and Eagles and served as the first Exalted Ruler of Brainerd Lodge of Elks.

Taken ill about two years ago, he has been confined to his home the greater part of the time, though he made a number of trips down town last summer. He suffered a stroke two weeks ago from which he failed to rally.

Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at the Episcopal church, Reverend Robert J. Long, former rector will come from Chicago to officiate for his old friend. Interment will be made at Evergreen cemetery with Masonic burial service. (Brainerd Tribune, Thursday, 31 January 1929; p. 1)

Veteran Editor Dies of Blood Poisoning

George Ericson, editor of the Brainerd Tribune and well known among newspaper men throughout the state, died at his home Sunday night after a courageous fight of five weeks against blood poisoning brought on by a carbuncle. He is survived by his widow, a daughter and two sons. (Wadena Pioneer Journal, 07 May 1931)







George E. Ericson, editor of the Brainerd Tribune since 1925, passed away Sunday evening at 8:30 at his home, 504 North 4th Street.

Blood poisoning is given as the cause of his death, brought on by carbuncles from which he suffered several weeks previous to his death.

Mr. Ericson was born at Red Wing, Minnesota, October 11, 1874, being 56 years of age at the time of his death. He was located at Argyle for some time before moving to Spooner, then coming to Brainerd in 1925. In both Argyle and Spooner he practiced law and after coming to Brainerd devoted himself to editing the Tribune owned by Mrs. Ericson.

Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Lily M. Ericson, two sons, George, Jr., and Togo, the former an employee of the Forestry Department and the latter a senior student of the engineering department of the state university, and a daughter, Sylvia, who is attending Carleton college at Northfield. He is also survived by his mother, Mrs. John F. Ericson and brother, Judge Wm. M. Ericson, of Red Wing, two sisters, Mrs. E. P. Canfield, of Floodwood, Minnesota, and Mrs. James P. Mason, of Culver City, California.

Funeral rites were conducted Wednesday at 2 p. m. from the Moose hall, of which organization he was State president and interment was at the Evergreen cemetery.

The Journal Press and its editor extends their sincere sympathy to the family in their hours of sadness. (Brainerd Journal Press, 08 May 1931, p. 1, c. 2)

Father of S. C.

Man Buried At

Mountain View


MOUNTAIN VIEW, June 12.—Private funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at Cypress Lawn for Wilder W. Hartley, 81, prominent retired businessman of Mountain View, brother of Roland H. Hartley, governor of Washington, and father of Charles F. Hartley of Santa Cruz.

Hartley moved here in 1910 where he and his son, Charles, purchased the Parkinson Hardware company which has since been known as the Hartley Hardware company. Since the senior Hartley's retirement in 1922 the company has been headed by Charles who also maintains a hardware store in Santa Cruz. In 1922 Hartley married Amelia Atherton, a sweetheart of 50 years previous, while on a visit to New Brunswick. His first wife, Mary Moosman [sic] [Moorman], died after moving here.

Three Sons

Mr. Hartley is survived by his widow; two daughters, Mrs. Clara Hartley of Los Angeles and Mrs. Hattie Bacon of Seattle; three sons, Alfred W. Hartley of San Pedro; James E. Hartley of New York state, and Charles F. Hartley of Santa Cruz. He is also survived by ten grandchildren, and four great grandchildren. He leaves a second brother beside Governor Roland Hartley of Washington, Heber H. Hartley of Duluth, Michigan [sic] [Minnesota], and a sister, Mrs. Louis G. Rogers of Buffalo, New York.

All of Mr. Hartley's children with the exception of James E. Hartley of New York were at his bedside at the time of his death. (Santa Cruz Evening News, Santa Cruz, California, 12 June 1931)



Early Pioneer of Brainerd, Cousin of

R. J. Hartley, Dies at

Age of 82 Years

Word was received here today of the death of Wilder Wellington Hartley, 82 year old brother of Governor Hartley of Washington and cousin of R. J. Hartley, 403 North Fourth street, Brainerd.

Mr. Hartley passed away June 10 at Mountain View, California.

Wilder Hartley was a pioneer of Brainerd being at one time editor and publisher of the old Brainerd Tribune, also postmaster for a number of years, municipal judge and hotel operator.

(Brainerd Dispatch, 19 June 1931, p. 3, c. 2)

On August 1, 1945 Lily A. Ericson sold the Tribune to C. E. DeRosier. (Brainerd 1871-1946, Carl Zapffe, Colwell Press, Incorporated, Minneapolis, Minnesota: 1946; p. 152)

Mrs. Ericson,

Former Tribune

Publisher, Dies

Sleigh driven by Clarence Smith advertising the Brainerd Tribune’s wire photos. Alberta Smith Benson, daughter of Clarence, is on the right in the back seat. The horses are facing north at the corner of South Sixth and Sycamore Streets with the Smith home in the immediate background, 1936. A 2002x1314 version of this photo is also available for viewing online.
Source: Crow Wing County Historical Society

Mrs. Lily A. Ericson, former publisher of the Brainerd Tribune, died Monday evening at San Diego, Calif., following major surgery, at the age of 85.

She was born at Vass, Minn., and grew up at Wheaton. After graduation from Moorhead State Teachers college, she taught school for several years, and in 1901 married George E. Ericson, Red Wing, at Argyle, where he was practicing law.

Mrs. Ericson was well-known throughout the state as a Republican leader and publisher of two weekly newspapers—the Northern News at Spooner, Minn., and the Brainerd Tribune, which she purchased in 1925 and published until 1945, when she moved to California. (Brainerd Dispatch, 13 March 1957, p. 1, c. 6)

Miss Anna Himrod, Local Historian,

Dies After Illness

Anna Himrod, one time editor and publisher of the Brainerd Tribune, ca. Unknown.
Source: Crow Wing County Historical Society

CROSBY — Miss Anna Himrod, 76, former range resident and one-time newspaper publisher here, died after a brief illness on March 20 at Erie, Pa. where she was living with her cousin.

