The “Reflections” page for the Crow Wing County Historical Society at the Minnesota Digital Library website has audio recordings and transcriptions of Verbal Oral History Interviews from the '70s, '80s and '90s and over 1,300 Written Oral History Interviews from the WPA project in the 1930s.
In addition, the Digital Library now has twelve Videotaped Oral History Interviews created mostly in the 1980s and 1990s. The interviewees shared personal history and memories from their lives.
Our Mortuary Records page has the index and images of the 1889-1914 Losey & Dean mortuary records.
Our Heritage Edition Index page has an index of items appearing in the Brainerd Daily Dispatch Heritage edition, published in 1981.
Some public domain items have been scanned and processed with OCR technology to create searchable PDF files. Look for the icons, below. Recently added:
• “75” Brainerd, Minn., 1871-1946: 75th Anniv. book
• 1888 Brainerd City Directory
Below are some of the research resources available; much more is available at the library. Further questions can be answered by phone, email, or fax. Fees for research may apply.
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