She was born Jan. 24, 1887 in Chicago, Ill. She lived in Chicago, New Jersey and Waterford, Pa. during her school years, going on to New York to study music. Ill health changed her plans and she joined her father in the newspaper and printing business here, and for many years she published her own paper, the Ironton Ranger.

Ill health caused her retirement a number of years ago, but she continued her historical research and did a great deal of authoritative documentary work on the history of Crow Wing county and of the Chippewa Indians.

Miss Himrod also published several musical games and did much original work in the field of music, copyrighting several publications.

She was preceded in death by her parents and four brothers, Charles, Harold, George and Norman. She is survived by a nephew, David Himrod of Claremont, Calif. and by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Lucile [sic] Himrod of Ironton.

Funeral services were held March 22 at the Cathedral of St. Paul at Erie, Pa. with burial in the Waterford cemetery. (Brainerd Daily Dispatch, 28 March 1963, p. 2, c. 3) 

SEE: Dressen Block in the Buildings & Parks of Brainerd page.

NOTE: The Dressen Block at 213 South Sixth Street, which eventually housed Garvey’s Cafe in the 1920’s and 30’s and the Land O’ Lakes Cafe and Bar in the 1940’s, 50’s and later, also held at various times, the Arena and the Tribune.

SEE: Walverman Block in the Buildings & Parks of Brainerd page.


Bro. Stivers offers his Journal office and business for sale, with the understanding that it shall be run democratic by the purchase. (Brainerd Dispatch, 12 August 1892, p. 4, c. 3)

The Journal Changes Hands.

H. C. Stivers, for seventeen years editor and proprietor of the Brainerd Journal, yesterday morning sold the newspaper plant to Geo. Smith, of this city, and Mr. Smith took immediate possession and got out yesterday’s issue of the paper. Mr. Stivers retains the job department including all machinery, both newspaper and job presses. The consideration for $1700, $700 down and the balance $1000 to be paid Nov. 15th. In fact the title of the plant remains in Mr. Stivers’ name until the balance is paid although Mr. Smith will in the meantime conduct the paper. Mr. Smith has changed the politics of the paper and will make it republican, in fact the Journal contains an editorial in this issue booming Page Morris.

Mr. Smith is an able, enterprising young man with a good education, and will no doubt conduct a very creditable sheet. We wish him success in the journalistic field. (Brainerd Dispatch, 07 October 1898, p. 8, c. 2)

Bro. Stivers put up a pretty good job on his friends when he made them believe he had sold his interest in the Journal. (Brainerd Dispatch, 04 November 1898, p. 8, c. 1)

NOTE: Before coming to Brainerd H. C. Stivers was associate editor of the Little Falls Courier severing that connection in about July 15, 1876. He then started a newspaper of his own in Little Falls.

SEE: Daily Journal

SEE: Dispatch



Former Brainerd Editor, Now of Su-

perior Telegram, Succumbed to

Heart Disease Friday




On Telegram Editorial Staff 18 Years

and Never Lost a Day, Wished to

Make it 25 Years

Death suddenly claimed Col. H. C. Stivers, veteran editor aged 71, early Friday morning in Superior, Wisconsin. He leaves a wife and nine children by his first wife. The latter are Mrs. C. H. Kyllo of Brainerd, who left for Superior Friday afternoon; Mrs. F. P. Boor of Minneapolis; Mrs. W. B. Streeter of Minneapolis; Mrs. G. C. Pitt of Superior; O. C. And G. W. Stivers of Superior; A. E. Stivers of South Tacoma; E. H. of Oakland, Calif., and W. H. of Seattle, Wash.

Col. Stivers served with distinction in the Civil War and while he was in Brainerd was a member of the local G. A. R. post. He had charge of the Brainerd Daily News in the pioneer days of Brainerd in 1882 and conducted that a half year or more. He then started the Brainerd Journal, running it semi-weekly and then weekly, up to 1898.

At Superior he was first associated with Silver Joe Konkel in conducting a labor paper.

Col. Stivers then took up editorial duties on the Superior Telegram and in 18 years had never lost a day. His aim was to round out a quarter century service at his desk there.

Mrs. Kyllo on Thursday received a letter from her father in which he stated he had not been feeling well and saying he was gradually getting better. He never had a sick day in his life before that time.

His death comes as a blow to Brainerd people, for they hoped to have Col. Stivers in attendance at the home coming celebration here. (Brainerd Dispatch, 16 June 1922, p. 2, c. 5)



Thanks to the following individuals and organizations who made this website possible:

Crow Wing County Historical Society

Brian Marsh

Pam Nelson

John Van Essen

Brainerd Dispatch

Mike O’Rourke

Nisswa Historical Society

Dick Carlson, who granted permission to use material from Brainerd 1871-1946, Carl Zapffe, Colwell Press, Incorporated, Minneapolis, Minnesota: 1946, Oldtimers . . . Stories of Our Pioneers, Carl A. Zapffe, Jr., Echo Publishing Company, Pequot Lakes, Minnesota: 1987 and from Oldtimers II: Stories of Our Pioneers in the Cass and Crow Wing Lake Region, Volume II, Carl A. Zapffe, Jr., Echo Publishing and Printing, Incorporated, Pequot Lakes, Minnesota: 1988

Researched and Compiled by Ann M. Nelson. Last Update: 20 January 2018